best_block: BestBlock::from_genesis(network),
let channelmanager = Arc::new(ChannelManager::new(fee_est.clone(), monitor.clone(), broadcast.clone(), Arc::clone(&logger), keys_manager.clone(), config, params));
+ // Adding new calls to `KeysInterface::get_secure_random_bytes` during startup can change all the
+ // keys subsequently generated in this test. Rather than regenerating all the messages manually,
+ // it's easier to just increment the counter here so the keys don't change.
keys_manager.counter.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::AcqRel);
let our_id = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&Secp256k1::signing_only(), &keys_manager.get_node_secret(Recipient::Node).unwrap());
let network_graph = Arc::new(NetworkGraph::new(genesis_block(network).block_hash()));
let rand_bytes = keys_manager.get_secure_random_bytes();
let segwit_activation_height = segwit_activation_height(genesis_hash);
- let mut valid_block_range = if highest_seen_blockheight > segwit_activation_height {
- highest_seen_blockheight - segwit_activation_height
- } else {
- 1
- };
+ let mut blocks_since_segwit_activation = highest_seen_blockheight.saturating_sub(segwit_activation_height);
// We want to ensure that this fake channel won't conflict with any transactions we haven't
// seen yet, in case `highest_seen_blockheight` is updated before we get full information
// about transactions confirmed in the given block.
- if valid_block_range > BLOCKS_PER_MONTH { valid_block_range -= BLOCKS_PER_MONTH; }
+ blocks_since_segwit_activation = blocks_since_segwit_activation.saturating_sub(BLOCKS_PER_MONTH);
let rand_for_height = u32::from_be_bytes(rand_bytes[..4].try_into().unwrap());
- let fake_scid_height = segwit_activation_height + rand_for_height % valid_block_range;
+ let fake_scid_height = segwit_activation_height + rand_for_height % (blocks_since_segwit_activation + 1);
let rand_for_tx_index = u32::from_be_bytes(rand_bytes[4..8].try_into().unwrap());
let fake_scid_tx_index = rand_for_tx_index % MAX_TX_INDEX;