writeln!(w, "\tpub set_{}: Option<extern \"C\" fn(&{})>,", m.sig.ident, trait_name).unwrap();
generated_fields.push((format!("set_{}", m.sig.ident), true));
// Note that cbindgen will now generate
- // typedef struct Thing {..., set_thing: (const Thing*), ...} Thing;
+ // typedef struct Thing {..., set_thing: (const struct Thing*), ...} Thing;
// which does not compile since Thing is not defined before it is used.
writeln!(extra_headers, "struct LDK{};", trait_name).unwrap();
- writeln!(extra_headers, "typedef struct LDK{} LDK{};", trait_name, trait_name).unwrap();
// Sadly, this currently doesn't do what we want, but it should be easy to get
("std::cmp::Eq", _)|("core::cmp::Eq", _) => {
writeln!(w, "\t/// Checks if two objects are equal given this object's this_arg pointer and another object.").unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\tpub eq: extern \"C\" fn (this_arg: *const c_void, other_arg: &{}) -> bool,", trait_name).unwrap();
- writeln!(extra_headers, "typedef struct LDK{} LDK{};", trait_name, trait_name).unwrap();
generated_fields.push(("eq".to_owned(), true));
("std::hash::Hash", _)|("core::hash::Hash", _) => {