($reader: expr, $field: ident, option) => {{
$field = Some($crate::util::ser::Readable::read(&mut $reader)?);
+ // `upgradable_required` indicates we're reading a required TLV that may have been upgraded
+ // without backwards compat. We'll error if the field is missing, and return `Ok(None)` if the
+ // field is present but we can no longer understand it.
+ // Note that this variant can only be used within a `MaybeReadable` read.
($reader: expr, $field: ident, upgradable_required) => {{
$field = match $crate::util::ser::MaybeReadable::read(&mut $reader)? {
Some(res) => res,
_ => return Ok(None)
+ // `upgradable_option` indicates we're reading an Option-al TLV that may have been upgraded
+ // without backwards compat. $field will be None if the TLV is missing or if the field is present
+ // but we can no longer understand it.
($reader: expr, $field: ident, upgradable_option) => {{
$field = $crate::util::ser::MaybeReadable::read(&mut $reader)?;