let InvoiceRequestContents {
inner: InvoiceRequestContentsWithoutPayerId {
- payer: _, offer: _, chain: _, amount_msats, features, quantity, payer_note
+ payer: _, offer: _, chain: _, amount_msats: _, features, quantity, payer_note
} = &self.inner.contents;
InvoiceRequestFields {
payer_id: *payer_id,
- amount_msats: *amount_msats,
features: features.clone(),
quantity: *quantity,
payer_note_truncated: payer_note.clone()
/// A possibly transient pubkey used to sign the invoice request.
pub payer_id: PublicKey,
- /// The amount to pay in msats (i.e., the minimum lightning-payable unit for [`chain`]), which
- /// must be greater than or equal to [`Offer::amount`], converted if necessary.
- ///
- /// [`chain`]: InvoiceRequest::chain
- pub amount_msats: Option<u64>,
/// Features pertaining to requesting an invoice.
pub features: InvoiceRequestFeatures,
fn write<W: Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
write_tlv_fields!(writer, {
(0, self.payer_id, required),
- (2, self.amount_msats.map(|v| HighZeroBytesDroppedBigSize(v)), option),
- (4, WithoutLength(&self.features), required),
- (6, self.quantity.map(|v| HighZeroBytesDroppedBigSize(v)), option),
- (8, self.payer_note_truncated.as_ref().map(|s| WithoutLength(&s.0)), option),
+ (2, WithoutLength(&self.features), required),
+ (4, self.quantity.map(|v| HighZeroBytesDroppedBigSize(v)), option),
+ (6, self.payer_note_truncated.as_ref().map(|s| WithoutLength(&s.0)), option),
fn read<R: io::Read>(reader: &mut R) -> Result<Self, DecodeError> {
_init_and_read_len_prefixed_tlv_fields!(reader, {
(0, payer_id, required),
- (2, amount_msats, (option, encoding: (u64, HighZeroBytesDroppedBigSize))),
- (4, features, (option, encoding: (InvoiceRequestFeatures, WithoutLength))),
- (6, quantity, (option, encoding: (u64, HighZeroBytesDroppedBigSize))),
- (8, payer_note_truncated, (option, encoding: (String, WithoutLength))),
+ (2, features, (option, encoding: (InvoiceRequestFeatures, WithoutLength))),
+ (4, quantity, (option, encoding: (u64, HighZeroBytesDroppedBigSize))),
+ (6, payer_note_truncated, (option, encoding: (String, WithoutLength))),
let features = features.unwrap_or(InvoiceRequestFeatures::empty());
Ok(InvoiceRequestFields {
- payer_id: payer_id.0.unwrap(), amount_msats, features, quantity,
+ payer_id: payer_id.0.unwrap(), features, quantity,
payer_note_truncated: payer_note_truncated.map(|s| UntrustedString(s)),
let invoice_request = offer.request_invoice(vec![1; 32], payer_pubkey()).unwrap()
- .amount_msats(1001).unwrap()
.payer_note("0".repeat(PAYER_NOTE_LIMIT * 2))
InvoiceRequestFields {
payer_id: payer_pubkey(),
- amount_msats: Some(1001),
features: InvoiceRequestFeatures::empty(),
quantity: Some(1),
payer_note_truncated: Some(UntrustedString("0".repeat(PAYER_NOTE_LIMIT))),