--- /dev/null
+// This file is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE
+// or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
+// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your option.
+// You may not use this file except in accordance with one or both of these
+// licenses.
+//! Lightning message signing and verification lives here. These tools can be used to sign messages using the node's
+//! secret so receivers are sure that they come from you. You can also use this to verify that a given message comes
+//! from a specific node.
+//! Furthermore, these tools can be used to sign / verify messages using ephemeral keys not tied to node's identities.
+//! Note this is not part of the specs, but follows lnd's signing and verifying protocol, which can is defined as follows:
+//! signature = zbase32(SigRec(sha256d(("Lightning Signed Message:" + msg)))
+//! zbase32 from https://philzimmermann.com/docs/human-oriented-base-32-encoding.txt
+//! SigRec has first byte 31 + recovery id, followed by 64 byte sig.
+//! This implementation is compatible with both lnd's and c-lightning's
+//! https://lightning.readthedocs.io/lightning-signmessage.7.html
+//! https://api.lightning.community/#signmessage
+use crate::util::zbase32;
+use bitcoin::hashes::{sha256d, Hash};
+use bitcoin::secp256k1::recovery::{RecoverableSignature, RecoveryId};
+use bitcoin::secp256k1::{Error, Message, PublicKey, Secp256k1, SecretKey};
+static LN_MESSAGE_PREFIX: &[u8] = b"Lightning Signed Message:";
+fn sigrec_encode(sig_rec: RecoverableSignature) -> Vec<u8> {
+ let (rid, rsig) = sig_rec.serialize_compact();
+ let prefix = rid.to_i32() as u8 + 31;
+ [&[prefix], &rsig[..]].concat()
+fn sigrec_decode(sig_rec: Vec<u8>) -> Result<RecoverableSignature, Error> {
+ let rsig = &sig_rec[1..];
+ let rid = sig_rec[0] as i32 - 31;
+ match RecoveryId::from_i32(rid) {
+ Ok(x) => RecoverableSignature::from_compact(rsig, x),
+ Err(e) => Err(e)
+ }
+/// Creates a digital signature of a message given a SecretKey, like the node's secret.
+/// A receiver knowing the PublicKey (e.g. the node's id) and the message can be sure that the signature was generated by the caller.
+/// Signatures are EC recoverable, meaning that given the message and the signature the PublicKey of the signer can be extracted.
+pub fn sign(msg: &[u8], sk: SecretKey) -> Result<String, Error> {
+ let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::signing_only();
+ let msg_hash = sha256d::Hash::hash(&[LN_MESSAGE_PREFIX, msg].concat());
+ let sig = secp_ctx.sign_recoverable(&Message::from_slice(&msg_hash)?, &sk);
+ Ok(zbase32::encode(&sigrec_encode(sig)))
+/// Recovers the PublicKey of the signer of the message given the message and the signature.
+pub fn recover_pk(msg: &[u8], sig: &str) -> Result<PublicKey, Error> {
+ let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::verification_only();
+ let msg_hash = sha256d::Hash::hash(&[LN_MESSAGE_PREFIX, msg].concat());
+ match zbase32::decode(&sig) {
+ Ok(sig_rec) => {
+ match sigrec_decode(sig_rec) {
+ Ok(sig) => secp_ctx.recover(&Message::from_slice(&msg_hash)?, &sig),
+ Err(e) => Err(e)
+ }
+ },
+ Err(_) => Err(Error::InvalidSignature)
+ }
+/// Verifies a message was signed by a PrivateKey that derives to a given PublicKey, given a message, a signature,
+/// and the PublicKey.
+pub fn verify(msg: &[u8], sig: &str, pk: PublicKey) -> bool {
+ match recover_pk(msg, sig) {
+ Ok(x) => x == pk,
+ Err(_) => false
+ }
+mod test {
+ use std::str::FromStr;
+ use util::message_signing::{sign, recover_pk, verify};
+ use bitcoin::secp256k1::key::ONE_KEY;
+ use bitcoin::secp256k1::{PublicKey, Secp256k1};
+ #[test]
+ fn test_sign() {
+ let message = "test message";
+ let zbase32_sig = sign(message.as_bytes(), ONE_KEY);
+ assert_eq!(zbase32_sig.unwrap(), "d9tibmnic9t5y41hg7hkakdcra94akas9ku3rmmj4ag9mritc8ok4p5qzefs78c9pqfhpuftqqzhydbdwfg7u6w6wdxcqpqn4sj4e73e")
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_recover_pk() {
+ let message = "test message";
+ let sig = "d9tibmnic9t5y41hg7hkakdcra94akas9ku3rmmj4ag9mritc8ok4p5qzefs78c9pqfhpuftqqzhydbdwfg7u6w6wdxcqpqn4sj4e73e";
+ let pk = recover_pk(message.as_bytes(), sig);
+ assert_eq!(pk.unwrap(), PublicKey::from_secret_key(&Secp256k1::signing_only(), &ONE_KEY))
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_verify() {
+ let message = "another message";
+ let sig = sign(message.as_bytes(), ONE_KEY).unwrap();
+ let pk = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&Secp256k1::signing_only(), &ONE_KEY);
+ assert!(verify(message.as_bytes(), &sig, pk))
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_verify_ground_truth_ish() {
+ // There are no standard tests vectors for Sign/Verify, using the same tests vectors as c-lightning to see if they are compatible.
+ // Taken from https://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning/blob/1275af6fbb02460c8eb2f00990bb0ef9179ce8f3/tests/test_misc.py#L1925-L1938
+ let corpus = [
+ ["@bitconner",
+ "is this compatible?",
+ "rbgfioj114mh48d8egqx8o9qxqw4fmhe8jbeeabdioxnjk8z3t1ma1hu1fiswpakgucwwzwo6ofycffbsqusqdimugbh41n1g698hr9t",
+ "02b80cabdf82638aac86948e4c06e82064f547768dcef977677b9ea931ea75bab5"],
+ ["@duck1123",
+ "hi",
+ "rnrphcjswusbacjnmmmrynh9pqip7sy5cx695h6mfu64iac6qmcmsd8xnsyczwmpqp9shqkth3h4jmkgyqu5z47jfn1q7gpxtaqpx4xg",
+ "02de60d194e1ca5947b59fe8e2efd6aadeabfb67f2e89e13ae1a799c1e08e4a43b"],
+ ["@jochemin",
+ "hi",
+ "ry8bbsopmduhxy3dr5d9ekfeabdpimfx95kagdem7914wtca79jwamtbw4rxh69hg7n6x9ty8cqk33knbxaqftgxsfsaeprxkn1k48p3",
+ "022b8ece90ee891cbcdac0c1cc6af46b73c47212d8defbce80265ac81a6b794931"],
+ ];
+ for c in &corpus {
+ assert!(verify(c[1].as_bytes(), c[2], PublicKey::from_str(c[3]).unwrap()))
+ }
+ }