// in the regular network graph.
first_hop_targets.get(&intro_node_id).is_some() ||
- if !have_intro_node_in_graph { continue }
+ if !have_intro_node_in_graph || our_node_id == intro_node_id { continue }
let candidate = if hint.1.blinded_hops.len() == 1 {
CandidateRouteHop::OneHopBlinded { hint, hint_idx }
} else { CandidateRouteHop::Blinded { hint, hint_idx } };
assert_eq!(route.get_total_fees(), blinded_payinfo.fee_base_msat as u64);
assert_eq!(route.get_total_amount(), amt_msat);
+ #[test]
+ fn we_are_intro_node_candidate_hops() {
+ // This previously led to a panic in the router because we'd generate a Path with only a
+ // BlindedTail and 0 unblinded hops, due to the only candidate hops being blinded route hints
+ // where the origin node is the intro node. We now fully disallow considering candidate hops
+ // where the origin node is the intro node.
+ let (secp_ctx, network_graph, _, _, logger) = build_graph();
+ let (_, our_id, _, nodes) = get_nodes(&secp_ctx);
+ let scorer = ln_test_utils::TestScorer::new();
+ let keys_manager = ln_test_utils::TestKeysInterface::new(&[0u8; 32], Network::Testnet);
+ let random_seed_bytes = keys_manager.get_secure_random_bytes();
+ let config = UserConfig::default();
+ // Values are taken from the fuzz input that uncovered this panic.
+ let amt_msat = 21_7020_5185_1423_0019;
+ let blinded_path = BlindedPath {
+ introduction_node_id: our_id,
+ blinding_point: ln_test_utils::pubkey(42),
+ blinded_hops: vec![
+ BlindedHop { blinded_node_id: ln_test_utils::pubkey(42 as u8), encrypted_payload: Vec::new() },
+ BlindedHop { blinded_node_id: ln_test_utils::pubkey(42 as u8), encrypted_payload: Vec::new() }
+ ],
+ };
+ let blinded_payinfo = BlindedPayInfo {
+ fee_base_msat: 5052_9027,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 21_7020_5185_1423_0019,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: 1844_6744_0737_0955_1615,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ features: BlindedHopFeatures::empty(),
+ };
+ let mut blinded_hints = vec![
+ (blinded_payinfo.clone(), blinded_path.clone()),
+ (blinded_payinfo.clone(), blinded_path.clone()),
+ ];
+ blinded_hints[1].1.introduction_node_id = nodes[6];
+ let bolt12_features: Bolt12InvoiceFeatures = channelmanager::provided_invoice_features(&config).to_context();
+ let payment_params = PaymentParameters::blinded(blinded_hints.clone())
+ .with_bolt12_features(bolt12_features.clone()).unwrap();
+ let netgraph = network_graph.read_only();
+ let route_params = RouteParameters::from_payment_params_and_value(
+ payment_params, amt_msat);
+ if let Err(LightningError { err, .. }) = get_route(
+ &our_id, &route_params, &netgraph, None, Arc::clone(&logger), &scorer, &(), &random_seed_bytes
+ ) {
+ assert_eq!(err, "Failed to find a path to the given destination");
+ } else { panic!() }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn we_are_intro_node_bp_in_final_path_fee_calc() {
+ // This previously led to a debug panic in the router because we'd find an invalid Path with
+ // 0 unblinded hops and a blinded tail, leading to the generation of a final
+ // PaymentPathHop::fee_msat that included both the blinded path fees and the final value of
+ // the payment, when it was intended to only include the final value of the payment.
+ let (secp_ctx, network_graph, _, _, logger) = build_graph();
+ let (_, our_id, _, nodes) = get_nodes(&secp_ctx);
+ let scorer = ln_test_utils::TestScorer::new();
+ let keys_manager = ln_test_utils::TestKeysInterface::new(&[0u8; 32], Network::Testnet);
+ let random_seed_bytes = keys_manager.get_secure_random_bytes();
+ let config = UserConfig::default();
+ // Values are taken from the fuzz input that uncovered this panic.
+ let amt_msat = 21_7020_5185_1423_0019;
+ let blinded_path = BlindedPath {
+ introduction_node_id: our_id,
+ blinding_point: ln_test_utils::pubkey(42),
+ blinded_hops: vec![
+ BlindedHop { blinded_node_id: ln_test_utils::pubkey(42 as u8), encrypted_payload: Vec::new() },
+ BlindedHop { blinded_node_id: ln_test_utils::pubkey(42 as u8), encrypted_payload: Vec::new() }
+ ],
+ };
+ let blinded_payinfo = BlindedPayInfo {
+ fee_base_msat: 10_4425_1395,
+ fee_proportional_millionths: 0,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: 21_7301_9934_9094_0931,
+ htlc_maximum_msat: 1844_6744_0737_0955_1615,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: 0,
+ features: BlindedHopFeatures::empty(),
+ };
+ let mut blinded_hints = vec![
+ (blinded_payinfo.clone(), blinded_path.clone()),
+ (blinded_payinfo.clone(), blinded_path.clone()),
+ (blinded_payinfo.clone(), blinded_path.clone()),
+ ];
+ blinded_hints[1].0.fee_base_msat = 5052_9027;
+ blinded_hints[1].0.htlc_minimum_msat = 21_7020_5185_1423_0019;
+ blinded_hints[1].0.htlc_maximum_msat = 1844_6744_0737_0955_1615;
+ blinded_hints[2].1.introduction_node_id = nodes[6];
+ let bolt12_features: Bolt12InvoiceFeatures = channelmanager::provided_invoice_features(&config).to_context();
+ let payment_params = PaymentParameters::blinded(blinded_hints.clone())
+ .with_bolt12_features(bolt12_features.clone()).unwrap();
+ let netgraph = network_graph.read_only();
+ let route_params = RouteParameters::from_payment_params_and_value(
+ payment_params, amt_msat);
+ if let Err(LightningError { err, .. }) = get_route(
+ &our_id, &route_params, &netgraph, None, Arc::clone(&logger), &scorer, &(), &random_seed_bytes
+ ) {
+ assert_eq!(err, "Failed to find a path to the given destination");
+ } else { panic!() }
+ }
#[cfg(all(any(test, ldk_bench), not(feature = "no-std")))]