use secp256k1::key::{SecretKey,PublicKey};
use secp256k1;
-use ln::msgs::HandleError;
+use ln::msgs::{DecodeError, HandleError};
use ln::chan_utils;
use ln::chan_utils::HTLCOutputInCommitment;
use chain::chaininterface::{ChainListener, ChainWatchInterface, BroadcasterInterface};
use chain::transaction::OutPoint;
+use util::ser::Readable;
use util::sha2::Sha256;
use util::byte_utils;
- /// Attempts to decode a serialized monitor
- pub fn deserialize(data: &[u8]) -> Option<Self> {
- let mut read_pos = 0;
- macro_rules! read_bytes {
- ($byte_count: expr) => {
- {
- if ($byte_count as usize) > data.len() - read_pos {
- return None;
- }
- read_pos += $byte_count as usize;
- &data[read_pos - $byte_count as usize..read_pos]
- }
- }
- }
- let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
- macro_rules! unwrap_obj {
- ($key: expr) => {
- match $key {
- Ok(res) => res,
- Err(_) => return None,
- }
- }
- }
- let _ver = read_bytes!(1)[0];
- let min_ver = read_bytes!(1)[0];
- return None;
- }
- // Technically this can fail and serialize fail a round-trip, but only for serialization of
- // barely-init'd ChannelMonitors that we can't do anything with.
- let outpoint = OutPoint {
- txid: Sha256dHash::from(read_bytes!(32)),
- index: byte_utils::slice_to_be16(read_bytes!(2)),
- };
- let script_len = byte_utils::slice_to_be64(read_bytes!(8));
- let funding_txo = Some((outpoint, Script::from(read_bytes!(script_len).to_vec())));
- let commitment_transaction_number_obscure_factor = byte_utils::slice_to_be48(read_bytes!(6));
- let key_storage = match read_bytes!(1)[0] {
- 0 => {
- KeyStorage::PrivMode {
- revocation_base_key: unwrap_obj!(SecretKey::from_slice(&secp_ctx, read_bytes!(32))),
- htlc_base_key: unwrap_obj!(SecretKey::from_slice(&secp_ctx, read_bytes!(32))),
- }
- },
- _ => return None,
- };
- let delayed_payment_base_key = unwrap_obj!(PublicKey::from_slice(&secp_ctx, read_bytes!(33)));
- let their_htlc_base_key = Some(unwrap_obj!(PublicKey::from_slice(&secp_ctx, read_bytes!(33))));
- let their_delayed_payment_base_key = Some(unwrap_obj!(PublicKey::from_slice(&secp_ctx, read_bytes!(33))));
- let their_cur_revocation_points = {
- let first_idx = byte_utils::slice_to_be48(read_bytes!(6));
- if first_idx == 0 {
- None
- } else {
- let first_point = unwrap_obj!(PublicKey::from_slice(&secp_ctx, read_bytes!(33)));
- let second_point_slice = read_bytes!(33);
- if second_point_slice[0..32] == [0; 32] && second_point_slice[32] == 0 {
- Some((first_idx, first_point, None))
- } else {
- Some((first_idx, first_point, Some(unwrap_obj!(PublicKey::from_slice(&secp_ctx, second_point_slice)))))
- }
- }
- };
- let our_to_self_delay = byte_utils::slice_to_be16(read_bytes!(2));
- let their_to_self_delay = Some(byte_utils::slice_to_be16(read_bytes!(2)));
- let mut old_secrets = [([0; 32], 1 << 48); 49];
- for &mut (ref mut secret, ref mut idx) in old_secrets.iter_mut() {
- secret.copy_from_slice(read_bytes!(32));
- *idx = byte_utils::slice_to_be64(read_bytes!(8));
- }
- macro_rules! read_htlc_in_commitment {
- () => {
- {
- let offered = match read_bytes!(1)[0] {
- 0 => false, 1 => true,
- _ => return None,
- };
- let amount_msat = byte_utils::slice_to_be64(read_bytes!(8));
- let cltv_expiry = byte_utils::slice_to_be32(read_bytes!(4));
- let mut payment_hash = [0; 32];
- payment_hash[..].copy_from_slice(read_bytes!(32));
- let transaction_output_index = byte_utils::slice_to_be32(read_bytes!(4));
- HTLCOutputInCommitment {
- offered, amount_msat, cltv_expiry, payment_hash, transaction_output_index
- }
- }
- }
- }
- let remote_claimable_outpoints_len = byte_utils::slice_to_be64(read_bytes!(8));
- if remote_claimable_outpoints_len > data.len() as u64 / 64 { return None; }
- let mut remote_claimable_outpoints = HashMap::with_capacity(remote_claimable_outpoints_len as usize);
- for _ in 0..remote_claimable_outpoints_len {
- let txid = Sha256dHash::from(read_bytes!(32));
- let outputs_count = byte_utils::slice_to_be64(read_bytes!(8));
- if outputs_count > data.len() as u64 / 32 { return None; }
- let mut outputs = Vec::with_capacity(outputs_count as usize);
- for _ in 0..outputs_count {
- outputs.push(read_htlc_in_commitment!());
- }
- if let Some(_) = remote_claimable_outpoints.insert(txid, outputs) {
- return None;
- }
- }
- let remote_commitment_txn_on_chain_len = byte_utils::slice_to_be64(read_bytes!(8));
- if remote_commitment_txn_on_chain_len > data.len() as u64 / 32 { return None; }
- let mut remote_commitment_txn_on_chain = HashMap::with_capacity(remote_commitment_txn_on_chain_len as usize);
- for _ in 0..remote_commitment_txn_on_chain_len {
- let txid = Sha256dHash::from(read_bytes!(32));
- let commitment_number = byte_utils::slice_to_be48(read_bytes!(6));
- if let Some(_) = remote_commitment_txn_on_chain.insert(txid, commitment_number) {
- return None;
- }
- }
- let remote_hash_commitment_number_len = byte_utils::slice_to_be64(read_bytes!(8));
- if remote_hash_commitment_number_len > data.len() as u64 / 32 { return None; }
- let mut remote_hash_commitment_number = HashMap::with_capacity(remote_hash_commitment_number_len as usize);
- for _ in 0..remote_hash_commitment_number_len {
- let mut txid = [0; 32];
- txid[..].copy_from_slice(read_bytes!(32));
- let commitment_number = byte_utils::slice_to_be48(read_bytes!(6));
- if let Some(_) = remote_hash_commitment_number.insert(txid, commitment_number) {
- return None;
- }
- }
- macro_rules! read_local_tx {
- () => {
- {
- let tx_len = byte_utils::slice_to_be64(read_bytes!(8));
- let tx_ser = read_bytes!(tx_len);
- let tx: Transaction = unwrap_obj!(serialize::deserialize(tx_ser));
- if serialize::serialize(&tx).unwrap() != tx_ser {
- // We check that the tx re-serializes to the same form to ensure there is
- // no extra data, and as rust-bitcoin doesn't handle the 0-input ambiguity
- // all that well.
- return None;
- }
- let revocation_key = unwrap_obj!(PublicKey::from_slice(&secp_ctx, read_bytes!(33)));
- let a_htlc_key = unwrap_obj!(PublicKey::from_slice(&secp_ctx, read_bytes!(33)));
- let b_htlc_key = unwrap_obj!(PublicKey::from_slice(&secp_ctx, read_bytes!(33)));
- let delayed_payment_key = unwrap_obj!(PublicKey::from_slice(&secp_ctx, read_bytes!(33)));
- let feerate_per_kw = byte_utils::slice_to_be64(read_bytes!(8));
- let htlc_outputs_len = byte_utils::slice_to_be64(read_bytes!(8));
- if htlc_outputs_len > data.len() as u64 / 128 { return None; }
- let mut htlc_outputs = Vec::with_capacity(htlc_outputs_len as usize);
- for _ in 0..htlc_outputs_len {
- htlc_outputs.push((read_htlc_in_commitment!(),
- unwrap_obj!(Signature::from_compact(&secp_ctx, read_bytes!(64))),
- unwrap_obj!(Signature::from_compact(&secp_ctx, read_bytes!(64)))));
- }
- LocalSignedTx {
- txid: tx.txid(),
- tx, revocation_key, a_htlc_key, b_htlc_key, delayed_payment_key, feerate_per_kw, htlc_outputs
- }
- }
- }
- }
- let prev_local_signed_commitment_tx = match read_bytes!(1)[0] {
- 0 => None,
- 1 => {
- Some(read_local_tx!())
- },
- _ => return None,
- };
- let current_local_signed_commitment_tx = match read_bytes!(1)[0] {
- 0 => None,
- 1 => {
- Some(read_local_tx!())
- },
- _ => return None,
- };
- let payment_preimages_len = byte_utils::slice_to_be64(read_bytes!(8));
- if payment_preimages_len > data.len() as u64 / 32 { return None; }
- let mut payment_preimages = HashMap::with_capacity(payment_preimages_len as usize);
- let mut sha = Sha256::new();
- for _ in 0..payment_preimages_len {
- let mut preimage = [0; 32];
- preimage[..].copy_from_slice(read_bytes!(32));
- sha.reset();
- sha.input(&preimage);
- let mut hash = [0; 32];
- sha.result(&mut hash);
- if let Some(_) = payment_preimages.insert(hash, preimage) {
- return None;
- }
- }
- let destination_script_len = byte_utils::slice_to_be64(read_bytes!(8));
- let destination_script = Script::from(read_bytes!(destination_script_len).to_vec());
- Some(ChannelMonitor {
- funding_txo,
- commitment_transaction_number_obscure_factor,
- key_storage,
- delayed_payment_base_key,
- their_htlc_base_key,
- their_delayed_payment_base_key,
- their_cur_revocation_points,
- our_to_self_delay,
- their_to_self_delay,
- old_secrets,
- remote_claimable_outpoints,
- remote_commitment_txn_on_chain: Mutex::new(remote_commitment_txn_on_chain),
- remote_hash_commitment_number,
- prev_local_signed_commitment_tx,
- current_local_signed_commitment_tx,
- payment_preimages,
- destination_script,
- secp_ctx,
- })
- }
//TODO: Functions to serialize/deserialize (with different forms depending on which information
//we want to leave out (eg funding_txo, etc).
+impl<R: ::std::io::Read> Readable<R> for ChannelMonitor {
+ fn read(reader: &mut R) -> Result<Self, DecodeError> {
+ // TODO: read_to_end and then deserializing from that vector is really dumb, we should
+ // actually use the fancy serialization framework we have instead of hacking around it.
+ let mut datavec = Vec::new();
+ reader.read_to_end(&mut datavec)?;
+ let data = &datavec;
+ let mut read_pos = 0;
+ macro_rules! read_bytes {
+ ($byte_count: expr) => {
+ {
+ if ($byte_count as usize) > data.len() - read_pos {
+ return Err(DecodeError::ShortRead);
+ }
+ read_pos += $byte_count as usize;
+ &data[read_pos - $byte_count as usize..read_pos]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
+ macro_rules! unwrap_obj {
+ ($key: expr) => {
+ match $key {
+ Ok(res) => res,
+ Err(_) => return Err(DecodeError::InvalidValue),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let _ver = read_bytes!(1)[0];
+ let min_ver = read_bytes!(1)[0];
+ return Err(DecodeError::UnknownVersion);
+ }
+ // Technically this can fail and serialize fail a round-trip, but only for serialization of
+ // barely-init'd ChannelMonitors that we can't do anything with.
+ let outpoint = OutPoint {
+ txid: Sha256dHash::from(read_bytes!(32)),
+ index: byte_utils::slice_to_be16(read_bytes!(2)),
+ };
+ let script_len = byte_utils::slice_to_be64(read_bytes!(8));
+ let funding_txo = Some((outpoint, Script::from(read_bytes!(script_len).to_vec())));
+ let commitment_transaction_number_obscure_factor = byte_utils::slice_to_be48(read_bytes!(6));
+ let key_storage = match read_bytes!(1)[0] {
+ 0 => {
+ KeyStorage::PrivMode {
+ revocation_base_key: unwrap_obj!(SecretKey::from_slice(&secp_ctx, read_bytes!(32))),
+ htlc_base_key: unwrap_obj!(SecretKey::from_slice(&secp_ctx, read_bytes!(32))),
+ }
+ },
+ _ => return Err(DecodeError::InvalidValue),
+ };
+ let delayed_payment_base_key = unwrap_obj!(PublicKey::from_slice(&secp_ctx, read_bytes!(33)));
+ let their_htlc_base_key = Some(unwrap_obj!(PublicKey::from_slice(&secp_ctx, read_bytes!(33))));
+ let their_delayed_payment_base_key = Some(unwrap_obj!(PublicKey::from_slice(&secp_ctx, read_bytes!(33))));
+ let their_cur_revocation_points = {
+ let first_idx = byte_utils::slice_to_be48(read_bytes!(6));
+ if first_idx == 0 {
+ None
+ } else {
+ let first_point = unwrap_obj!(PublicKey::from_slice(&secp_ctx, read_bytes!(33)));
+ let second_point_slice = read_bytes!(33);
+ if second_point_slice[0..32] == [0; 32] && second_point_slice[32] == 0 {
+ Some((first_idx, first_point, None))
+ } else {
+ Some((first_idx, first_point, Some(unwrap_obj!(PublicKey::from_slice(&secp_ctx, second_point_slice)))))
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ let our_to_self_delay = byte_utils::slice_to_be16(read_bytes!(2));
+ let their_to_self_delay = Some(byte_utils::slice_to_be16(read_bytes!(2)));
+ let mut old_secrets = [([0; 32], 1 << 48); 49];
+ for &mut (ref mut secret, ref mut idx) in old_secrets.iter_mut() {
+ secret.copy_from_slice(read_bytes!(32));
+ *idx = byte_utils::slice_to_be64(read_bytes!(8));
+ }
+ macro_rules! read_htlc_in_commitment {
+ () => {
+ {
+ let offered = match read_bytes!(1)[0] {
+ 0 => false, 1 => true,
+ _ => return Err(DecodeError::InvalidValue),
+ };
+ let amount_msat = byte_utils::slice_to_be64(read_bytes!(8));
+ let cltv_expiry = byte_utils::slice_to_be32(read_bytes!(4));
+ let mut payment_hash = [0; 32];
+ payment_hash[..].copy_from_slice(read_bytes!(32));
+ let transaction_output_index = byte_utils::slice_to_be32(read_bytes!(4));
+ HTLCOutputInCommitment {
+ offered, amount_msat, cltv_expiry, payment_hash, transaction_output_index
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let remote_claimable_outpoints_len = byte_utils::slice_to_be64(read_bytes!(8));
+ if remote_claimable_outpoints_len > data.len() as u64 / 64 { return Err(DecodeError::BadLengthDescriptor); }
+ let mut remote_claimable_outpoints = HashMap::with_capacity(remote_claimable_outpoints_len as usize);
+ for _ in 0..remote_claimable_outpoints_len {
+ let txid = Sha256dHash::from(read_bytes!(32));
+ let outputs_count = byte_utils::slice_to_be64(read_bytes!(8));
+ if outputs_count > data.len() as u64 / 32 { return Err(DecodeError::BadLengthDescriptor); }
+ let mut outputs = Vec::with_capacity(outputs_count as usize);
+ for _ in 0..outputs_count {
+ outputs.push(read_htlc_in_commitment!());
+ }
+ if let Some(_) = remote_claimable_outpoints.insert(txid, outputs) {
+ return Err(DecodeError::InvalidValue);
+ }
+ }
+ let remote_commitment_txn_on_chain_len = byte_utils::slice_to_be64(read_bytes!(8));
+ if remote_commitment_txn_on_chain_len > data.len() as u64 / 32 { return Err(DecodeError::BadLengthDescriptor); }
+ let mut remote_commitment_txn_on_chain = HashMap::with_capacity(remote_commitment_txn_on_chain_len as usize);
+ for _ in 0..remote_commitment_txn_on_chain_len {
+ let txid = Sha256dHash::from(read_bytes!(32));
+ let commitment_number = byte_utils::slice_to_be48(read_bytes!(6));
+ if let Some(_) = remote_commitment_txn_on_chain.insert(txid, commitment_number) {
+ return Err(DecodeError::InvalidValue);
+ }
+ }
+ let remote_hash_commitment_number_len = byte_utils::slice_to_be64(read_bytes!(8));
+ if remote_hash_commitment_number_len > data.len() as u64 / 32 { return Err(DecodeError::BadLengthDescriptor); }
+ let mut remote_hash_commitment_number = HashMap::with_capacity(remote_hash_commitment_number_len as usize);
+ for _ in 0..remote_hash_commitment_number_len {
+ let mut txid = [0; 32];
+ txid[..].copy_from_slice(read_bytes!(32));
+ let commitment_number = byte_utils::slice_to_be48(read_bytes!(6));
+ if let Some(_) = remote_hash_commitment_number.insert(txid, commitment_number) {
+ return Err(DecodeError::InvalidValue);
+ }
+ }
+ macro_rules! read_local_tx {
+ () => {
+ {
+ let tx_len = byte_utils::slice_to_be64(read_bytes!(8));
+ let tx_ser = read_bytes!(tx_len);
+ let tx: Transaction = unwrap_obj!(serialize::deserialize(tx_ser));
+ if serialize::serialize(&tx).unwrap() != tx_ser {
+ // We check that the tx re-serializes to the same form to ensure there is
+ // no extra data, and as rust-bitcoin doesn't handle the 0-input ambiguity
+ // all that well.
+ return Err(DecodeError::InvalidValue);
+ }
+ let revocation_key = unwrap_obj!(PublicKey::from_slice(&secp_ctx, read_bytes!(33)));
+ let a_htlc_key = unwrap_obj!(PublicKey::from_slice(&secp_ctx, read_bytes!(33)));
+ let b_htlc_key = unwrap_obj!(PublicKey::from_slice(&secp_ctx, read_bytes!(33)));
+ let delayed_payment_key = unwrap_obj!(PublicKey::from_slice(&secp_ctx, read_bytes!(33)));
+ let feerate_per_kw = byte_utils::slice_to_be64(read_bytes!(8));
+ let htlc_outputs_len = byte_utils::slice_to_be64(read_bytes!(8));
+ if htlc_outputs_len > data.len() as u64 / 128 { return Err(DecodeError::BadLengthDescriptor); }
+ let mut htlc_outputs = Vec::with_capacity(htlc_outputs_len as usize);
+ for _ in 0..htlc_outputs_len {
+ htlc_outputs.push((read_htlc_in_commitment!(),
+ unwrap_obj!(Signature::from_compact(&secp_ctx, read_bytes!(64))),
+ unwrap_obj!(Signature::from_compact(&secp_ctx, read_bytes!(64)))));
+ }
+ LocalSignedTx {
+ txid: tx.txid(),
+ tx, revocation_key, a_htlc_key, b_htlc_key, delayed_payment_key, feerate_per_kw, htlc_outputs
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let prev_local_signed_commitment_tx = match read_bytes!(1)[0] {
+ 0 => None,
+ 1 => {
+ Some(read_local_tx!())
+ },
+ _ => return Err(DecodeError::InvalidValue),
+ };
+ let current_local_signed_commitment_tx = match read_bytes!(1)[0] {
+ 0 => None,
+ 1 => {
+ Some(read_local_tx!())
+ },
+ _ => return Err(DecodeError::InvalidValue),
+ };
+ let payment_preimages_len = byte_utils::slice_to_be64(read_bytes!(8));
+ if payment_preimages_len > data.len() as u64 / 32 { return Err(DecodeError::InvalidValue); }
+ let mut payment_preimages = HashMap::with_capacity(payment_preimages_len as usize);
+ let mut sha = Sha256::new();
+ for _ in 0..payment_preimages_len {
+ let mut preimage = [0; 32];
+ preimage[..].copy_from_slice(read_bytes!(32));
+ sha.reset();
+ sha.input(&preimage);
+ let mut hash = [0; 32];
+ sha.result(&mut hash);
+ if let Some(_) = payment_preimages.insert(hash, preimage) {
+ return Err(DecodeError::InvalidValue);
+ }
+ }
+ let destination_script_len = byte_utils::slice_to_be64(read_bytes!(8));
+ let destination_script = Script::from(read_bytes!(destination_script_len).to_vec());
+ Ok(ChannelMonitor {
+ funding_txo,
+ commitment_transaction_number_obscure_factor,
+ key_storage,
+ delayed_payment_base_key,
+ their_htlc_base_key,
+ their_delayed_payment_base_key,
+ their_cur_revocation_points,
+ our_to_self_delay,
+ their_to_self_delay,
+ old_secrets,
+ remote_claimable_outpoints,
+ remote_commitment_txn_on_chain: Mutex::new(remote_commitment_txn_on_chain),
+ remote_hash_commitment_number,
+ prev_local_signed_commitment_tx,
+ current_local_signed_commitment_tx,
+ payment_preimages,
+ destination_script,
+ secp_ctx,
+ })
+ }
mod tests {
use bitcoin::blockdata::script::Script;