macro_rules! _impl_writeable_tlv_based_enum_common {
($st: ident, $(($variant_id: expr, $variant_name: ident) =>
{$(($type: expr, $field: ident, $fieldty: tt)),* $(,)*}
- ),* $(,)*;
- $(($tuple_variant_id: expr, $tuple_variant_name: ident)),* $(,)*) => {
+ ),* $(,)?;
+ // $tuple_variant_* are only passed from `impl_writeable_tlv_based_enum_*_legacy`
+ $(($tuple_variant_id: expr, $tuple_variant_name: ident)),* $(,)?;
+ // $length_prefixed_* are only passed from `impl_writeable_tlv_based_enum_*` non-`legacy`
+ $(($length_prefixed_tuple_variant_id: expr, $length_prefixed_tuple_variant_name: ident)),* $(,)?) => {
impl $crate::util::ser::Writeable for $st {
fn write<W: $crate::util::ser::Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), $crate::io::Error> {
match self {
+ $($st::$length_prefixed_tuple_variant_name (ref field) => {
+ let id: u8 = $length_prefixed_tuple_variant_id;
+ id.write(writer)?;
+ $crate::util::ser::BigSize(field.serialized_length() as u64).write(writer)?;
+ field.write(writer)?;
+ }),*
/// Implement [`Readable`] and [`Writeable`] for an enum, with struct variants stored as TLVs and tuple
/// variants stored directly.
-/// The format is, for example
-/// ```ignore
+/// The format is, for example,
+/// ```
+/// enum EnumName {
+/// StructVariantA {
+/// required_variant_field: u64,
+/// optional_variant_field: Option<u8>,
+/// },
+/// StructVariantB {
+/// variant_field_a: bool,
+/// variant_field_b: u32,
+/// variant_vec_field: Vec<u32>,
+/// },
+/// TupleVariantA(),
+/// TupleVariantB(Vec<u8>),
+/// }
+/// # use lightning::impl_writeable_tlv_based_enum;
/// impl_writeable_tlv_based_enum!(EnumName,
/// (0, StructVariantA) => {(0, required_variant_field, required), (1, optional_variant_field, option)},
-/// (1, StructVariantB) => {(0, variant_field_a, required), (1, variant_field_b, required), (2, variant_vec_field, optional_vec)};
-/// (2, TupleVariantA), (3, TupleVariantB),
+/// (1, StructVariantB) => {(0, variant_field_a, required), (1, variant_field_b, required), (2, variant_vec_field, optional_vec)},
+/// (2, TupleVariantA) => {}, // Note that empty tuple variants have to use the struct syntax due to rust limitations
+/// {3, TupleVariantB} => (),
/// );
/// ```
-/// The type is written as a single byte, followed by any variant data.
+/// The type is written as a single byte, followed by length-prefixed variant data.
/// Attempts to read an unknown type byte result in [`DecodeError::UnknownRequiredFeature`].
+/// Note that the serialization for tuple variants (as well as the call format) was changed in LDK
+/// 0.0.124.
/// [`Readable`]: crate::util::ser::Readable
/// [`Writeable`]: crate::util::ser::Writeable
/// [`DecodeError::UnknownRequiredFeature`]: crate::ln::msgs::DecodeError::UnknownRequiredFeature
macro_rules! impl_writeable_tlv_based_enum {
+ ($st: ident,
+ $(($variant_id: expr, $variant_name: ident) =>
+ {$(($type: expr, $field: ident, $fieldty: tt)),* $(,)*}
+ ),*
+ $($(,)? {$tuple_variant_id: expr, $tuple_variant_name: ident} => ()),*
+ $(,)?
+ ) => {
+ $crate::_impl_writeable_tlv_based_enum_common!($st,
+ $(($variant_id, $variant_name) => {$(($type, $field, $fieldty)),*}),*
+ ;;
+ $(($tuple_variant_id, $tuple_variant_name)),*);
+ impl $crate::util::ser::Readable for $st {
+ #[allow(unused_mut)]
+ fn read<R: $crate::io::Read>(mut reader: &mut R) -> Result<Self, $crate::ln::msgs::DecodeError> {
+ let id: u8 = $crate::util::ser::Readable::read(reader)?;
+ match id {
+ $($variant_id => {
+ // Because read_tlv_fields creates a labeled loop, we cannot call it twice
+ // in the same function body. Instead, we define a closure and call it.
+ let mut f = || {
+ $crate::_init_and_read_len_prefixed_tlv_fields!(reader, {
+ $(($type, $field, $fieldty)),*
+ });
+ Ok($st::$variant_name {
+ $(
+ $field: $crate::_init_tlv_based_struct_field!($field, $fieldty)
+ ),*
+ })
+ };
+ f()
+ }),*
+ $($tuple_variant_id => {
+ let length: $crate::util::ser::BigSize = $crate::util::ser::Readable::read(reader)?;
+ let mut s = $crate::util::ser::FixedLengthReader::new(&mut reader, length.0);
+ let res = $crate::util::ser::Readable::read(&mut s)?;
+ if s.bytes_remain() {
+ s.eat_remaining()?; // Return ShortRead if there's actually not enough bytes
+ return Err($crate::ln::msgs::DecodeError::InvalidValue);
+ }
+ Ok($st::$tuple_variant_name(res))
+ }),*
+ _ => {
+ Err($crate::ln::msgs::DecodeError::UnknownRequiredFeature)
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/// See [`impl_writeable_tlv_based_enum`] and use that unless backwards-compatibility with tuple
+/// variants is required.
+macro_rules! impl_writeable_tlv_based_enum_legacy {
($st: ident, $(($variant_id: expr, $variant_name: ident) =>
{$(($type: expr, $field: ident, $fieldty: tt)),* $(,)*}
),* $(,)*;
- $(($tuple_variant_id: expr, $tuple_variant_name: ident)),* $(,)*) => {
+ $(($tuple_variant_id: expr, $tuple_variant_name: ident)),+ $(,)?) => {
$(($variant_id, $variant_name) => {$(($type, $field, $fieldty)),*}),*;
- $(($tuple_variant_id, $tuple_variant_name)),*);
+ $(($tuple_variant_id, $tuple_variant_name)),+;);
impl $crate::util::ser::Readable for $st {
fn read<R: $crate::io::Read>(reader: &mut R) -> Result<Self, $crate::ln::msgs::DecodeError> {
$($tuple_variant_id => {
- }),*
+ }),+
_ => {
/// when [`MaybeReadable`] is practical instead of just [`Readable`] as it provides an upgrade path for
/// new variants to be added which are simply ignored by existing clients.
-/// Note that only struct and unit variants (not tuple variants) will support downgrading, thus any
-/// new odd variants MUST be non-tuple (i.e. described using `$variant_id` and `$variant_name` not
-/// `$tuple_variant_id` and `$tuple_variant_name`).
+/// Note that the serialization for tuple variants (as well as the call format) was changed in LDK
+/// 0.0.124.
/// [`MaybeReadable`]: crate::util::ser::MaybeReadable
/// [`Writeable`]: crate::util::ser::Writeable
/// [`Readable`]: crate::util::ser::Readable
macro_rules! impl_writeable_tlv_based_enum_upgradable {
- ($st: ident, $(($variant_id: expr, $variant_name: ident) =>
- {$(($type: expr, $field: ident, $fieldty: tt)),* $(,)*}
- ),* $(,)*
- $(;
- $(($tuple_variant_id: expr, $tuple_variant_name: ident)),* $(,)*)?
- $(unread_variants: $($unread_variant: ident),*)?) => {
+ ($st: ident,
+ $(($variant_id: expr, $variant_name: ident) =>
+ {$(($type: expr, $field: ident, $fieldty: tt)),* $(,)*}
+ ),*
+ $(, {$tuple_variant_id: expr, $tuple_variant_name: ident} => ())*
+ $(, unread_variants: $($unread_variant: ident),*)?
+ $(,)?
+ ) => {
$(($variant_id, $variant_name) => {$(($type, $field, $fieldty)),*}),*
$(, $((255, $unread_variant) => {}),*)?
- ; $($(($tuple_variant_id, $tuple_variant_name)),*)?);
+ ;;
+ $(($tuple_variant_id, $tuple_variant_name)),*);
impl $crate::util::ser::MaybeReadable for $st {
- fn read<R: $crate::io::Read>(reader: &mut R) -> Result<Option<Self>, $crate::ln::msgs::DecodeError> {
+ #[allow(unused_mut)]
+ fn read<R: $crate::io::Read>(mut reader: &mut R) -> Result<Option<Self>, $crate::ln::msgs::DecodeError> {
let id: u8 = $crate::util::ser::Readable::read(reader)?;
match id {
$($variant_id => {
- $($($tuple_variant_id => {
- Ok(Some($st::$tuple_variant_name(Readable::read(reader)?)))
- }),*)*
+ $($tuple_variant_id => {
+ let length: $crate::util::ser::BigSize = $crate::util::ser::Readable::read(reader)?;
+ let mut s = $crate::util::ser::FixedLengthReader::new(&mut reader, length.0);
+ let res = $crate::util::ser::Readable::read(&mut s)?;
+ if s.bytes_remain() {
+ s.eat_remaining()?; // Return ShortRead if there's actually not enough bytes
+ return Err($crate::ln::msgs::DecodeError::InvalidValue);
+ }
+ Ok(Some($st::$tuple_variant_name(res)))
+ }),*
// Note that we explicitly match 255 here to reserve it for use in
// `unread_variants`.
255|_ if id % 2 == 1 => {
+ let tlv_len: $crate::util::ser::BigSize = $crate::util::ser::Readable::read(reader)?;
+ let mut rd = $crate::util::ser::FixedLengthReader::new(reader, tlv_len.0);
+ rd.eat_remaining().map_err(|_| $crate::ln::msgs::DecodeError::ShortRead)?;
+ Ok(None)
+ },
+ _ => Err($crate::ln::msgs::DecodeError::UnknownRequiredFeature),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/// See [`impl_writeable_tlv_based_enum_upgradable`] and use that unless backwards-compatibility
+/// with tuple variants is required.
+macro_rules! impl_writeable_tlv_based_enum_upgradable_legacy {
+ ($st: ident, $(($variant_id: expr, $variant_name: ident) =>
+ {$(($type: expr, $field: ident, $fieldty: tt)),* $(,)*}
+ ),* $(,)?
+ ;
+ $(($tuple_variant_id: expr, $tuple_variant_name: ident)),+ $(,)?) => {
+ $crate::_impl_writeable_tlv_based_enum_common!($st,
+ $(($variant_id, $variant_name) => {$(($type, $field, $fieldty)),*}),*;
+ $(($tuple_variant_id, $tuple_variant_name)),+;);
+ impl $crate::util::ser::MaybeReadable for $st {
+ fn read<R: $crate::io::Read>(reader: &mut R) -> Result<Option<Self>, $crate::ln::msgs::DecodeError> {
+ let id: u8 = $crate::util::ser::Readable::read(reader)?;
+ match id {
+ $($variant_id => {
+ // Because read_tlv_fields creates a labeled loop, we cannot call it twice
+ // in the same function body. Instead, we define a closure and call it.
+ let mut f = || {
+ $crate::_init_and_read_len_prefixed_tlv_fields!(reader, {
+ $(($type, $field, $fieldty)),*
+ });
+ Ok(Some($st::$variant_name {
+ $(
+ $field: $crate::_init_tlv_based_struct_field!($field, $fieldty)
+ ),*
+ }))
+ };
+ f()
+ }),*
+ $($tuple_variant_id => {
+ Ok(Some($st::$tuple_variant_name(Readable::read(reader)?)))
+ }),+
+ _ if id % 2 == 1 => {
// Assume that a $variant_id was written, not a $tuple_variant_id, and read
// the length prefix and discard the correct number of bytes.
let tlv_len: $crate::util::ser::BigSize = $crate::util::ser::Readable::read(reader)?;
let decoded_msg: EmptyMsg = Readable::read(&mut encoded_msg_stream).unwrap();
assert_eq!(msg, decoded_msg);
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ enum TuplesOnly {
+ A(),
+ B(u64),
+ }
+ impl_writeable_tlv_based_enum_upgradable!(TuplesOnly, (2, A) => {}, {3, B} => ());
+ #[test]
+ fn test_impl_writeable_enum() {
+ let a = TuplesOnly::A().encode();
+ assert_eq!(TuplesOnly::read(&mut Cursor::new(&a)).unwrap(), Some(TuplesOnly::A()));
+ let b42 = TuplesOnly::B(42).encode();
+ assert_eq!(TuplesOnly::read(&mut Cursor::new(&b42)).unwrap(), Some(TuplesOnly::B(42)));
+ // Test unknown variants with 0-length data
+ let unknown_variant = vec![41, 0];
+ let mut none_read = Cursor::new(&unknown_variant);
+ assert_eq!(TuplesOnly::read(&mut none_read).unwrap(), None);
+ assert_eq!(none_read.position(), unknown_variant.len() as u64);
+ TuplesOnly::read(&mut Cursor::new(&vec![42, 0])).unwrap_err();
+ // Test unknown variants with data
+ let unknown_data_variant = vec![41, 3, 42, 52, 62];
+ let mut none_data_read = Cursor::new(&unknown_data_variant);
+ assert_eq!(TuplesOnly::read(&mut none_data_read).unwrap(), None);
+ assert_eq!(none_data_read.position(), unknown_data_variant.len() as u64);
+ }