use chain::channelmonitor;
use chain::channelmonitor::{ChannelMonitor, CLTV_CLAIM_BUFFER, LATENCY_GRACE_PERIOD_BLOCKS, ANTI_REORG_DELAY};
use chain::transaction::OutPoint;
-use chain::keysinterface::{ChannelKeys, KeysInterface, SpendableOutputDescriptor};
+use chain::keysinterface::{ChannelKeys, KeysInterface};
use ln::channelmanager::{ChannelManager, ChannelManagerReadArgs, RAACommitmentOrder, PaymentPreimage, PaymentHash, PaymentSecret, PaymentSendFailure, BREAKDOWN_TIMEOUT};
use ln::channel::{Channel, ChannelError};
use bitcoin::hashes::sha256d::Hash as Sha256dHash;
use bitcoin::hash_types::{Txid, BlockHash};
-use bitcoin::util::bip143;
-use bitcoin::util::address::Address;
-use bitcoin::util::bip32::{ChildNumber, ExtendedPubKey, ExtendedPrivKey};
use bitcoin::blockdata::block::{Block, BlockHeader};
-use bitcoin::blockdata::transaction::{Transaction, TxOut, TxIn, SigHashType};
-use bitcoin::blockdata::script::{Builder, Script};
+use bitcoin::blockdata::script::Builder;
use bitcoin::blockdata::opcodes;
use bitcoin::blockdata::constants::genesis_block;
use bitcoin::network::constants::Network;
macro_rules! check_spendable_outputs {
($node: expr, $der_idx: expr, $keysinterface: expr, $chan_value: expr) => {
- let events = $node.chain_monitor.chain_monitor.get_and_clear_pending_events();
+ let mut events = $node.chain_monitor.chain_monitor.get_and_clear_pending_events();
let mut txn = Vec::new();
- for event in events {
+ let mut all_outputs = Vec::new();
+ let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
+ for event in events.drain(..) {
match event {
- Event::SpendableOutputs { ref outputs } => {
- for outp in outputs {
- match *outp {
- SpendableOutputDescriptor::StaticOutputCounterpartyPayment(ref descriptor) => {
- assert_eq!(descriptor.channel_value_satoshis, $chan_value);
- let input = TxIn {
- previous_output: descriptor.outpoint.into_bitcoin_outpoint(),
- script_sig: Script::new(),
- sequence: 0,
- witness: Vec::new(),
- };
- let outp = TxOut {
- script_pubkey: Builder::new().push_opcode(opcodes::all::OP_RETURN).into_script(),
- value: descriptor.output.value,
- };
- let mut spend_tx = Transaction {
- version: 2,
- lock_time: 0,
- input: vec![input],
- output: vec![outp],
- };
- spend_tx.output[0].value -= (spend_tx.get_weight() + 2 + 1 + 73 + 35 + 3) as u64 / 4; // (Max weight + 3 (to round up)) / 4
- let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
- let keys = $keysinterface.derive_channel_keys($chan_value, &descriptor.channel_keys_id);
- let remotepubkey = keys.pubkeys().payment_point;
- let witness_script = Address::p2pkh(&::bitcoin::PublicKey{compressed: true, key: remotepubkey}, Network::Testnet).script_pubkey();
- let sighash = Message::from_slice(&bip143::SigHashCache::new(&spend_tx).signature_hash(0, &witness_script, descriptor.output.value, SigHashType::All)[..]).unwrap();
- let remotesig = secp_ctx.sign(&sighash, &keys.inner.payment_key);
- spend_tx.input[0].witness.push(remotesig.serialize_der().to_vec());
- spend_tx.input[0].witness[0].push(SigHashType::All as u8);
- spend_tx.input[0].witness.push(remotepubkey.serialize().to_vec());
- txn.push(spend_tx);
- },
- SpendableOutputDescriptor::DynamicOutputP2WSH(ref descriptor) => {
- assert_eq!(descriptor.channel_value_satoshis, $chan_value);
- let input = TxIn {
- previous_output: descriptor.outpoint.into_bitcoin_outpoint(),
- script_sig: Script::new(),
- sequence: descriptor.to_self_delay as u32,
- witness: Vec::new(),
- };
- let outp = TxOut {
- script_pubkey: Builder::new().push_opcode(opcodes::all::OP_RETURN).into_script(),
- value: descriptor.output.value,
- };
- let mut spend_tx = Transaction {
- version: 2,
- lock_time: 0,
- input: vec![input],
- output: vec![outp],
- };
- let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
- let keys = $keysinterface.derive_channel_keys($chan_value, &descriptor.channel_keys_id);
- if let Ok(delayed_payment_key) = chan_utils::derive_private_key(&secp_ctx, &descriptor.per_commitment_point, &keys.inner.delayed_payment_base_key) {
- let delayed_payment_pubkey = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &delayed_payment_key);
- let witness_script = chan_utils::get_revokeable_redeemscript(&descriptor.revocation_pubkey, descriptor.to_self_delay, &delayed_payment_pubkey);
- spend_tx.output[0].value -= (spend_tx.get_weight() + 2 + 1 + 73 + 1 + witness_script.len() + 1 + 3) as u64 / 4; // (Max weight + 3 (to round up)) / 4
- let sighash = Message::from_slice(&bip143::SigHashCache::new(&spend_tx).signature_hash(0, &witness_script, descriptor.output.value, SigHashType::All)[..]).unwrap();
- let local_delayedsig = secp_ctx.sign(&sighash, &delayed_payment_key);
- spend_tx.input[0].witness.push(local_delayedsig.serialize_der().to_vec());
- spend_tx.input[0].witness[0].push(SigHashType::All as u8);
- spend_tx.input[0].witness.push(vec!()); //MINIMALIF
- spend_tx.input[0].witness.push(witness_script.clone().into_bytes());
- } else { panic!() }
- txn.push(spend_tx);
- },
- SpendableOutputDescriptor::StaticOutput { ref outpoint, ref output } => {
- let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
- let input = TxIn {
- previous_output: outpoint.into_bitcoin_outpoint(),
- script_sig: Script::new(),
- sequence: 0,
- witness: Vec::new(),
- };
- let outp = TxOut {
- script_pubkey: Builder::new().push_opcode(opcodes::all::OP_RETURN).into_script(),
- value: output.value,
- };
- let mut spend_tx = Transaction {
- version: 2,
- lock_time: 0,
- input: vec![input],
- output: vec![outp.clone()],
- };
- spend_tx.output[0].value -= (spend_tx.get_weight() + 2 + 1 + 73 + 34 + 3) as u64 / 4; // (Max weight + 3 (to round up)) / 4
- let secret = {
- match ExtendedPrivKey::new_master(Network::Testnet, &$node.node_seed) {
- Ok(master_key) => {
- match master_key.ckd_priv(&secp_ctx, ChildNumber::from_hardened_idx($der_idx).expect("key space exhausted")) {
- Ok(key) => key,
- Err(_) => panic!("Your RNG is busted"),
- }
- }
- Err(_) => panic!("Your rng is busted"),
- }
- };
- let pubkey = ExtendedPubKey::from_private(&secp_ctx, &secret).public_key;
- let witness_script = Address::p2pkh(&pubkey, Network::Testnet).script_pubkey();
- let sighash = Message::from_slice(&bip143::SigHashCache::new(&spend_tx).signature_hash(0, &witness_script, output.value, SigHashType::All)[..]).unwrap();
- let sig = secp_ctx.sign(&sighash, &secret.private_key.key);
- spend_tx.input[0].witness.push(sig.serialize_der().to_vec());
- spend_tx.input[0].witness[0].push(SigHashType::All as u8);
- spend_tx.input[0].witness.push(pubkey.key.serialize().to_vec());
- txn.push(spend_tx);
- },
- }
+ Event::SpendableOutputs { mut outputs } => {
+ for outp in outputs.drain(..) {
+ let mut outputs = vec![outp];
+ txn.push($keysinterface.backing.spend_spendable_outputs(&outputs, Vec::new(), Builder::new().push_opcode(opcodes::all::OP_RETURN).into_script(), 253, &secp_ctx).unwrap());
+ all_outputs.push(outputs.pop().unwrap());
_ => panic!("Unexpected event"),
+ if all_outputs.len() > 1 {
+ if let Ok(tx) = $keysinterface.backing.spend_spendable_outputs(&all_outputs, Vec::new(), Builder::new().push_opcode(opcodes::all::OP_RETURN).into_script(), 253, &secp_ctx) {
+ txn.push(tx);
+ }
+ }
connect_blocks(&nodes[1], ANTI_REORG_DELAY - 1, 1, true, header.block_hash());
let spend_txn = check_spendable_outputs!(nodes[1], 1, node_cfgs[1].keys_manager, 100000);
- assert_eq!(spend_txn.len(), 2);
+ assert_eq!(spend_txn.len(), 3);
check_spends!(spend_txn[0], revoked_local_txn[0]); // to_remote output on revoked remote commitment_tx
check_spends!(spend_txn[1], node_txn[0]);
+ check_spends!(spend_txn[2], revoked_local_txn[0], node_txn[0]); // Both outputs
expect_payment_failed!(nodes[1], our_payment_hash, true);
let spend_txn = check_spendable_outputs!(nodes[1], 1, node_cfgs[1].keys_manager, 100000);
- assert_eq!(spend_txn.len(), 2); // SpendableOutput: remote_commitment_tx.to_remote, timeout_tx.output
+ assert_eq!(spend_txn.len(), 3); // SpendableOutput: remote_commitment_tx.to_remote, timeout_tx.output
+ check_spends!(spend_txn[0], commitment_tx[0]);
check_spends!(spend_txn[1], node_txn[0]);
+ check_spends!(spend_txn[2], node_txn[0], commitment_tx[0]); // All outputs
// Check A's ChannelMonitor was able to generate the right spendable output descriptor
let spend_txn = check_spendable_outputs!(nodes[0], 1, node_cfgs[0].keys_manager, 100000);
- assert_eq!(spend_txn.len(), 2);
+ assert_eq!(spend_txn.len(), 3);
assert_eq!(spend_txn[0].input.len(), 1);
check_spends!(spend_txn[0], revoked_local_txn[0]); // spending to_remote output from revoked local tx
assert_ne!(spend_txn[0].input[0].previous_output, revoked_htlc_txn[0].input[0].previous_output);
check_spends!(spend_txn[1], node_txn[1]); // spending justice tx output on the htlc success tx
+ check_spends!(spend_txn[2], revoked_local_txn[0], node_txn[1]); // Both outputs
// Verify that A is able to spend its own HTLC-Timeout tx thanks to spendable output event given back by its ChannelMonitor
let spend_txn = check_spendable_outputs!(nodes[0], 1, node_cfgs[0].keys_manager, 100000);
- assert_eq!(spend_txn.len(), 2);
+ assert_eq!(spend_txn.len(), 3);
check_spends!(spend_txn[0], local_txn[0]);
check_spends!(spend_txn[1], htlc_timeout);
+ check_spends!(spend_txn[2], local_txn[0], htlc_timeout);
// Verify that A is able to spend its own HTLC-Timeout tx thanks to spendable output event given back by its ChannelMonitor
let new_keys_manager = test_utils::TestKeysInterface::new(&seed, Network::Testnet);
let spend_txn = check_spendable_outputs!(nodes[0], 1, new_keys_manager, 100000);
- assert_eq!(spend_txn.len(), 2);
+ assert_eq!(spend_txn.len(), 3);
check_spends!(spend_txn[0], local_txn_1[0]);
check_spends!(spend_txn[1], htlc_timeout);
+ check_spends!(spend_txn[2], local_txn_1[0], htlc_timeout);