their_shutdown_scriptpubkey: Option<Script>,
- /// Used exclusively to broadcast the latest local state, mostly a historical quirk that this
- /// is here:
- channel_monitor: Option<ChannelMonitor<ChanSigner>>,
commitment_secrets: CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets,
network_sync: UpdateStatus,
their_shutdown_scriptpubkey: None,
- channel_monitor: None,
commitment_secrets: CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets::new(),
network_sync: UpdateStatus::Fresh,
- channel_monitor: None,
commitment_secrets: CounterpartyCommitmentSecrets::new(),
network_sync: UpdateStatus::Fresh,
payment_preimage: payment_preimage_arg.clone(),
- self.channel_monitor.as_mut().unwrap().update_monitor_ooo(monitor_update.clone(), logger).unwrap();
if (self.channel_state & (ChannelState::AwaitingRemoteRevoke as u32 | ChannelState::PeerDisconnected as u32 | ChannelState::MonitorUpdateFailed as u32)) != 0 {
for pending_update in self.holding_cell_htlc_updates.iter() {
} }
- self.channel_monitor = Some(create_monitor!());
let channel_monitor = create_monitor!();
self.channel_state = ChannelState::FundingSent as u32;
} }
- self.channel_monitor = Some(create_monitor!());
let channel_monitor = create_monitor!();
assert_eq!(self.channel_state & (ChannelState::MonitorUpdateFailed as u32), 0); // We have no had any monitor(s) yet to fail update!
htlc_outputs: htlcs_and_sigs
- self.channel_monitor.as_mut().unwrap().update_monitor_ooo(monitor_update.clone(), logger).unwrap();
for htlc in self.pending_inbound_htlcs.iter_mut() {
let new_forward = if let &InboundHTLCState::RemoteAnnounced(ref forward_info) = &htlc.state {
secret: msg.per_commitment_secret,
- self.channel_monitor.as_mut().unwrap().update_monitor_ooo(monitor_update.clone(), logger).unwrap();
// Update state now that we've passed all the can-fail calls...
// (note that we may still fail to generate the new commitment_signed message, but that's
- /// May only be called after funding has been initiated (ie is_funding_initiated() is true)
- pub fn channel_monitor(&mut self) -> &mut ChannelMonitor<ChanSigner> {
- if self.channel_state < ChannelState::FundingSent as u32 {
- panic!("Can't get a channel monitor until funding has been created");
- }
- self.channel_monitor.as_mut().unwrap()
- }
/// Guaranteed to be Some after both FundingLocked messages have been exchanged (and, thus,
/// is_usable() returns true).
/// Allowed in any state (including after shutdown)
if header.bitcoin_hash() != self.last_block_connected {
self.last_block_connected = header.bitcoin_hash();
self.update_time_counter = cmp::max(self.update_time_counter, header.time);
- if let Some(channel_monitor) = self.channel_monitor.as_mut() {
- channel_monitor.last_block_hash = self.last_block_connected;
- }
if self.funding_tx_confirmations > 0 {
if self.funding_tx_confirmations == self.minimum_depth as u64 {
let need_commitment_update = if non_shutdown_state == ChannelState::FundingSent as u32 {
self.funding_tx_confirmations = self.minimum_depth as u64 - 1;
self.last_block_connected = header.bitcoin_hash();
- if let Some(channel_monitor) = self.channel_monitor.as_mut() {
- channel_monitor.last_block_hash = self.last_block_connected;
- }
their_revocation_point: self.their_cur_commitment_point.unwrap()
- self.channel_monitor.as_mut().unwrap().update_monitor_ooo(monitor_update.clone(), logger).unwrap();
self.channel_state |= ChannelState::AwaitingRemoteRevoke as u32;
Ok((res, monitor_update))
- self.channel_monitor.as_ref().unwrap().write_for_disk(writer)?;
let their_shutdown_scriptpubkey = Readable::read(reader)?;
let commitment_secrets = Readable::read(reader)?;
- let (monitor_last_block, channel_monitor) = Readable::read(reader)?;
- // We drop the ChannelMonitor's last block connected hash cause we don't actually bother
- // doing full block connection operations on the internal ChannelMonitor copies
- if monitor_last_block != last_block_connected {
- return Err(DecodeError::InvalidValue);
- }
Ok(Channel {
- channel_monitor: Some(channel_monitor),
network_sync: UpdateStatus::Fresh,
// (we do *not*, however, update them in update_monitor to ensure any local user copies keep
// their last_block_hash from its state and not based on updated copies that didn't run through
// the full block_connected).
- pub(crate) last_block_hash: BlockHash,
+ last_block_hash: BlockHash,
secp_ctx: Secp256k1<secp256k1::All>, //TODO: dedup this a bit...
- /// Used in Channel to cheat wrt the update_ids since it plays games, will be removed soon!
- pub(super) fn update_monitor_ooo<L: Deref>(&mut self, mut updates: ChannelMonitorUpdate, logger: &L) -> Result<(), MonitorUpdateError> where L::Target: Logger {
- for update in updates.updates.drain(..) {
- match update {
- ChannelMonitorUpdateStep::LatestLocalCommitmentTXInfo { commitment_tx, htlc_outputs } => {
- if self.lockdown_from_offchain { panic!(); }
- self.provide_latest_local_commitment_tx_info(commitment_tx, htlc_outputs)?
- },
- ChannelMonitorUpdateStep::LatestRemoteCommitmentTXInfo { unsigned_commitment_tx, htlc_outputs, commitment_number, their_revocation_point } =>
- self.provide_latest_remote_commitment_tx_info(&unsigned_commitment_tx, htlc_outputs, commitment_number, their_revocation_point, logger),
- ChannelMonitorUpdateStep::PaymentPreimage { payment_preimage } =>
- self.provide_payment_preimage(&PaymentHash(Sha256::hash(&payment_preimage.0[..]).into_inner()), &payment_preimage),
- ChannelMonitorUpdateStep::CommitmentSecret { idx, secret } =>
- self.provide_secret(idx, secret)?,
- ChannelMonitorUpdateStep::ChannelForceClosed { .. } => {},
- }
- }
- self.latest_update_id = updates.update_id;
- Ok(())
- }
/// Updates a ChannelMonitor on the basis of some new information provided by the Channel
/// itself.