htlc_id: u64,
err_packet: msgs::OnionErrorPacket,
+ FailMalformedHTLC {
+ htlc_id: u64,
+ failure_code: u16,
+ sha256_of_onion: [u8; 32],
+ },
// Used for failing blinded HTLCs backwards correctly.
fail_forward!(format!("Unknown short channel id {} for forward HTLC", short_chan_id), 0x4000 | 10, Vec::new(), None);
- HTLCForwardInfo::FailHTLC { .. } => {
+ HTLCForwardInfo::FailHTLC { .. } | HTLCForwardInfo::FailMalformedHTLC { .. } => {
// Channel went away before we could fail it. This implies
// the channel is now on chain and our counterparty is
// trying to broadcast the HTLC-Timeout, but that's their
+ HTLCForwardInfo::FailMalformedHTLC { .. } => {
+ todo!()
+ },
} else {
- HTLCForwardInfo::FailHTLC { .. } => {
+ HTLCForwardInfo::FailHTLC { .. } | HTLCForwardInfo::FailMalformedHTLC { .. } => {
panic!("Got pending fail of our own HTLC");
(6, prev_funding_outpoint, required),
- (1, FailHTLC) => {
- (0, htlc_id, required),
- (2, err_packet, required),
- };
- (0, AddHTLC)
+impl Writeable for HTLCForwardInfo {
+ fn write<W: Writer>(&self, w: &mut W) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
+ const FAIL_HTLC_VARIANT_ID: u8 = 1;
+ match self {
+ Self::AddHTLC(info) => {
+ 0u8.write(w)?;
+ info.write(w)?;
+ },
+ Self::FailHTLC { htlc_id, err_packet } => {
+ write_tlv_fields!(w, {
+ (0, htlc_id, required),
+ (2, err_packet, required),
+ });
+ },
+ Self::FailMalformedHTLC { htlc_id, failure_code, sha256_of_onion } => {
+ // Since this variant was added in 0.0.119, write this as `::FailHTLC` with an empty error
+ // packet so older versions have something to fail back with, but serialize the real data as
+ // optional TLVs for the benefit of newer versions.
+ let dummy_err_packet = msgs::OnionErrorPacket { data: Vec::new() };
+ write_tlv_fields!(w, {
+ (0, htlc_id, required),
+ (1, failure_code, required),
+ (2, dummy_err_packet, required),
+ (3, sha256_of_onion, required),
+ });
+ },
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+impl Readable for HTLCForwardInfo {
+ fn read<R: Read>(r: &mut R) -> Result<Self, DecodeError> {
+ let id: u8 = Readable::read(r)?;
+ Ok(match id {
+ 0 => Self::AddHTLC(Readable::read(r)?),
+ 1 => {
+ _init_and_read_len_prefixed_tlv_fields!(r, {
+ (0, htlc_id, required),
+ (1, malformed_htlc_failure_code, option),
+ (2, err_packet, required),
+ (3, sha256_of_onion, option),
+ });
+ if let Some(failure_code) = malformed_htlc_failure_code {
+ Self::FailMalformedHTLC {
+ htlc_id: _init_tlv_based_struct_field!(htlc_id, required),
+ failure_code,
+ sha256_of_onion: sha256_of_onion.ok_or(DecodeError::InvalidValue)?,
+ }
+ } else {
+ Self::FailHTLC {
+ htlc_id: _init_tlv_based_struct_field!(htlc_id, required),
+ err_packet: _init_tlv_based_struct_field!(err_packet, required),
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _ => return Err(DecodeError::InvalidValue),
+ })
+ }
impl_writeable_tlv_based!(PendingInboundPayment, {
(0, payment_secret, required),