#[cfg(any(test, feature = "std"))]
extern crate core;
+#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
+extern crate alloc;
#[macro_use] extern crate lightning;
extern crate lightning_rapid_gossip_sync;
use lightning::ln::peer_handler::{CustomMessageHandler, PeerManager, SocketDescriptor};
use lightning::routing::gossip::{NetworkGraph, P2PGossipSync};
use lightning::routing::router::Router;
-use lightning::routing::scoring::WriteableScore;
+use lightning::routing::scoring::{Score, WriteableScore};
use lightning::util::events::{Event, EventHandler, EventsProvider};
use lightning::util::logger::Logger;
use lightning::util::persist::Persister;
#[cfg(feature = "futures")]
use futures_util::{select_biased, future::FutureExt, task};
+#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
+use alloc::vec::Vec;
/// `BackgroundProcessor` takes care of tasks that (1) need to happen periodically to keep
/// Rust-Lightning running properly, and (2) either can or should be run in the background. Its
+fn update_scorer<'a, S: 'static + Deref<Target = SC> + Send + Sync, SC: 'a + WriteableScore<'a>>(
+ scorer: &'a S, event: &Event
+) {
+ let mut score = scorer.lock();
+ match event {
+ Event::PaymentPathFailed { ref path, short_channel_id: Some(scid), .. } => {
+ let path = path.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ score.payment_path_failed(&path, *scid);
+ },
+ Event::PaymentPathFailed { ref path, payment_failed_permanently: true, .. } => {
+ // Reached if the destination explicitly failed it back. We treat this as a successful probe
+ // because the payment made it all the way to the destination with sufficient liquidity.
+ let path = path.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ score.probe_successful(&path);
+ },
+ Event::PaymentPathSuccessful { path, .. } => {
+ let path = path.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ score.payment_path_successful(&path);
+ },
+ Event::ProbeSuccessful { path, .. } => {
+ let path = path.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ score.probe_successful(&path);
+ },
+ Event::ProbeFailed { path, short_channel_id: Some(scid), .. } => {
+ let path = path.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ score.probe_failed(&path, *scid);
+ },
+ _ => {},
+ }
macro_rules! define_run_body {
($persister: ident, $chain_monitor: ident, $process_chain_monitor_events: expr,
$channel_manager: ident, $process_channel_manager_events: expr,
UMH: 'static + Deref + Send + Sync,
PM: 'static + Deref<Target = PeerManager<Descriptor, CMH, RMH, OMH, L, UMH, NS>> + Send + Sync,
S: 'static + Deref<Target = SC> + Send + Sync,
- SC: WriteableScore<'a>,
+ SC: for<'b> WriteableScore<'b>,
SleepFuture: core::future::Future<Output = bool> + core::marker::Unpin,
Sleeper: Fn(Duration) -> SleepFuture
let async_event_handler = |event| {
let network_graph = gossip_sync.network_graph();
let event_handler = &event_handler;
+ let scorer = &scorer;
async move {
if let Some(network_graph) = network_graph {
handle_network_graph_update(network_graph, &event)
+ if let Some(ref scorer) = scorer {
+ update_scorer(scorer, &event);
+ }
UMH: 'static + Deref + Send + Sync,
PM: 'static + Deref<Target = PeerManager<Descriptor, CMH, RMH, OMH, L, UMH, NS>> + Send + Sync,
S: 'static + Deref<Target = SC> + Send + Sync,
- SC: WriteableScore<'a>,
+ SC: for <'b> WriteableScore<'b>,
persister: PS, event_handler: EH, chain_monitor: M, channel_manager: CM,
gossip_sync: GossipSync<PGS, RGS, G, CA, L>, peer_manager: PM, logger: L, scorer: Option<S>,
if let Some(network_graph) = network_graph {
handle_network_graph_update(network_graph, &event)
+ if let Some(ref scorer) = scorer {
+ update_scorer(scorer, &event);
+ }
define_run_body!(persister, chain_monitor, chain_monitor.process_pending_events(&event_handler),
use bitcoin::blockdata::locktime::PackedLockTime;
use bitcoin::blockdata::transaction::{Transaction, TxOut};
use bitcoin::network::constants::Network;
+ use bitcoin::secp256k1::{SecretKey, PublicKey, Secp256k1};
use lightning::chain::{BestBlock, Confirm, chainmonitor};
use lightning::chain::channelmonitor::ANTI_REORG_DELAY;
use lightning::chain::keysinterface::{InMemorySigner, EntropySource, KeysManager};
use lightning::chain::transaction::OutPoint;
use lightning::get_event_msg;
+ use lightning::ln::PaymentHash;
use lightning::ln::channelmanager;
- use lightning::ln::channelmanager::{BREAKDOWN_TIMEOUT, ChainParameters};
- use lightning::ln::features::ChannelFeatures;
+ use lightning::ln::channelmanager::{BREAKDOWN_TIMEOUT, ChainParameters, MIN_CLTV_EXPIRY_DELTA, PaymentId};
+ use lightning::ln::features::{ChannelFeatures, NodeFeatures};
use lightning::ln::msgs::{ChannelMessageHandler, Init};
use lightning::ln::peer_handler::{PeerManager, MessageHandler, SocketDescriptor, IgnoringMessageHandler};
use lightning::routing::gossip::{NetworkGraph, NodeId, P2PGossipSync};
let bg_processor = BackgroundProcessor::start(persister, event_handler, nodes[0].chain_monitor.clone(), nodes[0].node.clone(), nodes[0].no_gossip_sync(), nodes[0].peer_manager.clone(), nodes[0].logger.clone(), Some(nodes[0].scorer.clone()));
+ #[test]
+ fn test_payment_path_scoring() {
+ // Ensure that we update the scorer when relevant events are processed. In this case, we ensure
+ // that we update the scorer upon a payment path succeeding (note that the channel must be
+ // public or else we won't score it).
+ // Set up a background event handler for FundingGenerationReady events.
+ let (sender, receiver) = std::sync::mpsc::sync_channel(1);
+ let event_handler = move |event: Event| match event {
+ Event::PaymentPathFailed { .. } => sender.send(event).unwrap(),
+ Event::PaymentPathSuccessful { .. } => sender.send(event).unwrap(),
+ Event::ProbeSuccessful { .. } => sender.send(event).unwrap(),
+ Event::ProbeFailed { .. } => sender.send(event).unwrap(),
+ _ => panic!("Unexpected event: {:?}", event),
+ };
+ let nodes = create_nodes(1, "test_payment_path_scoring".to_string());
+ let data_dir = nodes[0].persister.get_data_dir();
+ let persister = Arc::new(Persister::new(data_dir.clone()));
+ let bg_processor = BackgroundProcessor::start(persister, event_handler, nodes[0].chain_monitor.clone(), nodes[0].node.clone(), nodes[0].no_gossip_sync(), nodes[0].peer_manager.clone(), nodes[0].logger.clone(), Some(nodes[0].scorer.clone()));
+ let scored_scid = 4242;
+ let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
+ let node_1_privkey = SecretKey::from_slice(&[42; 32]).unwrap();
+ let node_1_id = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &node_1_privkey);
+ let path = vec![RouteHop {
+ pubkey: node_1_id,
+ node_features: NodeFeatures::empty(),
+ short_channel_id: scored_scid,
+ channel_features: ChannelFeatures::empty(),
+ fee_msat: 0,
+ cltv_expiry_delta: MIN_CLTV_EXPIRY_DELTA as u32,
+ }];
+ nodes[0].scorer.lock().unwrap().expect(TestResult::PaymentFailure { path: path.clone(), short_channel_id: scored_scid });
+ nodes[0].node.push_pending_event(Event::PaymentPathFailed {
+ payment_id: None,
+ payment_hash: PaymentHash([42; 32]),
+ payment_failed_permanently: false,
+ network_update: None,
+ all_paths_failed: true,
+ path: path.clone(),
+ short_channel_id: Some(scored_scid),
+ retry: None,
+ });
+ let event = receiver
+ .recv_timeout(Duration::from_secs(EVENT_DEADLINE))
+ .expect("PaymentPathFailed not handled within deadline");
+ match event {
+ Event::PaymentPathFailed { .. } => {},
+ _ => panic!("Unexpected event"),
+ }
+ // Ensure we'll score payments that were explicitly failed back by the destination as
+ // ProbeSuccess.
+ nodes[0].scorer.lock().unwrap().expect(TestResult::ProbeSuccess { path: path.clone() });
+ nodes[0].node.push_pending_event(Event::PaymentPathFailed {
+ payment_id: None,
+ payment_hash: PaymentHash([42; 32]),
+ payment_failed_permanently: true,
+ network_update: None,
+ all_paths_failed: true,
+ path: path.clone(),
+ short_channel_id: None,
+ retry: None,
+ });
+ let event = receiver
+ .recv_timeout(Duration::from_secs(EVENT_DEADLINE))
+ .expect("PaymentPathFailed not handled within deadline");
+ match event {
+ Event::PaymentPathFailed { .. } => {},
+ _ => panic!("Unexpected event"),
+ }
+ nodes[0].scorer.lock().unwrap().expect(TestResult::PaymentSuccess { path: path.clone() });
+ nodes[0].node.push_pending_event(Event::PaymentPathSuccessful {
+ payment_id: PaymentId([42; 32]),
+ payment_hash: None,
+ path: path.clone(),
+ });
+ let event = receiver
+ .recv_timeout(Duration::from_secs(EVENT_DEADLINE))
+ .expect("PaymentPathSuccessful not handled within deadline");
+ match event {
+ Event::PaymentPathSuccessful { .. } => {},
+ _ => panic!("Unexpected event"),
+ }
+ nodes[0].scorer.lock().unwrap().expect(TestResult::ProbeSuccess { path: path.clone() });
+ nodes[0].node.push_pending_event(Event::ProbeSuccessful {
+ payment_id: PaymentId([42; 32]),
+ payment_hash: PaymentHash([42; 32]),
+ path: path.clone(),
+ });
+ let event = receiver
+ .recv_timeout(Duration::from_secs(EVENT_DEADLINE))
+ .expect("ProbeSuccessful not handled within deadline");
+ match event {
+ Event::ProbeSuccessful { .. } => {},
+ _ => panic!("Unexpected event"),
+ }
+ nodes[0].scorer.lock().unwrap().expect(TestResult::ProbeFailure { path: path.clone() });
+ nodes[0].node.push_pending_event(Event::ProbeFailed {
+ payment_id: PaymentId([42; 32]),
+ payment_hash: PaymentHash([42; 32]),
+ path: path.clone(),
+ short_channel_id: Some(scored_scid),
+ });
+ let event = receiver
+ .recv_timeout(Duration::from_secs(EVENT_DEADLINE))
+ .expect("ProbeFailure not handled within deadline");
+ match event {
+ Event::ProbeFailed { .. } => {},
+ _ => panic!("Unexpected event"),
+ }
+ assert!(bg_processor.stop().is_ok());
+ }