use bitcoin::transaction::Transaction;
-use crate::routing::router::Route;
use crate::ln::chan_utils::HTLCClaim;
+use crate::routing::router::Route;
macro_rules! log_iter {
($obj: expr) => {
- }
+ };
/// Logs a pubkey in hex format.
macro_rules! log_pubkey {
($obj: expr) => {
- }
+ };
/// Logs a byte slice in hex format.
macro_rules! log_bytes {
($obj: expr) => {
- }
+ };
pub(crate) struct DebugFundingInfo<'a>(pub &'a ChannelId);
macro_rules! log_funding_info {
($key_storage: expr) => {
- $crate::util::macro_logger::DebugFundingInfo(
- &$key_storage.channel_id()
- )
- }
+ $crate::util::macro_logger::DebugFundingInfo(&$key_storage.channel_id())
+ };
pub(crate) struct DebugRoute<'a>(pub &'a Route);
for (idx, p) in self.0.paths.iter().enumerate() {
writeln!(f, "path {}:", idx)?;
for h in p.hops.iter() {
- writeln!(f, " node_id: {}, short_channel_id: {}, fee_msat: {}, cltv_expiry_delta: {}", log_pubkey!(h.pubkey), h.short_channel_id, h.fee_msat, h.cltv_expiry_delta)?;
+ writeln!(
+ f,
+ " node_id: {}, short_channel_id: {}, fee_msat: {}, cltv_expiry_delta: {}",
+ log_pubkey!(h.pubkey),
+ h.short_channel_id,
+ h.fee_msat,
+ h.cltv_expiry_delta
+ )?;
writeln!(f, " blinded_tail: {:?}", p.blinded_tail)?;
macro_rules! log_route {
($obj: expr) => {
- }
+ };
pub(crate) struct DebugTx<'a>(pub &'a Transaction);
if self.0.input.len() >= 1 && self.0.input.iter().any(|i| !i.witness.is_empty()) {
let first_input = &self.0.input[0];
let witness_script_len = first_input.witness.last().unwrap_or(&[]).len();
- if self.0.input.len() == 1 && witness_script_len == 71 &&
- (first_input.sequence.0 >> 8*3) as u8 == 0x80 {
+ if self.0.input.len() == 1
+ && witness_script_len == 71
+ && (first_input.sequence.0 >> 8 * 3) as u8 == 0x80
+ {
write!(f, "commitment tx ")?;
} else if self.0.input.len() == 1 && witness_script_len == 71 {
write!(f, "closing tx ")?;
- } else if self.0.input.len() == 1 && HTLCClaim::from_witness(&first_input.witness) == Some(HTLCClaim::OfferedTimeout) {
+ } else if self.0.input.len() == 1
+ && HTLCClaim::from_witness(&first_input.witness) == Some(HTLCClaim::OfferedTimeout)
+ {
write!(f, "HTLC-timeout tx ")?;
- } else if self.0.input.len() == 1 && HTLCClaim::from_witness(&first_input.witness) == Some(HTLCClaim::AcceptedPreimage) {
+ } else if self.0.input.len() == 1
+ && HTLCClaim::from_witness(&first_input.witness)
+ == Some(HTLCClaim::AcceptedPreimage)
+ {
write!(f, "HTLC-success tx ")?;
} else {
let mut num_preimage = 0;
for inp in &self.0.input {
let htlc_claim = HTLCClaim::from_witness(&inp.witness);
match htlc_claim {
- Some(HTLCClaim::AcceptedPreimage)|Some(HTLCClaim::OfferedPreimage) => num_preimage += 1,
- Some(HTLCClaim::AcceptedTimeout)|Some(HTLCClaim::OfferedTimeout) => num_timeout += 1,
+ Some(HTLCClaim::AcceptedPreimage) | Some(HTLCClaim::OfferedPreimage) => {
+ num_preimage += 1
+ },
+ Some(HTLCClaim::AcceptedTimeout) | Some(HTLCClaim::OfferedTimeout) => {
+ num_timeout += 1
+ },
Some(HTLCClaim::Revocation) => num_revoked += 1,
None => continue,
if num_preimage > 0 || num_timeout > 0 || num_revoked > 0 {
- write!(f, "HTLC claim tx ({} preimage, {} timeout, {} revoked) ",
- num_preimage, num_timeout, num_revoked)?;
+ write!(
+ f,
+ "HTLC claim tx ({} preimage, {} timeout, {} revoked) ",
+ num_preimage, num_timeout, num_revoked
+ )?;
} else {
macro_rules! log_tx {
($obj: expr) => {
- }
+ };
pub(crate) struct DebugSpendable<'a>(pub &'a SpendableOutputDescriptor);
match self.0 {
&SpendableOutputDescriptor::StaticOutput { ref outpoint, .. } => {
write!(f, "StaticOutput {}:{} marked for spending", outpoint.txid, outpoint.index)?;
- }
+ },
&SpendableOutputDescriptor::DelayedPaymentOutput(ref descriptor) => {
- write!(f, "DelayedPaymentOutput {}:{} marked for spending", descriptor.outpoint.txid, descriptor.outpoint.index)?;
- }
+ write!(
+ f,
+ "DelayedPaymentOutput {}:{} marked for spending",
+ descriptor.outpoint.txid, descriptor.outpoint.index
+ )?;
+ },
&SpendableOutputDescriptor::StaticPaymentOutput(ref descriptor) => {
- write!(f, "StaticPaymentOutput {}:{} marked for spending", descriptor.outpoint.txid, descriptor.outpoint.index)?;
- }
+ write!(
+ f,
+ "StaticPaymentOutput {}:{} marked for spending",
+ descriptor.outpoint.txid, descriptor.outpoint.index
+ )?;
+ },
macro_rules! log_spendable {
($obj: expr) => {
- }
+ };
/// Create a new Record and log it. You probably don't want to use this macro directly,