fn generate_routes<S: Score>(
- bench: &mut Bencher, graph: &NetworkGraph, scorer: S, features: InvoiceFeatures
+ bench: &mut Bencher, graph: &NetworkGraph, mut scorer: S, features: InvoiceFeatures
) {
let nodes = graph.read_only().nodes().clone();
let payer = payer_pubkey();
// First, get 100 (source, destination) pairs for which route-getting actually succeeds...
- let mut path_endpoints = Vec::new();
+ let mut routes = Vec::new();
+ let mut route_endpoints = Vec::new();
let mut seed: usize = 0xdeadbeef;
'load_endpoints: for _ in 0..100 {
loop {
let payee = Payee::from_node_id(dst).with_features(features.clone());
let first_hop = first_hop(src);
let amt = seed as u64 % 1_000_000;
- if get_route(&payer, &payee, &graph, Some(&[&first_hop]), amt, 42, &DummyLogger{}, &scorer).is_ok() {
- path_endpoints.push((first_hop, payee, amt));
+ if let Ok(route) = get_route(&payer, &payee, &graph, Some(&[&first_hop]), amt, 42, &DummyLogger{}, &scorer) {
+ routes.push(route);
+ route_endpoints.push((first_hop, payee, amt));
continue 'load_endpoints;
+ // ...and seed the scorer with success and failure data...
+ for route in routes {
+ let amount = route.get_total_amount();
+ if amount < 250_000 {
+ for path in route.paths {
+ scorer.payment_path_successful(&path.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>());
+ }
+ } else if amount > 750_000 {
+ for path in route.paths {
+ let short_channel_id = path[path.len() / 2].short_channel_id;
+ scorer.payment_path_failed(&path.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>(), short_channel_id);
+ }
+ }
+ }
// ...then benchmark finding paths between the nodes we learned.
let mut idx = 0;
bench.iter(|| {
- let (first_hop, payee, amt) = &path_endpoints[idx % path_endpoints.len()];
+ let (first_hop, payee, amt) = &route_endpoints[idx % route_endpoints.len()];
assert!(get_route(&payer, payee, &graph, Some(&[first_hop]), *amt, 42, &DummyLogger{}, &scorer).is_ok());
idx += 1;