msgs::DecodeError::ShortRead => panic!("We picked the length..."),
msgs::DecodeError::Io(e) => panic!("{:?}", e),
msgs::DecodeError::UnsupportedCompression => return,
+ msgs::DecodeError::DangerousValue => return,
if chan.get_latest_unblocked_monitor_update_id() > max_in_flight_update_id {
- // If the channel is ahead of the monitor, return InvalidValue:
+ // If the channel is ahead of the monitor, return DangerousValue:
log_error!(logger, "A ChannelMonitor is stale compared to the current ChannelManager! This indicates a potentially-critical violation of the chain::Watch API!");
log_error!(logger, " The ChannelMonitor for channel {} is at update_id {} with update_id through {} in-flight",
chan.context.channel_id(), monitor.get_latest_update_id(), max_in_flight_update_id);
log_error!(logger, " client applications must ensure that ChannelMonitor data is always available and the latest to avoid funds loss!");
log_error!(logger, " Without the latest ChannelMonitor we cannot continue without risking funds.");
log_error!(logger, " Please ensure the chain::Watch API requirements are met and file a bug report at");
- return Err(DecodeError::InvalidValue);
+ return Err(DecodeError::DangerousValue);
} else {
// We shouldn't have persisted (or read) any unfunded channel types so none should have been
/// The message included zlib-compressed values, which we don't support.
+ /// Value is validly encoded but is dangerous to use.
+ ///
+ /// This is used for things like [`ChannelManager`] deserialization where we want to ensure
+ /// that we don't use a [`ChannelManager`] which is in out of sync with the [`ChannelMonitor`].
+ /// This indicates that there is a critical implementation flaw in the storage implementation
+ /// and it's unsafe to continue.
+ ///
+ /// [`ChannelManager`]: crate::ln::channelmanager::ChannelManager
+ /// [`ChannelMonitor`]: crate::chain::channelmonitor::ChannelMonitor
+ DangerousValue,
/// An [`init`] message to be sent to or received from a peer.
DecodeError::BadLengthDescriptor => f.write_str("A length descriptor in the packet didn't describe the later data correctly"),
DecodeError::Io(ref e) => fmt::Debug::fmt(e, f),
DecodeError::UnsupportedCompression => f.write_str("We don't support receiving messages with zlib-compressed fields"),
+ DecodeError::DangerousValue => f.write_str("Value would be dangerous to continue execution with"),
(msgs::DecodeError::BadLengthDescriptor, _) => return Err(PeerHandleError { }),
(msgs::DecodeError::Io(_), _) => return Err(PeerHandleError { }),
+ (msgs::DecodeError::DangerousValue, _) => return Err(PeerHandleError { }),
let mut nodes_0_read = &nodes_0_serialized[..];
- if let Err(msgs::DecodeError::InvalidValue) =
+ if let Err(msgs::DecodeError::DangerousValue) =
<(BlockHash, ChannelManager<&test_utils::TestChainMonitor, &test_utils::TestBroadcaster, &test_utils::TestKeysInterface, &test_utils::TestKeysInterface, &test_utils::TestKeysInterface, &test_utils::TestFeeEstimator, &test_utils::TestRouter, &test_utils::TestLogger>)>::read(&mut nodes_0_read, ChannelManagerReadArgs {
default_config: UserConfig::default(),
entropy_source: keys_manager,