L::Target: Logger,
self.payment_preimages.insert(payment_hash.clone(), payment_preimage.clone());
+ // If the channel is force closed, try to claim the output from this preimage.
+ // First check if a counterparty commitment transaction has been broadcasted:
+ macro_rules! claim_htlcs {
+ ($commitment_number: expr, $txid: expr) => {
+ let htlc_claim_reqs = self.get_counterparty_htlc_output_claim_reqs($commitment_number, $txid, None);
+ self.onchain_tx_handler.update_claims_view(&Vec::new(), htlc_claim_reqs, None, broadcaster, fee_estimator, logger);
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some(txid) = self.current_counterparty_commitment_txid {
+ if let Some(commitment_number) = self.counterparty_commitment_txn_on_chain.get(&txid) {
+ claim_htlcs!(*commitment_number, txid);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some(txid) = self.prev_counterparty_commitment_txid {
+ if let Some(commitment_number) = self.counterparty_commitment_txn_on_chain.get(&txid) {
+ claim_htlcs!(*commitment_number, txid);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Then if a holder commitment transaction has been seen on-chain, broadcast transactions
+ // claiming the HTLC output from each of the holder commitment transactions.
+ // Note that we can't just use `self.holder_tx_signed`, because that only covers the case where
+ // *we* sign a holder commitment transaction, not when e.g. a watchtower broadcasts one of our
+ // holder commitment transactions.
+ if self.broadcasted_holder_revokable_script.is_some() {
+ let (claim_reqs, _) = self.get_broadcasted_holder_claims(&self.current_holder_commitment_tx);
+ self.onchain_tx_handler.update_claims_view(&Vec::new(), claim_reqs, None, broadcaster, fee_estimator, logger);
+ if let Some(ref tx) = self.prev_holder_signed_commitment_tx {
+ let (claim_reqs, _) = self.get_broadcasted_holder_claims(&tx);
+ self.onchain_tx_handler.update_claims_view(&Vec::new(), claim_reqs, None, broadcaster, fee_estimator, logger);
+ }
+ }
pub(crate) fn broadcast_latest_holder_commitment_txn<B: Deref, L: Deref>(&mut self, broadcaster: &B, logger: &L)
check_htlc_fails!(txid, "previous", 'prev_loop);
+ let htlc_claim_reqs = self.get_counterparty_htlc_output_claim_reqs(commitment_number, commitment_txid, Some(tx));
+ for req in htlc_claim_reqs {
+ claimable_outpoints.push(req);
+ }
+ }
+ (claimable_outpoints, (commitment_txid, watch_outputs))
+ }
+ fn get_counterparty_htlc_output_claim_reqs(&self, commitment_number: u64, commitment_txid: Txid, tx: Option<&Transaction>) -> Vec<ClaimRequest> {
+ let mut claims = Vec::new();
+ if let Some(htlc_outputs) = self.counterparty_claimable_outpoints.get(&commitment_txid) {
if let Some(revocation_points) = self.their_cur_revocation_points {
let revocation_point_option =
+ // If the counterparty commitment tx is the latest valid state, use their latest
+ // per-commitment point
if revocation_points.0 == commitment_number { Some(&revocation_points.1) }
else if let Some(point) = revocation_points.2.as_ref() {
+ // If counterparty commitment tx is the state previous to the latest valid state, use
+ // their previous per-commitment point (non-atomicity of revocation means it's valid for
+ // them to temporarily have two valid commitment txns from our viewpoint)
if revocation_points.0 == commitment_number + 1 { Some(point) } else { None }
} else { None };
if let Some(revocation_point) = revocation_point_option {
- self.counterparty_payment_script = {
- // Note that the Network here is ignored as we immediately drop the address for the
- // script_pubkey version
- let payment_hash160 = WPubkeyHash::hash(&self.keys.pubkeys().payment_point.serialize());
- Builder::new().push_opcode(opcodes::all::OP_PUSHBYTES_0).push_slice(&payment_hash160[..]).into_script()
- };
- // Then, try to find htlc outputs
- for (_, &(ref htlc, _)) in per_commitment_data.iter().enumerate() {
+ for (_, &(ref htlc, _)) in htlc_outputs.iter().enumerate() {
if let Some(transaction_output_index) = htlc.transaction_output_index {
- if transaction_output_index as usize >= tx.output.len() ||
- tx.output[transaction_output_index as usize].value != htlc.amount_msat / 1000 {
- return (claimable_outpoints, (commitment_txid, watch_outputs)); // Corrupted per_commitment_data, fuck this user
+ if let Some(transaction) = tx {
+ if transaction_output_index as usize >= transaction.output.len() ||
+ transaction.output[transaction_output_index as usize].value != htlc.amount_msat / 1000 {
+ return claims; // Corrupted per_commitment_data, fuck this user
+ }
- let preimage = if htlc.offered { if let Some(p) = self.payment_preimages.get(&htlc.payment_hash) { Some(*p) } else { None } } else { None };
+ let preimage =
+ if htlc.offered {
+ if let Some(p) = self.payment_preimages.get(&htlc.payment_hash) {
+ Some(*p)
+ } else { None }
+ } else { None };
let aggregable = if !htlc.offered { false } else { true };
if preimage.is_some() || !htlc.offered {
let witness_data = InputMaterial::CounterpartyHTLC { per_commitment_point: *revocation_point, counterparty_delayed_payment_base_key: self.counterparty_tx_cache.counterparty_delayed_payment_base_key, counterparty_htlc_base_key: self.counterparty_tx_cache.counterparty_htlc_base_key, preimage, htlc: htlc.clone() };
- claimable_outpoints.push(ClaimRequest { absolute_timelock: htlc.cltv_expiry, aggregable, outpoint: BitcoinOutPoint { txid: commitment_txid, vout: transaction_output_index }, witness_data });
+ claims.push(ClaimRequest { absolute_timelock: htlc.cltv_expiry, aggregable, outpoint: BitcoinOutPoint { txid: commitment_txid, vout: transaction_output_index }, witness_data });
- (claimable_outpoints, (commitment_txid, watch_outputs))
+ claims
/// Attempts to claim a counterparty HTLC-Success/HTLC-Timeout's outputs using the revocation key
- self.onchain_tx_handler.block_connected(&txn_matched, claimable_outpoints, height, &*broadcaster, &*fee_estimator, &*logger);
+ self.onchain_tx_handler.update_claims_view(&txn_matched, claimable_outpoints, Some(height), &&*broadcaster, &&*fee_estimator, &&*logger);
self.last_block_hash = block_hash;
// Determine new outputs to watch by comparing against previously known outputs to watch,
connect_blocks(&nodes[0], ANTI_REORG_DELAY - 1, 201, true, header_201.block_hash());
expect_payment_failed!(nodes[0], our_payment_hash, true);
+fn do_test_onchain_htlc_settlement_after_close(broadcast_alice: bool, go_onchain_before_fulfill: bool) {
+ // If we route an HTLC, then learn the HTLC's preimage after the upstream channel has been
+ // force-closed, we must claim that HTLC on-chain. (Given an HTLC forwarded from Alice --> Bob -->
+ // Carol, Alice would be the upstream node, and Carol the downstream.)
+ //
+ // Steps of the test:
+ // 1) Alice sends a HTLC to Carol through Bob.
+ // 2) Carol doesn't settle the HTLC.
+ // 3) If broadcast_alice is true, Alice force-closes her channel with Bob. Else Bob force closes.
+ // Steps 4 and 5 may be reordered depending on go_onchain_before_fulfill.
+ // 4) Bob sees the Alice's commitment on his chain or vice versa. An offered output is present
+ // but can't be claimed as Bob doesn't have yet knowledge of the preimage.
+ // 5) Carol release the preimage to Bob off-chain.
+ // 6) Bob claims the offered output on the broadcasted commitment.
+ let chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(3);
+ let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(3, &chanmon_cfgs);
+ let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(3, &node_cfgs, &[None, None, None]);
+ let nodes = create_network(3, &node_cfgs, &node_chanmgrs);
+ // Create some initial channels
+ let chan_ab = create_announced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 0, 1, 100000, 10001, InitFeatures::known(), InitFeatures::known());
+ create_announced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 1, 2, 100000, 10001, InitFeatures::known(), InitFeatures::known());
+ // Steps (1) and (2):
+ // Send an HTLC Alice --> Bob --> Carol, but Carol doesn't settle the HTLC back.
+ let (payment_preimage, _payment_hash) = route_payment(&nodes[0], &vec!(&nodes[1], &nodes[2]), 3_000_000);
+ // Check that Alice's commitment transaction now contains an output for this HTLC.
+ let alice_txn = get_local_commitment_txn!(nodes[0], chan_ab.2);
+ check_spends!(alice_txn[0], chan_ab.3);
+ assert_eq!(alice_txn[0].output.len(), 2);
+ check_spends!(alice_txn[1], alice_txn[0]); // 2nd transaction is a non-final HTLC-timeout
+ assert_eq!(alice_txn[1].input[0].witness.last().unwrap().len(), OFFERED_HTLC_SCRIPT_WEIGHT);
+ assert_eq!(alice_txn.len(), 2);
+ // Steps (3) and (4):
+ // If `go_onchain_before_fufill`, broadcast the relevant commitment transaction and check that Bob
+ // responds by (1) broadcasting a channel update and (2) adding a new ChannelMonitor.
+ let mut force_closing_node = 0; // Alice force-closes
+ if !broadcast_alice { force_closing_node = 1; } // Bob force-closes
+ nodes[force_closing_node].node.force_close_channel(&chan_ab.2);
+ check_closed_broadcast!(nodes[force_closing_node], false);
+ check_added_monitors!(nodes[force_closing_node], 1);
+ if go_onchain_before_fulfill {
+ let txn_to_broadcast = match broadcast_alice {
+ true => alice_txn.clone(),
+ false => get_local_commitment_txn!(nodes[1], chan_ab.2)
+ };
+ let header = BlockHeader { version: 0x20000000, prev_blockhash: Default::default(), merkle_root: Default::default(), time: 42, bits: 42, nonce: 42};
+ connect_block(&nodes[1], &Block { header, txdata: vec![txn_to_broadcast[0].clone()]}, 1);
+ let mut bob_txn = nodes[1].tx_broadcaster.txn_broadcasted.lock().unwrap();
+ if broadcast_alice {
+ check_closed_broadcast!(nodes[1], false);
+ check_added_monitors!(nodes[1], 1);
+ }
+ assert_eq!(bob_txn.len(), 1);
+ check_spends!(bob_txn[0], chan_ab.3);
+ }
+ // Step (5):
+ // Carol then claims the funds and sends an update_fulfill message to Bob, and they go through the
+ // process of removing the HTLC from their commitment transactions.
+ assert!(nodes[2].node.claim_funds(payment_preimage, &None, 3_000_000));
+ check_added_monitors!(nodes[2], 1);
+ let carol_updates = get_htlc_update_msgs!(nodes[2], nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id());
+ assert!(carol_updates.update_add_htlcs.is_empty());
+ assert!(carol_updates.update_fail_htlcs.is_empty());
+ assert!(carol_updates.update_fail_malformed_htlcs.is_empty());
+ assert!(carol_updates.update_fee.is_none());
+ assert_eq!(carol_updates.update_fulfill_htlcs.len(), 1);
+ nodes[1].node.handle_update_fulfill_htlc(&nodes[2].node.get_our_node_id(), &carol_updates.update_fulfill_htlcs[0]);
+ // If Alice broadcasted but Bob doesn't know yet, here he prepares to tell her about the preimage.
+ if !go_onchain_before_fulfill && broadcast_alice {
+ let events = nodes[1].node.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
+ assert_eq!(events.len(), 1);
+ match events[0] {
+ MessageSendEvent::UpdateHTLCs { ref node_id, .. } => {
+ assert_eq!(*node_id, nodes[0].node.get_our_node_id());
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Unexpected event"),
+ };
+ }
+ nodes[1].node.handle_commitment_signed(&nodes[2].node.get_our_node_id(), &carol_updates.commitment_signed);
+ // One monitor update for the preimage to update the Bob<->Alice channel, one monitor update
+ // Carol<->Bob's updated commitment transaction info.
+ check_added_monitors!(nodes[1], 2);
+ let events = nodes[1].node.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
+ assert_eq!(events.len(), 2);
+ let bob_revocation = match events[0] {
+ MessageSendEvent::SendRevokeAndACK { ref node_id, ref msg } => {
+ assert_eq!(*node_id, nodes[2].node.get_our_node_id());
+ (*msg).clone()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Unexpected event"),
+ };
+ let bob_updates = match events[1] {
+ MessageSendEvent::UpdateHTLCs { ref node_id, ref updates } => {
+ assert_eq!(*node_id, nodes[2].node.get_our_node_id());
+ (*updates).clone()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Unexpected event"),
+ };
+ nodes[2].node.handle_revoke_and_ack(&nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id(), &bob_revocation);
+ check_added_monitors!(nodes[2], 1);
+ nodes[2].node.handle_commitment_signed(&nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id(), &bob_updates.commitment_signed);
+ check_added_monitors!(nodes[2], 1);
+ let events = nodes[2].node.get_and_clear_pending_msg_events();
+ assert_eq!(events.len(), 1);
+ let carol_revocation = match events[0] {
+ MessageSendEvent::SendRevokeAndACK { ref node_id, ref msg } => {
+ assert_eq!(*node_id, nodes[1].node.get_our_node_id());
+ (*msg).clone()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Unexpected event"),
+ };
+ nodes[1].node.handle_revoke_and_ack(&nodes[2].node.get_our_node_id(), &carol_revocation);
+ check_added_monitors!(nodes[1], 1);
+ // If this test requires the force-closed channel to not be on-chain until after the fulfill,
+ // here's where we put said channel's commitment tx on-chain.
+ let mut txn_to_broadcast = alice_txn.clone();
+ if !broadcast_alice { txn_to_broadcast = get_local_commitment_txn!(nodes[1], chan_ab.2); }
+ if !go_onchain_before_fulfill {
+ let header = BlockHeader { version: 0x20000000, prev_blockhash: Default::default(), merkle_root: Default::default(), time: 42, bits: 42, nonce: 42};
+ connect_block(&nodes[1], &Block { header, txdata: vec![txn_to_broadcast[0].clone()]}, 1);
+ // If Bob was the one to force-close, he will have already passed these checks earlier.
+ if broadcast_alice {
+ check_closed_broadcast!(nodes[1], false);
+ check_added_monitors!(nodes[1], 1);
+ }
+ let mut bob_txn = nodes[1].tx_broadcaster.txn_broadcasted.lock().unwrap();
+ if broadcast_alice {
+ // In `connect_block()`, the ChainMonitor and ChannelManager are separately notified about a
+ // new block being connected. The ChannelManager being notified triggers a monitor update,
+ // which triggers broadcasting our commitment tx and an HTLC-claiming tx. The ChainMonitor
+ // being notified triggers the HTLC-claiming tx redundantly, resulting in 3 total txs being
+ // broadcasted.
+ assert_eq!(bob_txn.len(), 3);
+ check_spends!(bob_txn[1], chan_ab.3);
+ } else {
+ assert_eq!(bob_txn.len(), 2);
+ check_spends!(bob_txn[0], chan_ab.3);
+ }
+ }
+ // Step (6):
+ // Finally, check that Bob broadcasted a preimage-claiming transaction for the HTLC output on the
+ // broadcasted commitment transaction.
+ {
+ let bob_txn = nodes[1].tx_broadcaster.txn_broadcasted.lock().unwrap().clone();
+ if go_onchain_before_fulfill {
+ // Bob should now have an extra broadcasted tx, for the preimage-claiming transaction.
+ assert_eq!(bob_txn.len(), 2);
+ }
+ let script_weight = match broadcast_alice {
+ };
+ // If Alice force-closed and Bob didn't receive her commitment transaction until after he
+ // received Carol's fulfill, he broadcasts the HTLC-output-claiming transaction first. Else if
+ // Bob force closed or if he found out about Alice's commitment tx before receiving Carol's
+ // fulfill, then he broadcasts the HTLC-output-claiming transaction second.
+ if broadcast_alice && !go_onchain_before_fulfill {
+ check_spends!(bob_txn[0], txn_to_broadcast[0]);
+ assert_eq!(bob_txn[0].input[0].witness.last().unwrap().len(), script_weight);
+ } else {
+ check_spends!(bob_txn[1], txn_to_broadcast[0]);
+ assert_eq!(bob_txn[1].input[0].witness.last().unwrap().len(), script_weight);
+ }
+ }
+fn test_onchain_htlc_settlement_after_close() {
+ do_test_onchain_htlc_settlement_after_close(true, true);
+ do_test_onchain_htlc_settlement_after_close(false, true); // Technically redundant, but may as well
+ do_test_onchain_htlc_settlement_after_close(true, false);
+ do_test_onchain_htlc_settlement_after_close(false, false);
onchain_events_waiting_threshold_conf: HashMap<u32, Vec<OnchainEvent>>,
+ latest_height: u32,
secp_ctx: Secp256k1<secp256k1::All>,
+ self.latest_height.write(writer)?;
onchain_events_waiting_threshold_conf.insert(height_target, events);
+ let latest_height = Readable::read(reader)?;
Ok(OnchainTxHandler {
+ latest_height,
secp_ctx: Secp256k1::new(),
pending_claim_requests: HashMap::new(),
claimable_outpoints: HashMap::new(),
onchain_events_waiting_threshold_conf: HashMap::new(),
+ latest_height: 0,
secp_ctx: Secp256k1::new(),
/// Lightning security model (i.e being able to redeem/timeout HTLC or penalize coutnerparty onchain) lays on the assumption of claim transactions getting confirmed before timelock expiration
/// (CSV or CLTV following cases). In case of high-fee spikes, claim tx may stuck in the mempool, so you need to bump its feerate quickly using Replace-By-Fee or Child-Pay-For-Parent.
- fn generate_claim_tx<F: Deref, L: Deref>(&mut self, height: u32, cached_claim_datas: &ClaimTxBumpMaterial, fee_estimator: F, logger: L) -> Option<(Option<u32>, u32, Transaction)>
+ fn generate_claim_tx<F: Deref, L: Deref>(&mut self, height: u32, cached_claim_datas: &ClaimTxBumpMaterial, fee_estimator: &F, logger: &L) -> Option<(Option<u32>, u32, Transaction)>
where F::Target: FeeEstimator,
L::Target: Logger,
- pub(crate) fn block_connected<B: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref>(&mut self, txn_matched: &[&Transaction], claimable_outpoints: Vec<ClaimRequest>, height: u32, broadcaster: B, fee_estimator: F, logger: L)
+ /// Upon channelmonitor.block_connected(..) or upon provision of a preimage on the forward link
+ /// for this channel, provide new relevant on-chain transactions and/or new claim requests.
+ /// Formerly this was named `block_connected`, but it is now also used for claiming an HTLC output
+ /// if we receive a preimage after force-close.
+ pub(crate) fn update_claims_view<B: Deref, F: Deref, L: Deref>(&mut self, txn_matched: &[&Transaction], claimable_outpoints: Vec<ClaimRequest>, latest_height: Option<u32>, broadcaster: &B, fee_estimator: &F, logger: &L)
where B::Target: BroadcasterInterface,
F::Target: FeeEstimator,
L::Target: Logger,
- log_trace!(logger, "Block at height {} connected with {} claim requests", height, claimable_outpoints.len());
+ let height = match latest_height {
+ Some(h) => h,
+ None => self.latest_height,
+ };
+ log_trace!(logger, "Updating claims view at height {} with {} matched transactions and {} claim requests", height, txn_matched.len(), claimable_outpoints.len());
let mut new_claims = Vec::new();
let mut aggregated_claim = HashMap::new();
let mut aggregated_soonest = ::std::u32::MAX;
for (_, claim_material) in bump_candidates.iter_mut() {
- if let Some((new_timer, new_feerate, bump_tx)) = self.generate_claim_tx(height, &claim_material, &*fee_estimator, &*logger) {
+ if let Some((new_timer, new_feerate, bump_tx)) = self.generate_claim_tx(height, &claim_material, &&*fee_estimator, &&*logger) {
claim_material.height_timer = new_timer;
claim_material.feerate_previous = new_feerate;