// remote monitor out-of-order with regards to the block view.
holder_tx_signed: bool,
+ // If a spend of the funding output is seen, we set this to true and reject any further
+ // updates. This prevents any further changes in the offchain state no matter the order
+ // of block connection between ChannelMonitors and the ChannelManager.
+ funding_spend_seen: bool,
funding_spend_confirmed: Option<Txid>,
/// The set of HTLCs which have been either claimed or failed on chain and have reached
/// the requisite confirmations on the claim/fail transaction (either ANTI_REORG_DELAY or the
self.outputs_to_watch != other.outputs_to_watch ||
self.lockdown_from_offchain != other.lockdown_from_offchain ||
self.holder_tx_signed != other.holder_tx_signed ||
+ self.funding_spend_seen != other.funding_spend_seen ||
self.funding_spend_confirmed != other.funding_spend_confirmed ||
self.htlcs_resolved_on_chain != other.htlcs_resolved_on_chain
(1, self.funding_spend_confirmed, option),
(3, self.htlcs_resolved_on_chain, vec_type),
(5, self.pending_monitor_events, vec_type),
+ (7, self.funding_spend_seen, required),
lockdown_from_offchain: false,
holder_tx_signed: false,
+ funding_spend_seen: false,
funding_spend_confirmed: None,
htlcs_resolved_on_chain: Vec::new(),
self.latest_update_id = updates.update_id;
+ if ret.is_ok() && self.funding_spend_seen {
+ ret = Err(MonitorUpdateError("Counterparty attempted to update commitment after funding was spent"));
+ }
let mut balance_spendable_csv = None;
log_info!(logger, "Channel {} closed by funding output spend in txid {}.",
log_bytes!(self.funding_info.0.to_channel_id()), tx.txid());
+ self.funding_spend_seen = true;
if (tx.input[0].sequence >> 8*3) as u8 == 0x80 && (tx.lock_time >> 8*3) as u8 == 0x20 {
let (mut new_outpoints, new_outputs) = self.check_spend_counterparty_transaction(&tx, height, &logger);
if !new_outputs.1.is_empty() {
let mut funding_spend_confirmed = None;
let mut htlcs_resolved_on_chain = Some(Vec::new());
+ let mut funding_spend_seen = Some(false);
read_tlv_fields!(reader, {
(1, funding_spend_confirmed, option),
(3, htlcs_resolved_on_chain, vec_type),
(5, pending_monitor_events, vec_type),
+ (7, funding_spend_seen, option),
let mut secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
+ funding_spend_seen: funding_spend_seen.unwrap(),
htlcs_resolved_on_chain: htlcs_resolved_on_chain.unwrap(),
mod tests {
+ use bitcoin::blockdata::block::BlockHeader;
use bitcoin::blockdata::script::{Script, Builder};
use bitcoin::blockdata::opcodes;
use bitcoin::blockdata::transaction::{Transaction, TxIn, TxOut, SigHashType};
use bitcoin::hashes::Hash;
use bitcoin::hashes::sha256::Hash as Sha256;
use bitcoin::hashes::hex::FromHex;
- use bitcoin::hash_types::Txid;
+ use bitcoin::hash_types::{BlockHash, Txid};
use bitcoin::network::constants::Network;
+ use bitcoin::secp256k1::key::{SecretKey,PublicKey};
+ use bitcoin::secp256k1::Secp256k1;
use hex;
- use chain::BestBlock;
+ use super::ChannelMonitorUpdateStep;
+ use ::{check_added_monitors, check_closed_broadcast, check_closed_event, check_spends, get_local_commitment_txn, get_monitor, get_route_and_payment_hash, unwrap_send_err};
+ use chain::{BestBlock, Confirm};
use chain::channelmonitor::ChannelMonitor;
use chain::transaction::OutPoint;
+ use chain::keysinterface::InMemorySigner;
use ln::{PaymentPreimage, PaymentHash};
use ln::chan_utils;
use ln::chan_utils::{HTLCOutputInCommitment, ChannelPublicKeys, ChannelTransactionParameters, HolderCommitmentTransaction, CounterpartyChannelTransactionParameters};
+ use ln::channelmanager::PaymentSendFailure;
+ use ln::features::InitFeatures;
+ use ln::functional_test_utils::*;
use ln::script::ShutdownScript;
+ use util::errors::APIError;
+ use util::events::{ClosureReason, MessageSendEventsProvider};
use util::test_utils::{TestLogger, TestBroadcaster, TestFeeEstimator};
- use bitcoin::secp256k1::key::{SecretKey,PublicKey};
- use bitcoin::secp256k1::Secp256k1;
+ use util::ser::{ReadableArgs, Writeable};
use sync::{Arc, Mutex};
- use chain::keysinterface::InMemorySigner;
+ use io;
use prelude::*;
+ fn do_test_funding_spend_refuses_updates(use_local_txn: bool) {
+ // Previously, monitor updates were allowed freely even after a funding-spend transaction
+ // confirmed. This would allow a race condition where we could receive a payment (including
+ // the counterparty revoking their broadcasted state!) and accept it without recourse as
+ // long as the ChannelMonitor receives the block first, the full commitment update dance
+ // occurs after the block is connected, and before the ChannelManager receives the block.
+ // Obviously this is an incredibly contrived race given the counterparty would be risking
+ // their full channel balance for it, but its worth fixing nonetheless as it makes the
+ // potential ChannelMonitor states simpler to reason about.
+ //
+ // This test checks said behavior, as well as ensuring a ChannelMonitorUpdate with multiple
+ // updates is handled correctly in such conditions.
+ let chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(3);
+ let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(3, &chanmon_cfgs);
+ let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(3, &node_cfgs, &[None, None, None]);
+ let nodes = create_network(3, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
+ let channel = create_announced_chan_between_nodes(
+ &nodes, 0, 1, InitFeatures::known(), InitFeatures::known());
+ create_announced_chan_between_nodes(
+ &nodes, 1, 2, InitFeatures::known(), InitFeatures::known());
+ // Rebalance somewhat
+ send_payment(&nodes[0], &[&nodes[1]], 10_000_000);
+ // First route two payments for testing at the end
+ let payment_preimage_1 = route_payment(&nodes[0], &[&nodes[1], &nodes[2]], 1_000_000).0;
+ let payment_preimage_2 = route_payment(&nodes[0], &[&nodes[1], &nodes[2]], 1_000_000).0;
+ let local_txn = get_local_commitment_txn!(nodes[1], channel.2);
+ assert_eq!(local_txn.len(), 1);
+ let remote_txn = get_local_commitment_txn!(nodes[0], channel.2);
+ assert_eq!(remote_txn.len(), 3); // Commitment and two HTLC-Timeouts
+ check_spends!(remote_txn[1], remote_txn[0]);
+ check_spends!(remote_txn[2], remote_txn[0]);
+ let broadcast_tx = if use_local_txn { &local_txn[0] } else { &remote_txn[0] };
+ // Connect a commitment transaction, but only to the ChainMonitor/ChannelMonitor. The
+ // channel is now closed, but the ChannelManager doesn't know that yet.
+ let new_header = BlockHeader {
+ version: 2, time: 0, bits: 0, nonce: 0,
+ prev_blockhash: nodes[0].best_block_info().0,
+ merkle_root: Default::default() };
+ let conf_height = nodes[0].best_block_info().1 + 1;
+ nodes[1].chain_monitor.chain_monitor.transactions_confirmed(&new_header,
+ &[(0, broadcast_tx)], conf_height);
+ let (_, pre_update_monitor) = <(BlockHash, ChannelMonitor<InMemorySigner>)>::read(
+ &mut io::Cursor::new(&get_monitor!(nodes[1], channel.2).encode()),
+ &nodes[1].keys_manager.backing).unwrap();
+ // If the ChannelManager tries to update the channel, however, the ChainMonitor will pass
+ // the update through to the ChannelMonitor which will refuse it (as the channel is closed).
+ let (route, payment_hash, _, payment_secret) = get_route_and_payment_hash!(nodes[1], nodes[0], 100_000);
+ unwrap_send_err!(nodes[1].node.send_payment(&route, payment_hash, &Some(payment_secret)),
+ true, APIError::ChannelUnavailable { ref err },
+ assert!(err.contains("ChannelMonitor storage failure")));
+ check_added_monitors!(nodes[1], 2); // After the failure we generate a close-channel monitor update
+ check_closed_broadcast!(nodes[1], true);
+ check_closed_event!(nodes[1], 1, ClosureReason::ProcessingError { err: "ChannelMonitor storage failure".to_string() });
+ // Build a new ChannelMonitorUpdate which contains both the failing commitment tx update
+ // and provides the claim preimages for the two pending HTLCs. The first update generates
+ // an error, but the point of this test is to ensure the later updates are still applied.
+ let monitor_updates = nodes[1].chain_monitor.monitor_updates.lock().unwrap();
+ let mut replay_update = monitor_updates.get(&channel.2).unwrap().iter().rev().skip(1).next().unwrap().clone();
+ assert_eq!(replay_update.updates.len(), 1);
+ if let ChannelMonitorUpdateStep::LatestCounterpartyCommitmentTXInfo { .. } = replay_update.updates[0] {
+ } else { panic!(); }
+ replay_update.updates.push(ChannelMonitorUpdateStep::PaymentPreimage { payment_preimage: payment_preimage_1 });
+ replay_update.updates.push(ChannelMonitorUpdateStep::PaymentPreimage { payment_preimage: payment_preimage_2 });
+ let broadcaster = TestBroadcaster::new(Arc::clone(&nodes[1].blocks));
+ assert!(
+ pre_update_monitor.update_monitor(&replay_update, &&broadcaster, &&chanmon_cfgs[1].fee_estimator, &nodes[1].logger)
+ .is_err());
+ // Even though we error'd on the first update, we should still have generated an HTLC claim
+ // transaction
+ let txn_broadcasted = broadcaster.txn_broadcasted.lock().unwrap().split_off(0);
+ assert!(txn_broadcasted.len() >= 2);
+ let htlc_txn = txn_broadcasted.iter().filter(|tx| {
+ assert_eq!(tx.input.len(), 1);
+ tx.input[0].previous_output.txid == broadcast_tx.txid()
+ }).collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ assert_eq!(htlc_txn.len(), 2);
+ check_spends!(htlc_txn[0], broadcast_tx);
+ check_spends!(htlc_txn[1], broadcast_tx);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_funding_spend_refuses_updates() {
+ do_test_funding_spend_refuses_updates(true);
+ do_test_funding_spend_refuses_updates(false);
+ }
fn test_prune_preimages() {
let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();