writeln!(w, ";\n").unwrap();
writeln!(extra_headers, "struct native{}Opaque;\ntypedef struct native{}Opaque LDKnative{};", ident, ident, ident).unwrap();
writeln_docs(w, &attrs, "");
- writeln!(w, "#[must_use]\n#[repr(C)]\npub struct {} {{\n\t/// Nearly everyhwere, inner must be non-null, however in places where", struct_name).unwrap();
+ writeln!(w, "#[must_use]\n#[repr(C)]\npub struct {} {{\n\t/// Nearly everywhere, inner must be non-null, however in places where", struct_name).unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\t/// the Rust equivalent takes an Option, it may be set to null to indicate None.").unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\tpub inner: *mut native{},\n\tpub is_owned: bool,\n}}\n", ident).unwrap();
writeln!(w, "impl Drop for {} {{\n\tfn drop(&mut self) {{", struct_name).unwrap();