-/// Fails creating an offer when a blinded path cannot be created without exposing the node's id.
+/// Checks that an offer can be created using an unannounced node as a blinded path's introduction
+/// node. This is only preferred if there are no other options which may indicated either the offer
+/// is intended for the unannounced node or that the node is actually announced (e.g., an LSP) but
+/// the recipient doesn't have a network graph.
-fn fails_creating_offer_without_blinded_paths() {
+fn creates_offer_with_blinded_path_using_unannounced_introduction_node() {
let chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(2);
let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(2, &chanmon_cfgs);
let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(2, &node_cfgs, &[None, None]);
create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 0, 1, 10_000_000, 1_000_000_000);
- match nodes[0].node.create_offer_builder(None) {
- Ok(_) => panic!("Expected error"),
- Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, Bolt12SemanticError::MissingPaths),
+ let alice = &nodes[0];
+ let alice_id = alice.node.get_our_node_id();
+ let bob = &nodes[1];
+ let bob_id = bob.node.get_our_node_id();
+ let offer = alice.node
+ .create_offer_builder(None).unwrap()
+ .amount_msats(10_000_000)
+ .build().unwrap();
+ assert_ne!(offer.signing_pubkey(), Some(alice_id));
+ assert!(!offer.paths().is_empty());
+ for path in offer.paths() {
+ assert_eq!(path.introduction_node, IntroductionNode::NodeId(bob_id));
+ let payment_id = PaymentId([1; 32]);
+ bob.node.pay_for_offer(&offer, None, None, None, payment_id, Retry::Attempts(0), None).unwrap();
+ expect_recent_payment!(bob, RecentPaymentDetails::AwaitingInvoice, payment_id);
+ let onion_message = bob.onion_messenger.next_onion_message_for_peer(alice_id).unwrap();
+ alice.onion_messenger.handle_onion_message(&bob_id, &onion_message);
+ let (_, reply_path) = extract_invoice_request(alice, &onion_message);
+ assert_eq!(reply_path.introduction_node, IntroductionNode::NodeId(alice_id));
-/// Fails creating a refund when a blinded path cannot be created without exposing the node's id.
+/// Checks that a refund can be created using an unannounced node as a blinded path's introduction
+/// node. This is only preferred if there are no other options which may indicated either the refund
+/// is intended for the unannounced node or that the node is actually announced (e.g., an LSP) but
+/// the sender doesn't have a network graph.
-fn fails_creating_refund_without_blinded_paths() {
+fn creates_refund_with_blinded_path_using_unannounced_introduction_node() {
let chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(2);
let node_cfgs = create_node_cfgs(2, &chanmon_cfgs);
let node_chanmgrs = create_node_chanmgrs(2, &node_cfgs, &[None, None]);
create_unannounced_chan_between_nodes_with_value(&nodes, 0, 1, 10_000_000, 1_000_000_000);
+ let alice = &nodes[0];
+ let alice_id = alice.node.get_our_node_id();
+ let bob = &nodes[1];
+ let bob_id = bob.node.get_our_node_id();
let absolute_expiry = Duration::from_secs(u64::MAX);
let payment_id = PaymentId([1; 32]);
- match nodes[0].node.create_refund_builder(
- 10_000, absolute_expiry, payment_id, Retry::Attempts(0), None
- ) {
- Ok(_) => panic!("Expected error"),
- Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, Bolt12SemanticError::MissingPaths),
+ let refund = bob.node
+ .create_refund_builder(10_000_000, absolute_expiry, payment_id, Retry::Attempts(0), None)
+ .unwrap()
+ .build().unwrap();
+ assert_ne!(refund.payer_id(), bob_id);
+ assert!(!refund.paths().is_empty());
+ for path in refund.paths() {
+ assert_eq!(path.introduction_node, IntroductionNode::NodeId(alice_id));
- assert!(nodes[0].node.list_recent_payments().is_empty());
+ expect_recent_payment!(bob, RecentPaymentDetails::AwaitingInvoice, payment_id);
/// Fails creating or paying an offer when a blinded path cannot be created because no peers are
-/// Fails creating an invoice request when a blinded reply path cannot be created without exposing
-/// the node's id.
+/// Fails creating an invoice request when a blinded reply path cannot be created.
fn fails_creating_invoice_request_without_blinded_reply_path() {
let chanmon_cfgs = create_chanmon_cfgs(6);
let (alice, bob, charlie, david) = (&nodes[0], &nodes[1], &nodes[2], &nodes[3]);
disconnect_peers(alice, &[charlie, david, &nodes[4], &nodes[5]]);
- disconnect_peers(david, &[bob, &nodes[4], &nodes[5]]);
+ disconnect_peers(david, &[bob, charlie, &nodes[4], &nodes[5]]);
let offer = alice.node
fn create_blinded_paths_from_iter<
- I: Iterator<Item = ForwardNode>,
+ I: ExactSizeIterator<Item = ForwardNode>,
T: secp256k1::Signing + secp256k1::Verification
&self, recipient: PublicKey, peers: I, secp_ctx: &Secp256k1<T>, compact_paths: bool
let is_recipient_announced =
+ let has_one_peer = peers.len() == 1;
let mut peer_info = peers
- // Limit to peers with announced channels
+ // Limit to peers with announced channels unless the recipient is unannounced.
.filter(|info| info.channels.len() >= MIN_PEER_CHANNELS)
.map(|info| (peer, info.is_tor_only(), info.channels.len()))
+ // Allow messages directly with the only peer when unannounced.
+ .or_else(|| (!is_recipient_announced && has_one_peer)
+ .then(|| (peer, false, 0))
+ )
// Exclude Tor-only nodes when the recipient is announced.
.filter(|(_, is_tor_only, _)| !(*is_tor_only && is_recipient_announced))