use crate::util::string::UntrustedString;
use bitcoin::{Transaction, OutPoint};
-use bitcoin::locktime::absolute::LockTime;
use bitcoin::script::ScriptBuf;
use bitcoin::hashes::Hash;
use bitcoin::hashes::sha256::Hash as Sha256;
use bitcoin::secp256k1::PublicKey;
-use bitcoin::transaction::Version;
use crate::io;
use core::time::Duration;
use core::ops::Deref;
use crate::prelude::*;
+/// `FundingInfo` holds information about a channel's funding transaction.
+/// When LDK is set to manual propagation of the funding transaction
+/// (via [`ChannelManager::unsafe_manual_funding_transaction_generated`),
+/// LDK does not have the full transaction data. Instead, the `OutPoint`
+/// for the funding is provided here.
+/// [`ChannelManager::unsafe_manual_funding_transaction_generated`]: crate::ln::channelmanager::ChannelManager::unsafe_manual_funding_transaction_generated
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
+pub enum FundingInfo {
+ /// The full funding `Transaction`.
+ Tx {
+ /// The funding transaction
+ transaction: Transaction
+ },
+ /// The `OutPoint` of the funding.
+ OutPoint {
+ /// The outpoint of the funding
+ outpoint: transaction::OutPoint
+ },
+ (0, Tx) => {
+ (0, transaction, required)
+ },
+ (1, OutPoint) => {
+ (1, outpoint, required)
+ }
/// Some information provided on receipt of payment depends on whether the payment received is a
/// spontaneous payment or a "conventional" lightning payment that's paying an invoice.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
/// The channel_id of the channel which has been closed.
channel_id: ChannelId,
/// The full transaction received from the user
- transaction: Transaction
+ funding_info: FundingInfo,
/// Indicates a request to open a new channel by a peer.
(9, channel_funding_txo, option),
- &Event::DiscardFunding { ref channel_id, ref transaction } => {
+ &Event::DiscardFunding { ref channel_id, ref funding_info } => {
+ let transaction = if let FundingInfo::Tx { transaction } = funding_info {
+ Some(transaction)
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
write_tlv_fields!(writer, {
(0, channel_id, required),
- (2, transaction, required)
+ (2, transaction, option),
+ (4, funding_info, required),
&Event::PaymentPathSuccessful { ref payment_id, ref payment_hash, ref path } => {
11u8 => {
let mut f = || {
let mut channel_id = ChannelId::new_zero();
- let mut transaction = Transaction{ version: Version::TWO, lock_time: LockTime::ZERO, input: Vec::new(), output: Vec::new() };
+ let mut transaction: Option<Transaction> = None;
+ let mut funding_info: Option<FundingInfo> = None;
read_tlv_fields!(reader, {
(0, channel_id, required),
- (2, transaction, required),
+ (2, transaction, option),
+ (4, funding_info, option),
- Ok(Some(Event::DiscardFunding { channel_id, transaction } ))
+ let funding_info = if let Some(tx) = transaction {
+ FundingInfo::Tx { transaction: tx }
+ } else {
+ funding_info.ok_or(msgs::DecodeError::InvalidValue)?
+ };
+ Ok(Some(Event::DiscardFunding { channel_id, funding_info } ))
use bitcoin::secp256k1::Secp256k1;
use bitcoin::{secp256k1, Sequence};
+use crate::events::FundingInfo;
use crate::blinded_path::message::{MessageContext, OffersContext};
use crate::blinded_path::NodeIdLookUp;
use crate::blinded_path::message::{BlindedMessagePath, ForwardNode};
let _ = self.chain_monitor.update_channel(funding_txo, &monitor_update);
let mut shutdown_results = Vec::new();
+ let mut is_manual_broadcast = false;
if let Some(txid) = shutdown_res.unbroadcasted_batch_funding_txid {
let mut funding_batch_states = self.funding_batch_states.lock().unwrap();
let affected_channels = funding_batch_states.remove(&txid).into_iter().flatten();
if let Some(peer_state_mutex) = per_peer_state.get(&counterparty_node_id) {
let mut peer_state = peer_state_mutex.lock().unwrap();
if let Some(mut chan) = peer_state.channel_by_id.remove(&channel_id) {
+ // We override the previous value, so we could change from true -> false,
+ // but this is fine because if a channel has manual_broadcast set to false
+ // we should choose the safier condition.
+ is_manual_broadcast = chan.context().is_manual_broadcast();
update_maps_on_chan_removal!(self, &chan.context());
shutdown_results.push(chan.context_mut().force_shutdown(false, ClosureReason::FundingBatchClosure));
channel_funding_txo: shutdown_res.channel_funding_txo,
}, None));
- if let Some(transaction) = shutdown_res.unbroadcasted_funding_tx {
+ let funding_info = if is_manual_broadcast {
+|outpoint| FundingInfo::OutPoint{ outpoint })
+ } else {
+|transaction| FundingInfo::Tx{ transaction })
+ };
+ if let Some(funding_info) = funding_info {
pending_events.push_back((events::Event::DiscardFunding {
- channel_id: shutdown_res.channel_id, transaction
+ channel_id: shutdown_res.channel_id, funding_info
}, None));