use crate::ln::{PaymentHash, PaymentPreimage, PaymentSecret};
use crate::ln::channelmanager::{ChannelDetails, EventCompletionAction, HTLCSource, PaymentId};
use crate::ln::onion_utils::{DecodedOnionFailure, HTLCFailReason};
+use crate::offers::invoice::Bolt12Invoice;
use crate::routing::router::{InFlightHtlcs, Path, PaymentParameters, Route, RouteParameters, Router};
use crate::util::errors::APIError;
use crate::util::logger::Logger;
+/// An error when attempting to pay a BOLT 12 invoice.
+pub(super) enum Bolt12PaymentError {
+ /// The invoice was not requested.
+ UnexpectedInvoice,
+ /// Payment for an invoice with the corresponding [`PaymentId`] was already initiated.
+ DuplicateInvoice,
/// Information which is provided, encrypted, to the payment recipient when sending HTLCs.
/// This should generally be constructed with data communicated to us from the recipient (via a
pub session_priv_bytes: [u8; 32],
+const BOLT_12_INVOICE_RETRY_STRATEGY: Retry = Retry::Attempts(3);
pub(super) struct OutboundPayments {
pub(super) pending_outbound_payments: Mutex<HashMap<PaymentId, PendingOutboundPayment>>,
pub(super) retry_lock: Mutex<()>,
+ #[allow(unused)]
+ pub(super) fn send_payment_for_bolt12_invoice<R: Deref, ES: Deref, NS: Deref, IH, SP, L: Deref>(
+ &self, invoice: &Bolt12Invoice, payment_id: PaymentId, router: &R,
+ first_hops: Vec<ChannelDetails>, inflight_htlcs: IH, entropy_source: &ES, node_signer: &NS,
+ best_block_height: u32, logger: &L,
+ pending_events: &Mutex<VecDeque<(events::Event, Option<EventCompletionAction>)>>,
+ send_payment_along_path: SP,
+ ) -> Result<(), Bolt12PaymentError>
+ where
+ R::Target: Router,
+ ES::Target: EntropySource,
+ NS::Target: NodeSigner,
+ L::Target: Logger,
+ IH: Fn() -> InFlightHtlcs,
+ SP: Fn(SendAlongPathArgs) -> Result<(), APIError>,
+ {
+ let payment_hash = invoice.payment_hash();
+ match self.pending_outbound_payments.lock().unwrap().entry(payment_id) {
+ hash_map::Entry::Occupied(entry) if entry.get().is_awaiting_invoice() => {
+ *entry.into_mut() = PendingOutboundPayment::InvoiceReceived { payment_hash };
+ },
+ hash_map::Entry::Occupied(_) => return Err(Bolt12PaymentError::DuplicateInvoice),
+ hash_map::Entry::Vacant(_) => return Err(Bolt12PaymentError::UnexpectedInvoice),
+ };
+ let route_params = RouteParameters {
+ payment_params: PaymentParameters::from_bolt12_invoice(&invoice),
+ final_value_msat: invoice.amount_msats(),
+ };
+ self.find_route_and_send_payment(
+ payment_hash, payment_id, route_params, router, first_hops, &inflight_htlcs,
+ entropy_source, node_signer, best_block_height, logger, pending_events,
+ &send_payment_along_path
+ );
+ Ok(())
+ }
pub(super) fn check_retry_payments<R: Deref, ES: Deref, NS: Deref, SP, IH, FH, L: Deref>(
&self, router: &R, first_hops: FH, inflight_htlcs: IH, entropy_source: &ES, node_signer: &NS,
best_block_height: u32,
log_error!(logger, "Unable to retry payments that were initially sent on LDK versions prior to 0.0.102");
- PendingOutboundPayment::AwaitingInvoice { .. } |
- PendingOutboundPayment::InvoiceReceived { .. } =>
- {
+ PendingOutboundPayment::AwaitingInvoice { .. } => {
log_error!(logger, "Payment not yet sent");
+ PendingOutboundPayment::InvoiceReceived { payment_hash } => {
+ let total_amount = route_params.final_value_msat;
+ let recipient_onion = RecipientOnionFields {
+ payment_secret: None,
+ payment_metadata: None,
+ custom_tlvs: vec![],
+ };
+ let retry_strategy = Some(BOLT_12_INVOICE_RETRY_STRATEGY);
+ let payment_params = Some(route_params.payment_params.clone());
+ let (retryable_payment, onion_session_privs) = self.create_pending_payment(
+ *payment_hash, recipient_onion.clone(), None, &route,
+ retry_strategy, payment_params, entropy_source, best_block_height
+ );
+ *payment.into_mut() = retryable_payment;
+ (total_amount, recipient_onion, None, onion_session_privs)
+ },
PendingOutboundPayment::Fulfilled { .. } => {
log_error!(logger, "Payment already completed");
keysend_preimage: Option<PaymentPreimage>, route: &Route, retry_strategy: Option<Retry>,
payment_params: Option<PaymentParameters>, entropy_source: &ES, best_block_height: u32
) -> Result<Vec<[u8; 32]>, PaymentSendFailure> where ES::Target: EntropySource {
- let mut onion_session_privs = Vec::with_capacity(route.paths.len());
- for _ in 0..route.paths.len() {
- onion_session_privs.push(entropy_source.get_secure_random_bytes());
- }
let mut pending_outbounds = self.pending_outbound_payments.lock().unwrap();
match pending_outbounds.entry(payment_id) {
hash_map::Entry::Occupied(_) => Err(PaymentSendFailure::DuplicatePayment),
hash_map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
- let payment = entry.insert(PendingOutboundPayment::Retryable {
- retry_strategy,
- attempts: PaymentAttempts::new(),
- payment_params,
- session_privs: HashSet::new(),
- pending_amt_msat: 0,
- pending_fee_msat: Some(0),
- payment_hash,
- payment_secret: recipient_onion.payment_secret,
- payment_metadata: recipient_onion.payment_metadata,
- keysend_preimage,
- custom_tlvs: recipient_onion.custom_tlvs,
- starting_block_height: best_block_height,
- total_msat: route.get_total_amount(),
- });
- for (path, session_priv_bytes) in route.paths.iter().zip(onion_session_privs.iter()) {
- assert!(payment.insert(*session_priv_bytes, path));
- }
+ let (payment, onion_session_privs) = self.create_pending_payment(
+ payment_hash, recipient_onion, keysend_preimage, route, retry_strategy,
+ payment_params, entropy_source, best_block_height
+ );
+ entry.insert(payment);
+ fn create_pending_payment<ES: Deref>(
+ &self, payment_hash: PaymentHash, recipient_onion: RecipientOnionFields,
+ keysend_preimage: Option<PaymentPreimage>, route: &Route, retry_strategy: Option<Retry>,
+ payment_params: Option<PaymentParameters>, entropy_source: &ES, best_block_height: u32
+ ) -> (PendingOutboundPayment, Vec<[u8; 32]>)
+ where
+ ES::Target: EntropySource,
+ {
+ let mut onion_session_privs = Vec::with_capacity(route.paths.len());
+ for _ in 0..route.paths.len() {
+ onion_session_privs.push(entropy_source.get_secure_random_bytes());
+ }
+ let mut payment = PendingOutboundPayment::Retryable {
+ retry_strategy,
+ attempts: PaymentAttempts::new(),
+ payment_params,
+ session_privs: HashSet::new(),
+ pending_amt_msat: 0,
+ pending_fee_msat: Some(0),
+ payment_hash,
+ payment_secret: recipient_onion.payment_secret,
+ payment_metadata: recipient_onion.payment_metadata,
+ keysend_preimage,
+ custom_tlvs: recipient_onion.custom_tlvs,
+ starting_block_height: best_block_height,
+ total_msat: route.get_total_amount(),
+ };
+ for (path, session_priv_bytes) in route.paths.iter().zip(onion_session_privs.iter()) {
+ assert!(payment.insert(*session_priv_bytes, path));
+ }
+ (payment, onion_session_privs)
+ }
pub(super) fn add_new_awaiting_invoice(&self, payment_id: PaymentId) -> Result<(), ()> {
let mut pending_outbounds = self.pending_outbound_payments.lock().unwrap();