"std::time::Duration"|"core::time::Duration" => Some("u64"),
"std::time::SystemTime" => Some("u64"),
"std::io::Error" => Some("crate::c_types::IOError"),
+ "core::fmt::Arguments" if is_ref => Some("crate::c_types::Str"),
"core::convert::Infallible" => Some("crate::c_types::NotConstructable"),
if !is_ref => Some("crate::c_types::ThirtyTwoBytes"),
- // Override the default since Records contain an fmt with a lifetime:
- "lightning::util::logger::Record" => Some("*const std::os::raw::c_char"),
"lightning::io::Read" => Some("crate::c_types::u8slice"),
_ => None,
"lightning::ln::channelmanager::PaymentId" if is_ref=> Some("&::lightning::ln::channelmanager::PaymentId( unsafe { *"),
// List of traits we map (possibly during processing of other files):
- "crate::util::logger::Logger" => Some(""),
"lightning::io::Read" => Some("&mut "),
_ => None,
if is_ref => Some(" })"),
// List of traits we map (possibly during processing of other files):
- "crate::util::logger::Logger" => Some(""),
"lightning::io::Read" => Some(".to_reader()"),
_ => None,
"bitcoin::blockdata::block::Block" if is_ref => Some(("::bitcoin::consensus::encode::serialize(", ")")),
"bitcoin::hash_types::Txid" => None,
- // Override the default since Records contain an fmt with a lifetime:
- // TODO: We should include the other record fields
- "lightning::util::logger::Record" => Some(("std::ffi::CString::new(format!(\"{}\", ", ".args)).unwrap()")),
_ => None,
}.map(|s| s.to_owned())
"std::time::Duration"|"core::time::Duration" => Some(""),
"std::time::SystemTime" => Some(""),
"std::io::Error" if !is_ref => Some("crate::c_types::IOError::from_rust("),
+ "core::fmt::Arguments" => Some("format!(\"{}\", "),
"core::convert::Infallible" => Some("panic!(\"Cannot construct an Infallible: "),
if !is_ref => Some("crate::c_types::ThirtyTwoBytes { data: "),
- // Override the default since Records contain an fmt with a lifetime:
- "lightning::util::logger::Record" => Some("local_"),
"lightning::io::Read" => Some("crate::c_types::u8slice::from_vec(&crate::c_types::reader_to_vec("),
_ => None,
"std::time::Duration"|"core::time::Duration" => Some(".as_secs()"),
"std::time::SystemTime" => Some(".duration_since(::std::time::SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH).expect(\"Times must be post-1970\").as_secs()"),
"std::io::Error" if !is_ref => Some(")"),
+ "core::fmt::Arguments" => Some(").into()"),
"core::convert::Infallible" => Some("\")"),
if !is_ref => Some(".0 }"),
- // Override the default since Records contain an fmt with a lifetime:
- "lightning::util::logger::Record" => Some(".as_ptr()"),
"lightning::io::Read" => Some("))"),
_ => None,