impl<Signer: WriteableEcdsaChannelSigner> Channel<Signer> {
- // Constructors:
fn check_remote_fee<F: Deref, L: Deref>(fee_estimator: &LowerBoundedFeeEstimator<F>,
feerate_per_kw: u32, cur_feerate_per_kw: Option<u32>, logger: &L)
-> Result<(), ChannelError> where F::Target: FeeEstimator, L::Target: Logger,
// Message handlers:
- fn funding_created_signature<L: Deref>(&mut self, sig: &Signature, logger: &L) -> Result<(Txid, CommitmentTransaction, Signature), ChannelError> where L::Target: Logger {
- let funding_script = self.context.get_funding_redeemscript();
- let keys = self.context.build_holder_transaction_keys(self.context.cur_holder_commitment_transaction_number);
- let initial_commitment_tx = self.context.build_commitment_transaction(self.context.cur_holder_commitment_transaction_number, &keys, true, false, logger).tx;
- {
- let trusted_tx = initial_commitment_tx.trust();
- let initial_commitment_bitcoin_tx = trusted_tx.built_transaction();
- let sighash = initial_commitment_bitcoin_tx.get_sighash_all(&funding_script, self.context.channel_value_satoshis);
- // They sign the holder commitment transaction...
- log_trace!(logger, "Checking funding_created tx signature {} by key {} against tx {} (sighash {}) with redeemscript {} for channel {}.",
- log_bytes!(sig.serialize_compact()[..]), log_bytes!(self.context.counterparty_funding_pubkey().serialize()),
- encode::serialize_hex(&initial_commitment_bitcoin_tx.transaction), log_bytes!(sighash[..]),
- encode::serialize_hex(&funding_script), log_bytes!(self.context.channel_id()));
- secp_check!(self.context.secp_ctx.verify_ecdsa(&sighash, &sig, self.context.counterparty_funding_pubkey()), "Invalid funding_created signature from peer".to_owned());
- }
- let counterparty_keys = self.context.build_remote_transaction_keys();
- let counterparty_initial_commitment_tx = self.context.build_commitment_transaction(self.context.cur_counterparty_commitment_transaction_number, &counterparty_keys, false, false, logger).tx;
- let counterparty_trusted_tx = counterparty_initial_commitment_tx.trust();
- let counterparty_initial_bitcoin_tx = counterparty_trusted_tx.built_transaction();
- log_trace!(logger, "Initial counterparty tx for channel {} is: txid {} tx {}",
- log_bytes!(self.context.channel_id()), counterparty_initial_bitcoin_tx.txid, encode::serialize_hex(&counterparty_initial_bitcoin_tx.transaction));
- let counterparty_signature = self.context.holder_signer.sign_counterparty_commitment(&counterparty_initial_commitment_tx, Vec::new(), &self.context.secp_ctx)
- .map_err(|_| ChannelError::Close("Failed to get signatures for new commitment_signed".to_owned()))?.0;
- // We sign "counterparty" commitment transaction, allowing them to broadcast the tx if they wish.
- Ok((counterparty_initial_bitcoin_tx.txid, initial_commitment_tx, counterparty_signature))
- }
- pub fn funding_created<SP: Deref, L: Deref>(
- &mut self, msg: &msgs::FundingCreated, best_block: BestBlock, signer_provider: &SP, logger: &L
- ) -> Result<(msgs::FundingSigned, ChannelMonitor<Signer>), ChannelError>
- where
- SP::Target: SignerProvider<Signer = Signer>,
- L::Target: Logger
- {
- if self.context.is_outbound() {
- return Err(ChannelError::Close("Received funding_created for an outbound channel?".to_owned()));
- }
- if self.context.channel_state != (ChannelState::OurInitSent as u32 | ChannelState::TheirInitSent as u32) {
- // BOLT 2 says that if we disconnect before we send funding_signed we SHOULD NOT
- // remember the channel, so it's safe to just send an error_message here and drop the
- // channel.
- return Err(ChannelError::Close("Received funding_created after we got the channel!".to_owned()));
- }
- if self.context.inbound_awaiting_accept {
- return Err(ChannelError::Close("FundingCreated message received before the channel was accepted".to_owned()));
- }
- if self.context.commitment_secrets.get_min_seen_secret() != (1 << 48) ||
- self.context.cur_counterparty_commitment_transaction_number != INITIAL_COMMITMENT_NUMBER ||
- self.context.cur_holder_commitment_transaction_number != INITIAL_COMMITMENT_NUMBER {
- panic!("Should not have advanced channel commitment tx numbers prior to funding_created");
- }
- let funding_txo = OutPoint { txid: msg.funding_txid, index: msg.funding_output_index };
- self.context.channel_transaction_parameters.funding_outpoint = Some(funding_txo);
- // This is an externally observable change before we finish all our checks. In particular
- // funding_created_signature may fail.
- self.context.holder_signer.provide_channel_parameters(&self.context.channel_transaction_parameters);
- let (counterparty_initial_commitment_txid, initial_commitment_tx, signature) = match self.funding_created_signature(&msg.signature, logger) {
- Ok(res) => res,
- Err(ChannelError::Close(e)) => {
- self.context.channel_transaction_parameters.funding_outpoint = None;
- return Err(ChannelError::Close(e));
- },
- Err(e) => {
- // The only error we know how to handle is ChannelError::Close, so we fall over here
- // to make sure we don't continue with an inconsistent state.
- panic!("unexpected error type from funding_created_signature {:?}", e);
- }
- };
- let holder_commitment_tx = HolderCommitmentTransaction::new(
- initial_commitment_tx,
- msg.signature,
- Vec::new(),
- &self.context.get_holder_pubkeys().funding_pubkey,
- self.context.counterparty_funding_pubkey()
- );
- self.context.holder_signer.validate_holder_commitment(&holder_commitment_tx, Vec::new())
- .map_err(|_| ChannelError::Close("Failed to validate our commitment".to_owned()))?;
- // Now that we're past error-generating stuff, update our local state:
- let funding_redeemscript = self.context.get_funding_redeemscript();
- let funding_txo_script = funding_redeemscript.to_v0_p2wsh();
- let obscure_factor = get_commitment_transaction_number_obscure_factor(&self.context.get_holder_pubkeys().payment_point, &self.context.get_counterparty_pubkeys().payment_point, self.context.is_outbound());
- let shutdown_script = self.context.shutdown_scriptpubkey.clone().map(|script| script.into_inner());
- let mut monitor_signer = signer_provider.derive_channel_signer(self.context.channel_value_satoshis, self.context.channel_keys_id);
- monitor_signer.provide_channel_parameters(&self.context.channel_transaction_parameters);
- let channel_monitor = ChannelMonitor::new(self.context.secp_ctx.clone(), monitor_signer,
- shutdown_script, self.context.get_holder_selected_contest_delay(),
- &self.context.destination_script, (funding_txo, funding_txo_script.clone()),
- &self.context.channel_transaction_parameters,
- funding_redeemscript.clone(), self.context.channel_value_satoshis,
- obscure_factor,
- holder_commitment_tx, best_block, self.context.counterparty_node_id);
- channel_monitor.provide_latest_counterparty_commitment_tx(counterparty_initial_commitment_txid, Vec::new(), self.context.cur_counterparty_commitment_transaction_number, self.context.counterparty_cur_commitment_point.unwrap(), logger);
- self.context.channel_state = ChannelState::FundingSent as u32;
- self.context.channel_id = funding_txo.to_channel_id();
- self.context.cur_counterparty_commitment_transaction_number -= 1;
- self.context.cur_holder_commitment_transaction_number -= 1;
- log_info!(logger, "Generated funding_signed for peer for channel {}", log_bytes!(self.context.channel_id()));
- let need_channel_ready = self.check_get_channel_ready(0).is_some();
- self.monitor_updating_paused(false, false, need_channel_ready, Vec::new(), Vec::new(), Vec::new());
- Ok((msgs::FundingSigned {
- channel_id: self.context.channel_id,
- signature,
- #[cfg(taproot)]
- partial_signature_with_nonce: None,
- }, channel_monitor))
- }
/// Handles a funding_signed message from the remote end.
/// If this call is successful, broadcast the funding transaction (and not before!)
pub fn funding_signed<SP: Deref, L: Deref>(
// Methods to get unprompted messages to send to the remote end (or where we already returned
// something in the handler for the message that prompted this message):
- pub fn inbound_is_awaiting_accept(&self) -> bool {
- self.context.inbound_awaiting_accept
- }
- /// Sets this channel to accepting 0conf, must be done before `get_accept_channel`
- pub fn set_0conf(&mut self) {
- assert!(self.context.inbound_awaiting_accept);
- self.context.minimum_depth = Some(0);
- }
- /// Marks an inbound channel as accepted and generates a [`msgs::AcceptChannel`] message which
- /// should be sent back to the counterparty node.
- ///
- /// [`msgs::AcceptChannel`]: crate::ln::msgs::AcceptChannel
- pub fn accept_inbound_channel(&mut self, user_id: u128) -> msgs::AcceptChannel {
- if self.context.is_outbound() {
- panic!("Tried to send accept_channel for an outbound channel?");
- }
- if self.context.channel_state != (ChannelState::OurInitSent as u32) | (ChannelState::TheirInitSent as u32) {
- panic!("Tried to send accept_channel after channel had moved forward");
- }
- if self.context.cur_holder_commitment_transaction_number != INITIAL_COMMITMENT_NUMBER {
- panic!("Tried to send an accept_channel for a channel that has already advanced");
- }
- if !self.context.inbound_awaiting_accept {
- panic!("The inbound channel has already been accepted");
- }
- self.context.user_id = user_id;
- self.context.inbound_awaiting_accept = false;
- self.generate_accept_channel_message()
- }
- /// This function is used to explicitly generate a [`msgs::AcceptChannel`] message for an
- /// inbound channel. If the intention is to accept an inbound channel, use
- /// [`Channel::accept_inbound_channel`] instead.
- ///
- /// [`msgs::AcceptChannel`]: crate::ln::msgs::AcceptChannel
- fn generate_accept_channel_message(&self) -> msgs::AcceptChannel {
- let first_per_commitment_point = self.context.holder_signer.get_per_commitment_point(self.context.cur_holder_commitment_transaction_number, &self.context.secp_ctx);
- let keys = self.context.get_holder_pubkeys();
- msgs::AcceptChannel {
- temporary_channel_id: self.context.channel_id,
- dust_limit_satoshis: self.context.holder_dust_limit_satoshis,
- max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat: self.context.holder_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat,
- channel_reserve_satoshis: self.context.holder_selected_channel_reserve_satoshis,
- htlc_minimum_msat: self.context.holder_htlc_minimum_msat,
- minimum_depth: self.context.minimum_depth.unwrap(),
- to_self_delay: self.context.get_holder_selected_contest_delay(),
- max_accepted_htlcs: self.context.holder_max_accepted_htlcs,
- funding_pubkey: keys.funding_pubkey,
- revocation_basepoint: keys.revocation_basepoint,
- payment_point: keys.payment_point,
- delayed_payment_basepoint: keys.delayed_payment_basepoint,
- htlc_basepoint: keys.htlc_basepoint,
- first_per_commitment_point,
- shutdown_scriptpubkey: Some(match &self.context.shutdown_scriptpubkey {
- Some(script) => script.clone().into_inner(),
- None => Builder::new().into_script(),
- }),
- channel_type: Some(self.context.channel_type.clone()),
- #[cfg(taproot)]
- next_local_nonce: None,
- }
- }
- /// Enables the possibility for tests to extract a [`msgs::AcceptChannel`] message for an
- /// inbound channel without accepting it.
- ///
- /// [`msgs::AcceptChannel`]: crate::ln::msgs::AcceptChannel
- #[cfg(test)]
- pub fn get_accept_channel_message(&self) -> msgs::AcceptChannel {
- self.generate_accept_channel_message()
- }
/// Gets an UnsignedChannelAnnouncement for this channel. The channel must be publicly
/// announceable and available for use (have exchanged ChannelReady messages in both
/// directions). Should be used for both broadcasted announcements and in response to an
counterparty_node_id: PublicKey, our_supported_features: &ChannelTypeFeatures,
their_features: &InitFeatures, msg: &msgs::OpenChannel, user_id: u128, config: &UserConfig,
current_chain_height: u32, logger: &L, outbound_scid_alias: u64
- ) -> Result<Channel<Signer>, ChannelError>
+ ) -> Result<InboundV1Channel<Signer>, ChannelError>
where ES::Target: EntropySource,
SP::Target: SignerProvider<Signer = Signer>,
F::Target: FeeEstimator,
let mut secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
- let chan = Channel {
+ let chan = Self {
context: ChannelContext {
+ pub fn inbound_is_awaiting_accept(&self) -> bool {
+ self.context.inbound_awaiting_accept
+ }
+ /// Sets this channel to accepting 0conf, must be done before `get_accept_channel`
+ pub fn set_0conf(&mut self) {
+ assert!(self.context.inbound_awaiting_accept);
+ self.context.minimum_depth = Some(0);
+ }
+ /// Marks an inbound channel as accepted and generates a [`msgs::AcceptChannel`] message which
+ /// should be sent back to the counterparty node.
+ ///
+ /// [`msgs::AcceptChannel`]: crate::ln::msgs::AcceptChannel
+ pub fn accept_inbound_channel(&mut self, user_id: u128) -> msgs::AcceptChannel {
+ if self.context.is_outbound() {
+ panic!("Tried to send accept_channel for an outbound channel?");
+ }
+ if self.context.channel_state != (ChannelState::OurInitSent as u32) | (ChannelState::TheirInitSent as u32) {
+ panic!("Tried to send accept_channel after channel had moved forward");
+ }
+ if self.context.cur_holder_commitment_transaction_number != INITIAL_COMMITMENT_NUMBER {
+ panic!("Tried to send an accept_channel for a channel that has already advanced");
+ }
+ if !self.context.inbound_awaiting_accept {
+ panic!("The inbound channel has already been accepted");
+ }
+ self.context.user_id = user_id;
+ self.context.inbound_awaiting_accept = false;
+ self.generate_accept_channel_message()
+ }
+ /// This function is used to explicitly generate a [`msgs::AcceptChannel`] message for an
+ /// inbound channel. If the intention is to accept an inbound channel, use
+ /// [`InboundV1Channel::accept_inbound_channel`] instead.
+ ///
+ /// [`msgs::AcceptChannel`]: crate::ln::msgs::AcceptChannel
+ fn generate_accept_channel_message(&self) -> msgs::AcceptChannel {
+ let first_per_commitment_point = self.context.holder_signer.get_per_commitment_point(self.context.cur_holder_commitment_transaction_number, &self.context.secp_ctx);
+ let keys = self.context.get_holder_pubkeys();
+ msgs::AcceptChannel {
+ temporary_channel_id: self.context.channel_id,
+ dust_limit_satoshis: self.context.holder_dust_limit_satoshis,
+ max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat: self.context.holder_max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat,
+ channel_reserve_satoshis: self.context.holder_selected_channel_reserve_satoshis,
+ htlc_minimum_msat: self.context.holder_htlc_minimum_msat,
+ minimum_depth: self.context.minimum_depth.unwrap(),
+ to_self_delay: self.context.get_holder_selected_contest_delay(),
+ max_accepted_htlcs: self.context.holder_max_accepted_htlcs,
+ funding_pubkey: keys.funding_pubkey,
+ revocation_basepoint: keys.revocation_basepoint,
+ payment_point: keys.payment_point,
+ delayed_payment_basepoint: keys.delayed_payment_basepoint,
+ htlc_basepoint: keys.htlc_basepoint,
+ first_per_commitment_point,
+ shutdown_scriptpubkey: Some(match &self.context.shutdown_scriptpubkey {
+ Some(script) => script.clone().into_inner(),
+ None => Builder::new().into_script(),
+ }),
+ channel_type: Some(self.context.channel_type.clone()),
+ #[cfg(taproot)]
+ next_local_nonce: None,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Enables the possibility for tests to extract a [`msgs::AcceptChannel`] message for an
+ /// inbound channel without accepting it.
+ ///
+ /// [`msgs::AcceptChannel`]: crate::ln::msgs::AcceptChannel
+ #[cfg(test)]
+ pub fn get_accept_channel_message(&self) -> msgs::AcceptChannel {
+ self.generate_accept_channel_message()
+ }
+ fn funding_created_signature<L: Deref>(&mut self, sig: &Signature, logger: &L) -> Result<(Txid, CommitmentTransaction, Signature), ChannelError> where L::Target: Logger {
+ let funding_script = self.context.get_funding_redeemscript();
+ let keys = self.context.build_holder_transaction_keys(self.context.cur_holder_commitment_transaction_number);
+ let initial_commitment_tx = self.context.build_commitment_transaction(self.context.cur_holder_commitment_transaction_number, &keys, true, false, logger).tx;
+ {
+ let trusted_tx = initial_commitment_tx.trust();
+ let initial_commitment_bitcoin_tx = trusted_tx.built_transaction();
+ let sighash = initial_commitment_bitcoin_tx.get_sighash_all(&funding_script, self.context.channel_value_satoshis);
+ // They sign the holder commitment transaction...
+ log_trace!(logger, "Checking funding_created tx signature {} by key {} against tx {} (sighash {}) with redeemscript {} for channel {}.",
+ log_bytes!(sig.serialize_compact()[..]), log_bytes!(self.context.counterparty_funding_pubkey().serialize()),
+ encode::serialize_hex(&initial_commitment_bitcoin_tx.transaction), log_bytes!(sighash[..]),
+ encode::serialize_hex(&funding_script), log_bytes!(self.context.channel_id()));
+ secp_check!(self.context.secp_ctx.verify_ecdsa(&sighash, &sig, self.context.counterparty_funding_pubkey()), "Invalid funding_created signature from peer".to_owned());
+ }
+ let counterparty_keys = self.context.build_remote_transaction_keys();
+ let counterparty_initial_commitment_tx = self.context.build_commitment_transaction(self.context.cur_counterparty_commitment_transaction_number, &counterparty_keys, false, false, logger).tx;
+ let counterparty_trusted_tx = counterparty_initial_commitment_tx.trust();
+ let counterparty_initial_bitcoin_tx = counterparty_trusted_tx.built_transaction();
+ log_trace!(logger, "Initial counterparty tx for channel {} is: txid {} tx {}",
+ log_bytes!(self.context.channel_id()), counterparty_initial_bitcoin_tx.txid, encode::serialize_hex(&counterparty_initial_bitcoin_tx.transaction));
+ let counterparty_signature = self.context.holder_signer.sign_counterparty_commitment(&counterparty_initial_commitment_tx, Vec::new(), &self.context.secp_ctx)
+ .map_err(|_| ChannelError::Close("Failed to get signatures for new commitment_signed".to_owned()))?.0;
+ // We sign "counterparty" commitment transaction, allowing them to broadcast the tx if they wish.
+ Ok((counterparty_initial_bitcoin_tx.txid, initial_commitment_tx, counterparty_signature))
+ }
+ pub fn funding_created<SP: Deref, L: Deref>(
+ mut self, msg: &msgs::FundingCreated, best_block: BestBlock, signer_provider: &SP, logger: &L
+ ) -> Result<(Channel<Signer>, msgs::FundingSigned, ChannelMonitor<Signer>), (Self, ChannelError)>
+ where
+ SP::Target: SignerProvider<Signer = Signer>,
+ L::Target: Logger
+ {
+ if self.context.is_outbound() {
+ return Err((self, ChannelError::Close("Received funding_created for an outbound channel?".to_owned())));
+ }
+ if self.context.channel_state != (ChannelState::OurInitSent as u32 | ChannelState::TheirInitSent as u32) {
+ // BOLT 2 says that if we disconnect before we send funding_signed we SHOULD NOT
+ // remember the channel, so it's safe to just send an error_message here and drop the
+ // channel.
+ return Err((self, ChannelError::Close("Received funding_created after we got the channel!".to_owned())));
+ }
+ if self.context.inbound_awaiting_accept {
+ return Err((self, ChannelError::Close("FundingCreated message received before the channel was accepted".to_owned())));
+ }
+ if self.context.commitment_secrets.get_min_seen_secret() != (1 << 48) ||
+ self.context.cur_counterparty_commitment_transaction_number != INITIAL_COMMITMENT_NUMBER ||
+ self.context.cur_holder_commitment_transaction_number != INITIAL_COMMITMENT_NUMBER {
+ panic!("Should not have advanced channel commitment tx numbers prior to funding_created");
+ }
+ let funding_txo = OutPoint { txid: msg.funding_txid, index: msg.funding_output_index };
+ self.context.channel_transaction_parameters.funding_outpoint = Some(funding_txo);
+ // This is an externally observable change before we finish all our checks. In particular
+ // funding_created_signature may fail.
+ self.context.holder_signer.provide_channel_parameters(&self.context.channel_transaction_parameters);
+ let (counterparty_initial_commitment_txid, initial_commitment_tx, signature) = match self.funding_created_signature(&msg.signature, logger) {
+ Ok(res) => res,
+ Err(ChannelError::Close(e)) => {
+ self.context.channel_transaction_parameters.funding_outpoint = None;
+ return Err((self, ChannelError::Close(e)));
+ },
+ Err(e) => {
+ // The only error we know how to handle is ChannelError::Close, so we fall over here
+ // to make sure we don't continue with an inconsistent state.
+ panic!("unexpected error type from funding_created_signature {:?}", e);
+ }
+ };
+ let holder_commitment_tx = HolderCommitmentTransaction::new(
+ initial_commitment_tx,
+ msg.signature,
+ Vec::new(),
+ &self.context.get_holder_pubkeys().funding_pubkey,
+ self.context.counterparty_funding_pubkey()
+ );
+ if let Err(_) = self.context.holder_signer.validate_holder_commitment(&holder_commitment_tx, Vec::new()) {
+ return Err((self, ChannelError::Close("Failed to validate our commitment".to_owned())));
+ }
+ // Now that we're past error-generating stuff, update our local state:
+ let funding_redeemscript = self.context.get_funding_redeemscript();
+ let funding_txo_script = funding_redeemscript.to_v0_p2wsh();
+ let obscure_factor = get_commitment_transaction_number_obscure_factor(&self.context.get_holder_pubkeys().payment_point, &self.context.get_counterparty_pubkeys().payment_point, self.context.is_outbound());
+ let shutdown_script = self.context.shutdown_scriptpubkey.clone().map(|script| script.into_inner());
+ let mut monitor_signer = signer_provider.derive_channel_signer(self.context.channel_value_satoshis, self.context.channel_keys_id);
+ monitor_signer.provide_channel_parameters(&self.context.channel_transaction_parameters);
+ let channel_monitor = ChannelMonitor::new(self.context.secp_ctx.clone(), monitor_signer,
+ shutdown_script, self.context.get_holder_selected_contest_delay(),
+ &self.context.destination_script, (funding_txo, funding_txo_script.clone()),
+ &self.context.channel_transaction_parameters,
+ funding_redeemscript.clone(), self.context.channel_value_satoshis,
+ obscure_factor,
+ holder_commitment_tx, best_block, self.context.counterparty_node_id);
+ channel_monitor.provide_latest_counterparty_commitment_tx(counterparty_initial_commitment_txid, Vec::new(), self.context.cur_counterparty_commitment_transaction_number, self.context.counterparty_cur_commitment_point.unwrap(), logger);
+ self.context.channel_state = ChannelState::FundingSent as u32;
+ self.context.channel_id = funding_txo.to_channel_id();
+ self.context.cur_counterparty_commitment_transaction_number -= 1;
+ self.context.cur_holder_commitment_transaction_number -= 1;
+ log_info!(logger, "Generated funding_signed for peer for channel {}", log_bytes!(self.context.channel_id()));
+ // Promote the channel to a full-fledged one now that we have updated the state and have a
+ // `ChannelMonitor`.
+ let mut channel = Channel {
+ context: self.context,
+ };
+ let channel_id = channel.context.channel_id.clone();
+ let need_channel_ready = channel.check_get_channel_ready(0).is_some();
+ channel.monitor_updating_paused(false, false, need_channel_ready, Vec::new(), Vec::new(), Vec::new());
+ Ok((channel, msgs::FundingSigned {
+ channel_id,
+ signature,
+ #[cfg(taproot)]
+ partial_signature_with_nonce: None,
+ }, channel_monitor))
+ }
let funding_outpoint = OutPoint{ txid: tx.txid(), index: 0 };
let (mut node_a_chan, funding_created_msg) = node_a_chan.get_outbound_funding_created(tx.clone(), funding_outpoint, &&logger).map_err(|_| ()).unwrap();
- let (funding_signed_msg, _) = node_b_chan.funding_created(&funding_created_msg, best_block, &&keys_provider, &&logger).unwrap();
+ let (_, funding_signed_msg, _) = node_b_chan.funding_created(&funding_created_msg, best_block, &&keys_provider, &&logger).map_err(|_| ()).unwrap();
// Node B --> Node A: funding signed
let _ = node_a_chan.funding_signed(&funding_signed_msg, best_block, &&keys_provider, &&logger).unwrap();
let funding_outpoint = OutPoint{ txid: tx.txid(), index: 0 };
let (mut node_a_chan, funding_created_msg) = node_a_chan.get_outbound_funding_created(tx.clone(), funding_outpoint, &&logger).map_err(|_| ()).unwrap();
- let (funding_signed_msg, _) = node_b_chan.funding_created(&funding_created_msg, best_block, &&keys_provider, &&logger).unwrap();
+ let (mut node_b_chan, funding_signed_msg, _) = node_b_chan.funding_created(&funding_created_msg, best_block, &&keys_provider, &&logger).map_err(|_| ()).unwrap();
// Node B --> Node A: funding signed
let _ = node_a_chan.funding_signed(&funding_signed_msg, best_block, &&keys_provider, &&logger).unwrap();
let funding_outpoint = OutPoint{ txid: tx.txid(), index: 0 };
let (mut node_a_chan, funding_created_msg) = node_a_chan.get_outbound_funding_created(tx.clone(), funding_outpoint, &&logger).map_err(|_| ()).unwrap();
- let (funding_signed_msg, _) = node_b_chan.funding_created(&funding_created_msg, best_block, &&keys_provider, &&logger).unwrap();
+ let (_, funding_signed_msg, _) = node_b_chan.funding_created(&funding_created_msg, best_block, &&keys_provider, &&logger).map_err(|_| ()).unwrap();
// Node B --> Node A: funding signed
let _ = node_a_chan.funding_signed(&funding_signed_msg, best_block, &&keys_provider, &&logger).unwrap();
+ for (_channel_id, channel) in peer_state.inbound_v1_channel_by_id.iter() {
+ let details = ChannelDetails::from_channel_context(&channel.context, best_block_height,
+ peer_state.latest_features.clone());
+ res.push(details);
+ }
for (_channel_id, channel) in peer_state.outbound_v1_channel_by_id.iter() {
let details = ChannelDetails::from_channel_context(&channel.context, best_block_height,
// Prefunded channel has no update
(None, chan.context.get_counterparty_node_id())
+ } else if let hash_map::Entry::Occupied(chan) = peer_state.inbound_v1_channel_by_id.entry(channel_id.clone()) {
+ log_error!(self.logger, "Force-closing channel {}", log_bytes!(channel_id[..]));
+ self.issue_channel_close_events(&chan.get().context, closure_reason);
+ let mut chan = remove_channel!(self, chan);
+ self.finish_force_close_channel(chan.context.force_shutdown(false));
+ // Prefunded channel has no update
+ (None, chan.context.get_counterparty_node_id())
} else {
return Err(APIError::ChannelUnavailable{ err: format!("Channel with id {} not found for the passed counterparty node_id {}", log_bytes!(*channel_id), peer_node_id) });
let mut peer_state_lock = peer_state_mutex.lock().unwrap();
let peer_state = &mut *peer_state_lock;
let is_only_peer_channel = peer_state.total_channel_count() == 1;
- match peer_state.channel_by_id.entry(temporary_channel_id.clone()) {
+ match peer_state.inbound_v1_channel_by_id.entry(temporary_channel_id.clone()) {
hash_map::Entry::Occupied(mut channel) => {
if !channel.get().inbound_is_awaiting_accept() {
return Err(APIError::APIMisuseError { err: "The channel isn't currently awaiting to be accepted.".to_owned() });
) -> usize {
let mut num_unfunded_channels = 0;
for (_, chan) in peer.channel_by_id.iter() {
+ // This covers non-zero-conf inbound `Channel`s that we are currently monitoring, but those
+ // which have not yet had any confirmations on-chain.
if !chan.context.is_outbound() && chan.context.minimum_depth().unwrap_or(1) != 0 &&
chan.context.get_funding_tx_confirmations(best_block_height) == 0
num_unfunded_channels += 1;
+ for (_, chan) in peer.inbound_v1_channel_by_id.iter() {
+ if chan.context.minimum_depth().unwrap_or(1) != 0 {
+ num_unfunded_channels += 1;
+ }
+ }
channel_type: channel.context.get_channel_type().clone(),
}, None));
- peer_state.channel_by_id.insert(channel_id, channel);
+ peer_state.inbound_v1_channel_by_id.insert(channel_id, channel);
let mut peer_state_lock = peer_state_mutex.lock().unwrap();
let peer_state = &mut *peer_state_lock;
- let ((funding_msg, monitor), chan) =
- match peer_state.channel_by_id.entry(msg.temporary_channel_id) {
- hash_map::Entry::Occupied(mut chan) => {
- (try_chan_entry!(self, chan.get_mut().funding_created(msg, best_block, &self.signer_provider, &self.logger), chan), chan.remove())
+ let (chan, funding_msg, monitor) =
+ match peer_state.inbound_v1_channel_by_id.remove(&msg.temporary_channel_id) {
+ Some(inbound_chan) => {
+ match inbound_chan.funding_created(msg, best_block, &self.signer_provider, &self.logger) {
+ Ok(res) => res,
+ Err((mut inbound_chan, err)) => {
+ // We've already removed this inbound channel from the map in `PeerState`
+ // above so at this point we just need to clean up any lingering entries
+ // concerning this channel as it is safe to do so.
+ update_maps_on_chan_removal!(self, &inbound_chan.context);
+ let user_id = inbound_chan.context.get_user_id();
+ let shutdown_res = inbound_chan.context.force_shutdown(false);
+ return Err(MsgHandleErrInternal::from_finish_shutdown(format!("{}", err),
+ msg.temporary_channel_id, user_id, shutdown_res, None));
+ },
+ }
- hash_map::Entry::Vacant(_) => return Err(MsgHandleErrInternal::send_err_msg_no_close(format!("Got a message for a channel from the wrong node! No such channel for the passed counterparty_node_id {}", counterparty_node_id), msg.temporary_channel_id))
+ None => return Err(MsgHandleErrInternal::send_err_msg_no_close(format!("Got a message for a channel from the wrong node! No such channel for the passed counterparty_node_id {}", counterparty_node_id), msg.temporary_channel_id))
match peer_state.channel_by_id.entry(funding_msg.channel_id) {
+ peer_state.inbound_v1_channel_by_id.retain(|_, chan| {
+ update_maps_on_chan_removal!(self, &chan.context);
+ self.issue_channel_close_events(&chan.context, ClosureReason::DisconnectedPeer);
+ false
+ });
peer_state.outbound_v1_channel_by_id.retain(|_, chan| {
update_maps_on_chan_removal!(self, &chan.context);
self.issue_channel_close_events(&chan.context, ClosureReason::DisconnectedPeer);