// We will never broadcast the funding transaction when we're in MonitorUpdateFailed (and
// we assume the user never directly broadcasts the funding transaction and waits for us to
- // do it). Thus, we can only ever hit monitor_pending_funding_locked when we're an inbound
- // channel which failed to persist the monitor on funding_created, and we got the funding
- // transaction confirmed before the monitor was persisted.
+ // do it). Thus, we can only ever hit monitor_pending_funding_locked when we're
+ // * an inbound channel that failed to persist the monitor on funding_created and we got
+ // the funding transaction confirmed before the monitor was persisted, or
+ // * a 0-conf channel and intended to send the funding_locked before any broadcast at all.
let funding_locked = if self.monitor_pending_funding_locked {
assert!(!self.is_outbound(), "Funding transaction broadcast by the local client before it should have - LDK didn't do it!");
self.monitor_pending_funding_locked = false;
pub(super) enum PendingHTLCRouting {
Forward {
onion_packet: msgs::OnionPacket,
+ /// The SCID from the onion that we should forward to. This could be a "real" SCID, an
+ /// outbound SCID alias, or a phantom node SCID.
short_channel_id: u64, // This should be NonZero<u64> eventually when we bump MSRV
Receive {
// `process_pending_htlc_forwards()` for constructing the
// `HTLCSource::PreviousHopData` for failed and forwarded
// HTLCs.
+ //
+ // Note that this may be an outbound SCID alias for the associated channel.
prev_short_channel_id: u64,
prev_htlc_id: u64,
prev_funding_outpoint: OutPoint,
/// Tracks the inbound corresponding to an outbound HTLC
#[derive(Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub(crate) struct HTLCPreviousHopData {
+ // Note that this may be an outbound SCID alias for the associated channel.
short_channel_id: u64,
htlc_id: u64,
incoming_packet_shared_secret: [u8; 32],
let res = loop {
let forwards: Vec<(PendingHTLCInfo, u64)> = $pending_forwards; // Force type-checking to resolve
if !forwards.is_empty() {
- htlc_forwards = Some(($channel_entry.get().get_short_channel_id().expect("We can't have pending forwards before funding confirmation"),
+ htlc_forwards = Some(($channel_entry.get().get_short_channel_id().unwrap_or($channel_entry.get().outbound_scid_alias()),
$channel_entry.get().get_funding_txo().unwrap(), forwards));
break Ok((raa_updates.accepted_htlcs, raa_updates.failed_htlcs,
- .expect("RAA should only work on a short-id-available channel"),
+ .unwrap_or(chan.get().outbound_scid_alias()),
hash_map::Entry::Vacant(_) => break Err(MsgHandleErrInternal::send_err_msg_no_close("Failed to find corresponding channel".to_owned(), msg.channel_id))