pub fn create_announced_chan_between_nodes_with_value<'a, 'b, 'c, 'd>(nodes: &'a Vec<Node<'b, 'c, 'd>>, a: usize, b: usize, channel_value: u64, push_msat: u64, a_flags: InitFeatures, b_flags: InitFeatures) -> (msgs::ChannelUpdate, msgs::ChannelUpdate, [u8; 32], Transaction) {
let chan_announcement = create_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes[a], &nodes[b], channel_value, push_msat, a_flags, b_flags);
+ update_nodes_with_chan_announce(nodes, a, b, &chan_announcement.0, &chan_announcement.1, &chan_announcement.2);
+ (chan_announcement.1, chan_announcement.2, chan_announcement.3, chan_announcement.4)
+pub fn update_nodes_with_chan_announce<'a, 'b, 'c, 'd>(nodes: &'a Vec<Node<'b, 'c, 'd>>, a: usize, b: usize, ann: &msgs::ChannelAnnouncement, upd_1: &msgs::ChannelUpdate, upd_2: &msgs::ChannelUpdate) {
nodes[a].node.broadcast_node_announcement([0, 0, 0], [0; 32], Vec::new());
let a_events = nodes[a].node.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
assert_eq!(a_events.len(), 1);
for node in nodes {
- assert!(node.net_graph_msg_handler.handle_channel_announcement(&chan_announcement.0).unwrap());
- node.net_graph_msg_handler.handle_channel_update(&chan_announcement.1).unwrap();
- node.net_graph_msg_handler.handle_channel_update(&chan_announcement.2).unwrap();
+ assert!(node.net_graph_msg_handler.handle_channel_announcement(ann).unwrap());
+ node.net_graph_msg_handler.handle_channel_update(upd_1).unwrap();
+ node.net_graph_msg_handler.handle_channel_update(upd_2).unwrap();
- (chan_announcement.1, chan_announcement.2, chan_announcement.3, chan_announcement.4)
macro_rules! check_spends {
do_test_onchain_htlc_settlement_after_close(true, false);
do_test_onchain_htlc_settlement_after_close(false, false);
+fn test_duplicate_chan_id() {
+ // Test that if a given peer tries to open a channel with the same channel_id as one that is
+ // already open we reject it and keep the old channel.
+ //
+ // Previously, full_stack_target managed to figure out that if you tried to open two channels
+ // with the same funding output (ie post-funding channel_id), we'd create a monitor update for
+ // the existing channel when we detect the duplicate new channel, screwing up our monitor
+ // updating logic for the existing channel.
+ let chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(2);
+ let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(2, &chanmon_cfgs);
+ let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(2, &node_cfgs, &[None, None]);
+ let nodes = create_network(2, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
+ // Create an initial channel
+ nodes[0].node.create_channel(nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id(), 100000, 10001, 42, None).unwrap();
+ let mut open_chan_msg = get_event_msg!(nodes[0], MessageSendEvent::SendOpenChannel, nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id());
+ nodes[1].node.handle_open_channel(&nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id(), InitFeatures::known(), &open_chan_msg);
+ nodes[0].node.handle_accept_channel(&nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id(), InitFeatures::known(), &get_event_msg!(nodes[1], MessageSendEvent::SendAcceptChannel, nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id()));
+ // Try to create a second channel with the same temporary_channel_id as the first and check
+ // that it is rejected.
+ nodes[1].node.handle_open_channel(&nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id(), InitFeatures::known(), &open_chan_msg);
+ {
+ let events = nodes[1].node.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
+ assert_eq!(events.len(), 1);
+ match events[0] {
+ MessageSendEvent::HandleError { action: ErrorAction::SendErrorMessage { ref msg }, node_id } => {
+ // Technically, at this point, nodes[1] would be justified in thinking both the
+ // first (valid) and second (invalid) channels are closed, given they both have
+ // the same non-temporary channel_id. However, currently we do not, so we just
+ // move forward with it.
+ assert_eq!(msg.channel_id, open_chan_msg.temporary_channel_id);
+ assert_eq!(node_id, nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id());
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Unexpected event"),
+ }
+ }
+ // Move the first channel through the funding flow...
+ let (temporary_channel_id, tx, funding_output) = create_funding_transaction(&nodes[0], 100000, 42);
+ nodes[0].node.funding_transaction_generated(&temporary_channel_id, funding_output);
+ check_added_monitors!(nodes[0], 0);
+ let mut funding_created_msg = get_event_msg!(nodes[0], MessageSendEvent::SendFundingCreated, nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id());
+ nodes[1].node.handle_funding_created(&nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id(), &funding_created_msg);
+ {
+ let mut added_monitors = nodes[1].chain_monitor.added_monitors.lock().unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(added_monitors.len(), 1);
+ assert_eq!(added_monitors[0].0, funding_output);
+ added_monitors.clear();
+ }
+ let funding_signed_msg = get_event_msg!(nodes[1], MessageSendEvent::SendFundingSigned, nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id());
+ let funding_outpoint = ::chain::transaction::OutPoint { txid: funding_created_msg.funding_txid, index: funding_created_msg.funding_output_index };
+ let channel_id = funding_outpoint.to_channel_id();
+ // Now we have the first channel past funding_created (ie it has a txid-based channel_id, not a
+ // temporary one).
+ // First try to open a second channel with a temporary channel id equal to the txid-based one.
+ // Technically this is allowed by the spec, but we don't support it and there's little reason
+ // to. Still, it shouldn't cause any other issues.
+ open_chan_msg.temporary_channel_id = channel_id;
+ nodes[1].node.handle_open_channel(&nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id(), InitFeatures::known(), &open_chan_msg);
+ {
+ let events = nodes[1].node.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
+ assert_eq!(events.len(), 1);
+ match events[0] {
+ MessageSendEvent::HandleError { action: ErrorAction::SendErrorMessage { ref msg }, node_id } => {
+ // Technically, at this point, nodes[1] would be justified in thinking both
+ // channels are closed, but currently we do not, so we just move forward with it.
+ assert_eq!(msg.channel_id, open_chan_msg.temporary_channel_id);
+ assert_eq!(node_id, nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id());
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Unexpected event"),
+ }
+ }
+ // Now try to create a second channel which has a duplicate funding output.
+ nodes[0].node.create_channel(nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id(), 100000, 10001, 42, None).unwrap();
+ let open_chan_2_msg = get_event_msg!(nodes[0], MessageSendEvent::SendOpenChannel, nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id());
+ nodes[1].node.handle_open_channel(&nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id(), InitFeatures::known(), &open_chan_2_msg);
+ nodes[0].node.handle_accept_channel(&nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id(), InitFeatures::known(), &get_event_msg!(nodes[1], MessageSendEvent::SendAcceptChannel, nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id()));
+ create_funding_transaction(&nodes[0], 100000, 42); // Get and check the FundingGenerationReady event
+ let funding_created = {
+ let mut a_channel_lock = nodes[0].node.channel_state.lock().unwrap();
+ let mut as_chan = a_channel_lock.by_id.get_mut(&open_chan_2_msg.temporary_channel_id).unwrap();
+ let logger = test_utils::TestLogger::new();
+ as_chan.get_outbound_funding_created(funding_outpoint, &&logger).unwrap()
+ };
+ check_added_monitors!(nodes[0], 0);
+ nodes[1].node.handle_funding_created(&nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id(), &funding_created);
+ // At this point we'll try to add a duplicate channel monitor, which will be rejected, but
+ // still needs to be cleared here.
+ check_added_monitors!(nodes[1], 1);
+ // ...still, nodes[1] will reject the duplicate channel.
+ {
+ let events = nodes[1].node.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
+ assert_eq!(events.len(), 1);
+ match events[0] {
+ MessageSendEvent::HandleError { action: ErrorAction::SendErrorMessage { ref msg }, node_id } => {
+ // Technically, at this point, nodes[1] would be justified in thinking both
+ // channels are closed, but currently we do not, so we just move forward with it.
+ assert_eq!(msg.channel_id, channel_id);
+ assert_eq!(node_id, nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id());
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Unexpected event"),
+ }
+ }
+ // finally, finish creating the original channel and send a payment over it to make sure
+ // everything is functional.
+ nodes[0].node.handle_funding_signed(&nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id(), &funding_signed_msg);
+ {
+ let mut added_monitors = nodes[0].chain_monitor.added_monitors.lock().unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(added_monitors.len(), 1);
+ assert_eq!(added_monitors[0].0, funding_output);
+ added_monitors.clear();
+ }
+ let events_4 = nodes[0].node.get_and_clear_pending_events();
+ assert_eq!(events_4.len(), 1);
+ match events_4[0] {
+ Event::FundingBroadcastSafe { ref funding_txo, user_channel_id } => {
+ assert_eq!(user_channel_id, 42);
+ assert_eq!(*funding_txo, funding_output);
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Unexpected event"),
+ };
+ let (funding_locked, _) = create_chan_between_nodes_with_value_confirm(&nodes[0], &nodes[1], &tx);
+ let (announcement, as_update, bs_update) = create_chan_between_nodes_with_value_b(&nodes[0], &nodes[1], &funding_locked);
+ update_nodes_with_chan_announce(&nodes, 0, 1, &announcement, &as_update, &bs_update);
+ send_payment(&nodes[0], &[&nodes[1]], 8000000, 8_000_000);