+macro_rules! define_callback { ($($bounds: path),*) => {
/// A callback which is called when a [`Future`] completes.
/// Note that this MUST NOT call back into LDK directly, it must instead schedule actions to be
/// Note that the [`std::future::Future`] implementation may only work for runtimes which schedule
/// futures when they receive a wake, rather than immediately executing them.
-pub trait FutureCallback : Send {
+pub trait FutureCallback : $($bounds +)* {
/// The method which is called.
fn call(&self);
-impl<F: Fn() + Send> FutureCallback for F {
+impl<F: Fn() $(+ $bounds)*> FutureCallback for F {
fn call(&self) { (self)(); }
+} }
+#[cfg(feature = "std")]
+#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
pub(crate) struct FutureState {
// When we're tracking whether a callback counts as having woken the user's code, we check the