//! # &self, route: &Route, payment_id: PaymentId
//! # ) -> Result<(), PaymentSendFailure> { unimplemented!() }
//! # fn abandon_payment(&self, payment_id: PaymentId) { unimplemented!() }
+//! # fn inflight_htlcs(&self) -> InFlightHtlcs { unimplemented!() }
//! # }
//! #
//! # struct FakeRouter {}
/// Signals that no further retries for the given payment will occur.
fn abandon_payment(&self, payment_id: PaymentId);
+ /// Construct an [`InFlightHtlcs`] containing information about currently used up liquidity
+ /// across payments.
+ fn inflight_htlcs(&self) -> InFlightHtlcs;
/// A trait defining behavior for a [`Router`] implementation that also supports scoring channels
let payer = self.payer.node_id();
let first_hops = self.payer.first_hops();
- let inflight_htlcs = self.create_inflight_map();
+ let inflight_htlcs = self.payer.inflight_htlcs();
let route = self.router.find_route(
&payer, ¶ms, Some(&first_hops.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>()), inflight_htlcs
).map_err(|e| PaymentError::Routing(e))?;
let payer = self.payer.node_id();
let first_hops = self.payer.first_hops();
- let inflight_htlcs = self.create_inflight_map();
+ let inflight_htlcs = self.payer.inflight_htlcs();
let route = self.router.find_route(
&payer, ¶ms, Some(&first_hops.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>()), inflight_htlcs
pub fn remove_cached_payment(&self, payment_hash: &PaymentHash) {
- /// Use path information in the payment_cache to construct a HashMap mapping a channel's short
- /// channel id and direction to the amount being sent through it.
- ///
- /// This function should be called whenever we need information about currently used up liquidity
- /// across payments.
- fn create_inflight_map(&self) -> InFlightHtlcs {
- let mut total_inflight_map = InFlightHtlcs::new();
- // Make an attempt at finding existing payment information from `payment_cache`.
- for payment_info in self.payment_cache.lock().unwrap().values() {
- for path in &payment_info.paths {
- total_inflight_map.process_path(path, self.payer.node_id());
- }
- }
- total_inflight_map
- }
fn expiry_time_from_unix_epoch(invoice: &Invoice) -> Duration {
use std::time::{SystemTime, Duration};
use crate::time_utils::tests::SinceEpoch;
- use lightning::util::errors::APIError::{ChannelUnavailable, MonitorUpdateInProgress};
fn invoice(payment_preimage: PaymentPreimage) -> Invoice {
let payment_hash = Sha256::hash(&payment_preimage.0);
- fn generates_correct_inflight_map_data() {
- let event_handled = core::cell::RefCell::new(false);
- let event_handler = |_: Event| { *event_handled.borrow_mut() = true; };
- let payment_preimage = PaymentPreimage([1; 32]);
- let invoice = invoice(payment_preimage);
- let payment_hash = Some(PaymentHash(invoice.payment_hash().clone().into_inner()));
- let final_value_msat = invoice.amount_milli_satoshis().unwrap();
- let payer = TestPayer::new().expect_send(Amount::ForInvoice(final_value_msat));
- let final_value_msat = invoice.amount_milli_satoshis().unwrap();
- let route = TestRouter::route_for_value(final_value_msat);
- let router = TestRouter::new(TestScorer::new());
- let logger = TestLogger::new();
- let invoice_payer =
- InvoicePayer::new(&payer, router, &logger, event_handler, Retry::Attempts(0));
- let payment_id = invoice_payer.pay_invoice(&invoice).unwrap();
- let inflight_map = invoice_payer.create_inflight_map();
- // First path check
- assert_eq!(inflight_map.0.get(&(0, false)).unwrap().clone(), 94);
- assert_eq!(inflight_map.0.get(&(1, true)).unwrap().clone(), 84);
- assert_eq!(inflight_map.0.get(&(2, false)).unwrap().clone(), 64);
- // Second path check
- assert_eq!(inflight_map.0.get(&(3, false)).unwrap().clone(), 74);
- assert_eq!(inflight_map.0.get(&(4, false)).unwrap().clone(), 64);
- invoice_payer.handle_event(Event::PaymentPathSuccessful {
- payment_id, payment_hash, path: route.paths[0].clone()
- });
- let inflight_map = invoice_payer.create_inflight_map();
- assert_eq!(inflight_map.0.get(&(0, false)), None);
- assert_eq!(inflight_map.0.get(&(1, true)), None);
- assert_eq!(inflight_map.0.get(&(2, false)), None);
- // Second path should still be inflight
- assert_eq!(inflight_map.0.get(&(3, false)).unwrap().clone(), 74);
- assert_eq!(inflight_map.0.get(&(4, false)).unwrap().clone(), 64)
- }
- #[test]
- fn considers_inflight_htlcs_between_invoice_payments_when_path_succeeds() {
- // First, let's just send a payment through, but only make sure one of the path completes
+ fn considers_inflight_htlcs_between_invoice_payments() {
let event_handled = core::cell::RefCell::new(false);
let event_handler = |_: Event| { *event_handled.borrow_mut() = true; };
let payment_preimage = PaymentPreimage([1; 32]);
let payment_invoice = invoice(payment_preimage);
- let payment_hash = Some(PaymentHash(payment_invoice.payment_hash().clone().into_inner()));
let final_value_msat = payment_invoice.amount_milli_satoshis().unwrap();
let payer = TestPayer::new()
- let final_value_msat = payment_invoice.amount_milli_satoshis().unwrap();
- let route = TestRouter::route_for_value(final_value_msat);
let scorer = TestScorer::new()
// 1st invoice, 1st path
.expect_usage(ChannelUsage { amount_msat: 64, inflight_htlc_msat: 0, effective_capacity: EffectiveCapacity::Unknown } )
.expect_usage(ChannelUsage { amount_msat: 64, inflight_htlc_msat: 0, effective_capacity: EffectiveCapacity::Unknown } )
.expect_usage(ChannelUsage { amount_msat: 74, inflight_htlc_msat: 0, effective_capacity: EffectiveCapacity::Unknown } )
// 2nd invoice, 1st path
- .expect_usage(ChannelUsage { amount_msat: 64, inflight_htlc_msat: 0, effective_capacity: EffectiveCapacity::Unknown } )
- .expect_usage(ChannelUsage { amount_msat: 84, inflight_htlc_msat: 0, effective_capacity: EffectiveCapacity::Unknown } )
- .expect_usage(ChannelUsage { amount_msat: 94, inflight_htlc_msat: 0, effective_capacity: EffectiveCapacity::Unknown } )
+ .expect_usage(ChannelUsage { amount_msat: 64, inflight_htlc_msat: 64, effective_capacity: EffectiveCapacity::Unknown } )
+ .expect_usage(ChannelUsage { amount_msat: 84, inflight_htlc_msat: 84, effective_capacity: EffectiveCapacity::Unknown } )
+ .expect_usage(ChannelUsage { amount_msat: 94, inflight_htlc_msat: 94, effective_capacity: EffectiveCapacity::Unknown } )
// 2nd invoice, 2nd path
.expect_usage(ChannelUsage { amount_msat: 64, inflight_htlc_msat: 64, effective_capacity: EffectiveCapacity::Unknown } )
.expect_usage(ChannelUsage { amount_msat: 74, inflight_htlc_msat: 74, effective_capacity: EffectiveCapacity::Unknown } );
let invoice_payer =
InvoicePayer::new(&payer, router, &logger, event_handler, Retry::Attempts(0));
- // Succeed 1st path, leave 2nd path inflight
- let payment_id = invoice_payer.pay_invoice(&payment_invoice).unwrap();
- invoice_payer.handle_event(Event::PaymentPathSuccessful {
- payment_id, payment_hash, path: route.paths[0].clone()
- });
+ // Make first invoice payment.
+ invoice_payer.pay_invoice(&payment_invoice).unwrap();
// Let's pay a second invoice that will be using the same path. This should trigger the
- // assertions that expect the last 4 ChannelUsage values above where TestScorer is initialized.
- // Particularly, the 2nd path of the 1st payment, since it is not yet complete, should still
- // have 64 msats inflight for paths considering the channel with scid of 1.
+ // assertions that expect `ChannelUsage` values of the first invoice payment that is still
+ // in-flight.
let payment_preimage_2 = PaymentPreimage([2; 32]);
let payment_invoice_2 = invoice(payment_preimage_2);
// Fail 1st path, leave 2nd path inflight
let payment_id = Some(invoice_payer.pay_invoice(&payment_invoice).unwrap());
+ invoice_payer.payer.fail_path(&TestRouter::path_for_value(final_value_msat));
invoice_payer.handle_event(Event::PaymentPathFailed {
// Fails again the 1st path of our retry
+ invoice_payer.payer.fail_path(&TestRouter::path_for_value(final_value_msat / 2));
invoice_payer.handle_event(Event::PaymentPathFailed {
- #[test]
- fn accounts_for_some_inflight_htlcs_sent_during_partial_failure() {
- let event_handled = core::cell::RefCell::new(false);
- let event_handler = |_: Event| { *event_handled.borrow_mut() = true; };
- let payment_preimage = PaymentPreimage([1; 32]);
- let invoice_to_pay = invoice(payment_preimage);
- let final_value_msat = invoice_to_pay.amount_milli_satoshis().unwrap();
- let retry = TestRouter::retry_for_invoice(&invoice_to_pay);
- let payer = TestPayer::new()
- .fails_with_partial_failure(
- retry.clone(), OnAttempt(1),
- Some(vec![
- Err(ChannelUnavailable { err: "abc".to_string() }), Err(MonitorUpdateInProgress)
- ]))
- .expect_send(Amount::ForInvoice(final_value_msat));
- let router = TestRouter::new(TestScorer::new());
- let logger = TestLogger::new();
- let invoice_payer =
- InvoicePayer::new(&payer, router, &logger, event_handler, Retry::Attempts(0));
- invoice_payer.pay_invoice(&invoice_to_pay).unwrap();
- let inflight_map = invoice_payer.create_inflight_map();
- // Only the second path, which failed with `MonitorUpdateInProgress` should be added to our
- // inflight map because retries are disabled.
- assert_eq!(inflight_map.0.len(), 2);
- }
- #[test]
- fn accounts_for_all_inflight_htlcs_sent_during_partial_failure() {
- let event_handled = core::cell::RefCell::new(false);
- let event_handler = |_: Event| { *event_handled.borrow_mut() = true; };
- let payment_preimage = PaymentPreimage([1; 32]);
- let invoice_to_pay = invoice(payment_preimage);
- let final_value_msat = invoice_to_pay.amount_milli_satoshis().unwrap();
- let retry = TestRouter::retry_for_invoice(&invoice_to_pay);
- let payer = TestPayer::new()
- .fails_with_partial_failure(
- retry.clone(), OnAttempt(1),
- Some(vec![
- Ok(()), Err(MonitorUpdateInProgress)
- ]))
- .expect_send(Amount::ForInvoice(final_value_msat));
- let router = TestRouter::new(TestScorer::new());
- let logger = TestLogger::new();
- let invoice_payer =
- InvoicePayer::new(&payer, router, &logger, event_handler, Retry::Attempts(0));
- invoice_payer.pay_invoice(&invoice_to_pay).unwrap();
- let inflight_map = invoice_payer.create_inflight_map();
- // All paths successful, hence we check of the existence of all 5 hops.
- assert_eq!(inflight_map.0.len(), 5);
- }
struct TestRouter {
scorer: RefCell<TestScorer>,
expectations: core::cell::RefCell<VecDeque<Amount>>,
attempts: core::cell::RefCell<usize>,
failing_on_attempt: core::cell::RefCell<HashMap<usize, PaymentSendFailure>>,
+ inflight_htlcs_paths: core::cell::RefCell<Vec<Vec<RouteHop>>>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
expectations: core::cell::RefCell::new(VecDeque::new()),
attempts: core::cell::RefCell::new(0),
failing_on_attempt: core::cell::RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
+ inflight_htlcs_paths: core::cell::RefCell::new(Vec::new()),
panic!("Unexpected amount: {:?}", actual_value_msats);
+ fn track_inflight_htlcs(&self, route: &Route) {
+ for path in &route.paths {
+ self.inflight_htlcs_paths.borrow_mut().push(path.clone());
+ }
+ }
+ fn fail_path(&self, path: &Vec<RouteHop>) {
+ let path_idx = self.inflight_htlcs_paths.borrow().iter().position(|p| p == path);
+ if let Some(idx) = path_idx {
+ self.inflight_htlcs_paths.borrow_mut().swap_remove(idx);
+ }
+ }
impl Drop for TestPayer {
_payment_secret: &Option<PaymentSecret>, _payment_id: PaymentId,
) -> Result<(), PaymentSendFailure> {
+ self.track_inflight_htlcs(route);
&self, route: &Route, _payment_id: PaymentId
) -> Result<(), PaymentSendFailure> {
+ self.track_inflight_htlcs(route);
fn abandon_payment(&self, _payment_id: PaymentId) { }
+ fn inflight_htlcs(&self) -> InFlightHtlcs {
+ let mut inflight_htlcs = InFlightHtlcs::new();
+ for path in self.inflight_htlcs_paths.clone().into_inner() {
+ inflight_htlcs.process_path(&path, self.node_id());
+ }
+ inflight_htlcs
+ }
// *** Full Featured Functional Tests with a Real ChannelManager ***