use crate::chain;
use crate::chain::{Confirm, ChannelMonitorUpdateStatus, Watch, BestBlock};
use crate::chain::chaininterface::{BroadcasterInterface, ConfirmationTarget, FeeEstimator, LowerBoundedFeeEstimator};
-use crate::chain::channelmonitor::{ChannelMonitor, ChannelMonitorUpdate, WithChannelMonitor, ChannelMonitorUpdateStep, HTLC_FAIL_BACK_BUFFER, CLTV_CLAIM_BUFFER, LATENCY_GRACE_PERIOD_BLOCKS, ANTI_REORG_DELAY, MonitorEvent, CLOSED_CHANNEL_UPDATE_ID};
+use crate::chain::channelmonitor::{Balance, ChannelMonitor, ChannelMonitorUpdate, WithChannelMonitor, ChannelMonitorUpdateStep, HTLC_FAIL_BACK_BUFFER, CLTV_CLAIM_BUFFER, LATENCY_GRACE_PERIOD_BLOCKS, ANTI_REORG_DELAY, MonitorEvent, CLOSED_CHANNEL_UPDATE_ID};
use crate::chain::transaction::{OutPoint, TransactionData};
use crate::events;
use crate::events::{Event, EventHandler, EventsProvider, MessageSendEvent, MessageSendEventsProvider, ClosureReason, HTLCDestination, PaymentFailureReason, ReplayEvent};
channel_id: Some(prev_hop.channel_id),
+ if prev_hop.counterparty_node_id.is_none() {
+ let payment_hash: PaymentHash = payment_preimage.into();
+ panic!(
+ "Prior to upgrading to LDK 0.1, all pending HTLCs forwarded by LDK 0.0.123 or before must be resolved. It appears at least the HTLC with payment_hash {} (preimage {}) was not resolved. Please downgrade to LDK 0.0.125 and resolve the HTLC prior to upgrading.",
+ payment_hash,
+ payment_preimage,
+ );
+ }
+ let counterparty_node_id = prev_hop.counterparty_node_id.expect("Checked immediately above");
if !during_init {
// We update the ChannelMonitor on the backward link, after
// receiving an `update_fulfill_htlc` from the forward link.
let (action_opt, raa_blocker_opt) = completion_action(None, false);
if let Some(raa_blocker) = raa_blocker_opt {
- let counterparty_node_id = prev_hop.counterparty_node_id.or_else(||
- // prev_hop.counterparty_node_id is always available for payments received after
- // LDK 0.0.123, but for those received on 0.0.123 and claimed later, we need to
- // look up the counterparty in the `action_opt`, if possible.
- action_opt.as_ref().and_then(|action|
- if let MonitorUpdateCompletionAction::PaymentClaimed { pending_mpp_claim, .. } = action {
- pending_mpp_claim.as_ref().map(|(node_id, _, _, _)| *node_id)
- } else { None }
- )
- );
- if let Some(counterparty_node_id) = counterparty_node_id {
- // TODO: Avoid always blocking the world for the write lock here.
- let mut per_peer_state = self.per_peer_state.write().unwrap();
- let peer_state_mutex = per_peer_state.entry(counterparty_node_id).or_insert_with(||
- Mutex::new(PeerState {
- channel_by_id: new_hash_map(),
- inbound_channel_request_by_id: new_hash_map(),
- latest_features: InitFeatures::empty(),
- pending_msg_events: Vec::new(),
- in_flight_monitor_updates: BTreeMap::new(),
- monitor_update_blocked_actions: BTreeMap::new(),
- actions_blocking_raa_monitor_updates: BTreeMap::new(),
- is_connected: false,
- }));
- let mut peer_state = peer_state_mutex.lock().unwrap();
+ // TODO: Avoid always blocking the world for the write lock here.
+ let mut per_peer_state = self.per_peer_state.write().unwrap();
+ let peer_state_mutex = per_peer_state.entry(counterparty_node_id).or_insert_with(||
+ Mutex::new(PeerState {
+ channel_by_id: new_hash_map(),
+ inbound_channel_request_by_id: new_hash_map(),
+ latest_features: InitFeatures::empty(),
+ pending_msg_events: Vec::new(),
+ in_flight_monitor_updates: BTreeMap::new(),
+ monitor_update_blocked_actions: BTreeMap::new(),
+ actions_blocking_raa_monitor_updates: BTreeMap::new(),
+ is_connected: false,
+ }));
+ let mut peer_state = peer_state_mutex.lock().unwrap();
- peer_state.actions_blocking_raa_monitor_updates
- .entry(prev_hop.channel_id)
- .or_default()
- .push(raa_blocker);
- } else {
- debug_assert!(false,
- "RAA ChannelMonitorUpdate blockers are only set with PaymentClaimed completion actions, so we should always have a counterparty node id");
- }
+ peer_state.actions_blocking_raa_monitor_updates
+ .entry(prev_hop.channel_id)
+ .or_default()
+ .push(raa_blocker);
// Whether the downstream channel was closed or not, try to re-apply any payment
// preimages from it which may be needed in upstream channels for forwarded
// payments.
+ let mut fail_read = false;
let outbound_claimed_htlcs_iter = monitor.get_all_current_outbound_htlcs()
.filter_map(|(htlc_source, (htlc, preimage_opt))| {
- if let HTLCSource::PreviousHopData(_) = htlc_source {
+ if let HTLCSource::PreviousHopData(prev_hop) = &htlc_source {
if let Some(payment_preimage) = preimage_opt {
+ let inbound_edge_monitor = args.channel_monitors.get(&prev_hop.outpoint);
+ // Note that for channels which have gone to chain,
+ // `get_all_current_outbound_htlcs` is never pruned and always returns
+ // a constant set until the monitor is removed/archived. Thus, we
+ // want to skip replaying claims that have definitely been resolved
+ // on-chain.
+ // If the inbound monitor is not present, we assume it was fully
+ // resolved and properly archived, implying this payment had plenty
+ // of time to get claimed and we can safely skip any further
+ // attempts to claim it (they wouldn't succeed anyway as we don't
+ // have a monitor against which to do so).
+ let inbound_edge_monitor = if let Some(monitor) = inbound_edge_monitor {
+ monitor
+ } else {
+ return None;
+ };
+ // Second, if the inbound edge of the payment's monitor has been
+ // fully claimed we've had at least `ANTI_REORG_DELAY` blocks to
+ // get any PaymentForwarded event(s) to the user and assume that
+ // there's no need to try to replay the claim just for that.
+ let inbound_edge_balances = inbound_edge_monitor.get_claimable_balances();
+ if inbound_edge_balances.is_empty() {
+ return None;
+ }
+ if prev_hop.counterparty_node_id.is_none() {
+ // We no longer support claiming an HTLC where we don't have
+ // the counterparty_node_id available if the claim has to go to
+ // a closed channel. Its possible we can get away with it if
+ // the channel is not yet closed, but its by no means a
+ // guarantee.
+ // Thus, in this case we are a bit more aggressive with our
+ // pruning - if we have no use for the claim (because the
+ // inbound edge of the payment's monitor has already claimed
+ // the HTLC) we skip trying to replay the claim.
+ let htlc_payment_hash: PaymentHash = payment_preimage.into();
+ let balance_could_incl_htlc = |bal| match bal {
+ &Balance::ClaimableOnChannelClose { .. } => {
+ // The channel is still open, assume we can still
+ // claim against it
+ true
+ },
+ &Balance::MaybePreimageClaimableHTLC { payment_hash, .. } => {
+ payment_hash == htlc_payment_hash
+ },
+ _ => false,
+ };
+ let htlc_may_be_in_balances =
+ inbound_edge_balances.iter().any(balance_could_incl_htlc);
+ if !htlc_may_be_in_balances {
+ return None;
+ }
+ // First check if we're absolutely going to fail - if we need
+ // to replay this claim to get the preimage into the inbound
+ // edge monitor but the channel is closed (and thus we'll
+ // immediately panic if we call claim_funds_from_hop).
+ if short_to_chan_info.get(&prev_hop.short_channel_id).is_none() {
+ log_error!(args.logger,
+ "We need to replay the HTLC claim for payment_hash {} (preimage {}) but cannot do so as the HTLC was forwarded prior to LDK 0.0.124.\
+ All HTLCs that were forwarded by LDK 0.0.123 and prior must be resolved prior to upgrading to LDK 0.1",
+ htlc_payment_hash,
+ payment_preimage,
+ );
+ fail_read = true;
+ }
+ // At this point we're confident we need the claim, but the
+ // inbound edge channel is still live. As long as this remains
+ // the case, we can conceivably proceed, but we run some risk
+ // of panicking at runtime. The user ideally should have read
+ // the release notes and we wouldn't be here, but we go ahead
+ // and let things run in the hope that it'll all just work out.
+ log_error!(args.logger,
+ "We need to replay the HTLC claim for payment_hash {} (preimage {}) but don't have all the required information to do so reliably.\
+ As long as the channel for the inbound edge of the forward remains open, this may work okay, but we may panic at runtime!\
+ All HTLCs that were forwarded by LDK 0.0.123 and prior must be resolved prior to upgrading to LDK 0.1\
+ Continuing anyway, though panics may occur!",
+ htlc_payment_hash,
+ payment_preimage,
+ );
+ }
Some((htlc_source, payment_preimage, htlc.amount_msat,
// Check if `counterparty_opt.is_none()` to see if the
// downstream chan is closed (because we don't have a
for tuple in outbound_claimed_htlcs_iter {
+ if fail_read {
+ return Err(DecodeError::InvalidValue);
+ }
+ // Similar to the above cases for forwarded payments, if we have any pending inbound HTLCs
+ // which haven't yet been claimed, we may be missing counterparty_node_id info and would
+ // panic if we attempted to claim them at this point.
+ for (payment_hash, payment) in claimable_payments.iter() {
+ for htlc in payment.htlcs.iter() {
+ if htlc.prev_hop.counterparty_node_id.is_some() {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if short_to_chan_info.get(&htlc.prev_hop.short_channel_id).is_some() {
+ log_error!(args.logger,
+ "We do not have the required information to claim a pending payment with payment hash {} reliably.\
+ As long as the channel for the inbound edge of the forward remains open, this may work okay, but we may panic at runtime!\
+ All HTLCs that were received by LDK 0.0.123 and prior must be resolved prior to upgrading to LDK 0.1\
+ Continuing anyway, though panics may occur!",
+ payment_hash,
+ );
+ } else {
+ log_error!(args.logger,
+ "We do not have the required information to claim a pending payment with payment hash {}.\
+ All HTLCs that were received by LDK 0.0.123 and prior must be resolved prior to upgrading to LDK 0.1",
+ payment_hash,
+ );
+ return Err(DecodeError::InvalidValue);
+ }
+ }
+ }
let mut secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();