let mut pending_events = self.pending_events.lock().unwrap();
let batch_count = batches.len();
+ let mut prev_batch_endblock = msg.first_blocknum;
for (batch_index, batch) in batches.into_iter().enumerate() {
- // Per spec, the initial first_blocknum needs to be <= the query's first_blocknum and subsequent
- // must be >= the prior reply. We'll simplify this by using zero since its still spec compliant and
- // sequence completion is now explicitly.
- let first_blocknum = 0;
- // Per spec, the final end_blocknum needs to be >= the query's end_blocknum, so we'll use the
- // query's value. Prior batches must use the number of blocks that fit into the message. We'll
- // base this off the last SCID in the batch since we've somewhat abusing first_blocknum.
- let number_of_blocks = if batch_index == batch_count-1 {
- msg.end_blocknum()
- } else {
- block_from_scid(batch.last().unwrap()) + 1
+ // Per spec, the initial `first_blocknum` needs to be <= the query's `first_blocknum`
+ // and subsequent `first_blocknum`s must be >= the prior reply's `first_blocknum`.
+ //
+ // Additionally, c-lightning versions < 0.10 require that the `first_blocknum` of each
+ // reply is >= the previous reply's `first_blocknum` and either exactly the previous
+ // reply's `first_blocknum + number_of_blocks` or exactly one greater. This is a
+ // significant diversion from the requirements set by the spec, and, in case of blocks
+ // with no channel opens (e.g. empty blocks), requires that we use the previous value
+ // and *not* derive the first_blocknum from the actual first block of the reply.
+ let first_blocknum = prev_batch_endblock;
+ // Each message carries the number of blocks (from the `first_blocknum`) its contents
+ // fit in. Though there is no requirement that we use exactly the number of blocks its
+ // contents are from, except for the bogus requirements c-lightning enforces, above.
+ //
+ // Per spec, the last end block (ie `first_blocknum + number_of_blocks`) needs to be
+ // >= the query's end block. Thus, for the last reply, we calculate the difference
+ // between the query's end block and the start of the reply.
+ //
+ // Overflow safe since end_blocknum=msg.first_block_num+msg.number_of_blocks and
+ // first_blocknum will be either msg.first_blocknum or a higher block height.
+ let (sync_complete, number_of_blocks) = if batch_index == batch_count-1 {
+ (true, msg.end_blocknum() - first_blocknum)
+ }
+ // Prior replies should use the number of blocks that fit into the reply. Overflow
+ // safe since first_blocknum is always <= last SCID's block.
+ else {
+ (false, block_from_scid(batch.last().unwrap()) - first_blocknum)
- // Only true for the last message in a sequence
- let sync_complete = batch_index == batch_count - 1;
+ prev_batch_endblock = first_blocknum + number_of_blocks;
pending_events.push(MessageSendEvent::SendReplyChannelRange {
node_id: their_node_id.clone(),
ReplyChannelRange {
chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
- first_blocknum: 0,
- number_of_blocks: 0x01000000,
+ first_blocknum: 0xffffff,
+ number_of_blocks: 1,
sync_complete: true,
short_channel_ids: vec![]
ReplyChannelRange {
chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
- first_blocknum: 0,
- number_of_blocks: 2000,
+ first_blocknum: 1000,
+ number_of_blocks: 1000,
sync_complete: true,
short_channel_ids: vec![],
ReplyChannelRange {
chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
- first_blocknum: 0,
- number_of_blocks: 0xffffffff,
+ first_blocknum: 0xfe0000,
+ number_of_blocks: 0xffffffff - 0xfe0000,
sync_complete: true,
short_channel_ids: vec![
0xfffffe_ffffff_ffff, // max
ReplyChannelRange {
chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
- first_blocknum: 0,
- number_of_blocks: 108000,
+ first_blocknum: 100000,
+ number_of_blocks: 8000,
sync_complete: true,
short_channel_ids: (100000..=107999)
.map(|block| scid_from_parts(block, 0, 0).unwrap())
ReplyChannelRange {
chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
- first_blocknum: 0,
- number_of_blocks: 108000,
+ first_blocknum: 100000,
+ number_of_blocks: 7999,
sync_complete: false,
short_channel_ids: (100000..=107999)
.map(|block| scid_from_parts(block, 0, 0).unwrap())
ReplyChannelRange {
chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
- first_blocknum: 0,
- number_of_blocks: 108001,
+ first_blocknum: 107999,
+ number_of_blocks: 2,
sync_complete: true,
short_channel_ids: vec![
scid_from_parts(108000, 0, 0).unwrap(),
ReplyChannelRange {
chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
- first_blocknum: 0,
- number_of_blocks: 108002,
+ first_blocknum: 100002,
+ number_of_blocks: 7999,
sync_complete: false,
short_channel_ids: (100002..=108001)
.map(|block| scid_from_parts(block, 0, 0).unwrap())
ReplyChannelRange {
chain_hash: chain_hash.clone(),
- first_blocknum: 0,
- number_of_blocks: 108002,
+ first_blocknum: 108001,
+ number_of_blocks: 1,
sync_complete: true,
short_channel_ids: vec![
scid_from_parts(108001, 1, 0).unwrap(),
expected_ok: bool,
expected_replies: Vec<ReplyChannelRange>
) {
+ let mut max_firstblocknum = msg.first_blocknum.saturating_sub(1);
+ let mut c_lightning_0_9_prev_end_blocknum = max_firstblocknum;
+ let query_end_blocknum = msg.end_blocknum();
let result = net_graph_msg_handler.handle_query_channel_range(test_node_id, msg);
if expected_ok {
assert_eq!(msg.number_of_blocks, expected_reply.number_of_blocks);
assert_eq!(msg.sync_complete, expected_reply.sync_complete);
assert_eq!(msg.short_channel_ids, expected_reply.short_channel_ids);
+ // Enforce exactly the sequencing requirements present on c-lightning v0.9.3
+ assert!(msg.first_blocknum == c_lightning_0_9_prev_end_blocknum || msg.first_blocknum == c_lightning_0_9_prev_end_blocknum.saturating_add(1));
+ assert!(msg.first_blocknum >= max_firstblocknum);
+ max_firstblocknum = msg.first_blocknum;
+ c_lightning_0_9_prev_end_blocknum = msg.first_blocknum.saturating_add(msg.number_of_blocks);
+ // Check that the last block count is >= the query's end_blocknum
+ if i == events.len() - 1 {
+ assert!(msg.first_blocknum.saturating_add(msg.number_of_blocks) >= query_end_blocknum);
+ }
_ => panic!("expected MessageSendEvent::SendReplyChannelRange"),