let err = nodes[0].messenger.send_onion_message(&hops, Destination::Node(hop_node_id)).unwrap_err();
assert_eq!(err, SendError::TooBigPacket);
+fn invalid_blinded_route_error() {
+ // Make sure we error as expected if a provided blinded route has 0 or 1 hops.
+ let mut nodes = create_nodes(3);
+ let (node1, node2, node3) = (nodes.remove(0), nodes.remove(0), nodes.remove(0));
+ // 0 hops
+ let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
+ let mut blinded_route = BlindedRoute::new::<EnforcingSigner, _, _>(&[node2.get_node_pk(), node3.get_node_pk()], &*node3.keys_manager, &secp_ctx).unwrap();
+ blinded_route.blinded_hops.clear();
+ let err = node1.messenger.send_onion_message(&[], Destination::BlindedRoute(blinded_route)).unwrap_err();
+ assert_eq!(err, SendError::TooFewBlindedHops);
+ // 1 hop
+ let mut blinded_route = BlindedRoute::new::<EnforcingSigner, _, _>(&[node2.get_node_pk(), node3.get_node_pk()], &*node3.keys_manager, &secp_ctx).unwrap();
+ blinded_route.blinded_hops.remove(0);
+ assert_eq!(blinded_route.blinded_hops.len(), 1);
+ let err = node1.messenger.send_onion_message(&[], Destination::BlindedRoute(blinded_route)).unwrap_err();
+ assert_eq!(err, SendError::TooFewBlindedHops);
/// Because implementations such as Eclair will drop onion messages where the message packet
/// exceeds 32834 bytes, we refuse to send messages where the packet exceeds this size.
+ /// The provided [`Destination`] was an invalid [`BlindedRoute`], due to having fewer than two
+ /// blinded hops.
+ TooFewBlindedHops,
impl<Signer: Sign, K: Deref, L: Deref> OnionMessenger<Signer, K, L>
/// Send an empty onion message to `destination`, routing it through `intermediate_nodes`.
/// See [`OnionMessenger`] for example usage.
pub fn send_onion_message(&self, intermediate_nodes: &[PublicKey], destination: Destination) -> Result<(), SendError> {
+ if let Destination::BlindedRoute(BlindedRoute { ref blinded_hops, .. }) = destination {
+ if blinded_hops.len() < 2 {
+ return Err(SendError::TooFewBlindedHops);
+ }
+ }
let blinding_secret_bytes = self.keys_manager.get_secure_random_bytes();
let blinding_secret = SecretKey::from_slice(&blinding_secret_bytes[..]).expect("RNG is busted");
let (introduction_node_id, blinding_point) = if intermediate_nodes.len() != 0 {