//! It also generates relevant memory-management functions and free-standing functions with
//! parameters mapped.
-use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
+use std::collections::{HashMap, hash_map, HashSet};
use std::env;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{Read, Write};
+ } else if let Some(resolved_path) = types.maybe_resolve_ident(&ident) {
+ if let Some(aliases) = types.crate_types.reverse_alias_map.get(&resolved_path).cloned() {
+ 'alias_impls: for (alias, arguments) in aliases {
+ let alias_resolved = types.resolve_path(&alias, None);
+ for (idx, gen) in i.generics.params.iter().enumerate() {
+ match gen {
+ syn::GenericParam::Type(type_param) => {
+ 'bounds_check: for bound in type_param.bounds.iter() {
+ if let syn::TypeParamBound::Trait(trait_bound) = bound {
+ if let syn::PathArguments::AngleBracketed(ref t) = &arguments {
+ assert!(idx < t.args.len());
+ if let syn::GenericArgument::Type(syn::Type::Path(p)) = &t.args[idx] {
+ let generic_arg = types.resolve_path(&p.path, None);
+ let generic_bound = types.resolve_path(&trait_bound.path, None);
+ if let Some(traits_impld) = types.crate_types.trait_impls.get(&generic_arg) {
+ for trait_impld in traits_impld {
+ if *trait_impld == generic_bound { continue 'bounds_check; }
+ }
+ eprintln!("struct {}'s generic arg {} didn't match bound {}", alias_resolved, generic_arg, generic_bound);
+ continue 'alias_impls;
+ } else {
+ eprintln!("struct {}'s generic arg {} didn't match bound {}", alias_resolved, generic_arg, generic_bound);
+ continue 'alias_impls;
+ }
+ } else { unimplemented!(); }
+ } else { unimplemented!(); }
+ } else { unimplemented!(); }
+ }
+ },
+ syn::GenericParam::Lifetime(_) => {},
+ syn::GenericParam::Const(_) => unimplemented!(),
+ }
+ }
+ let aliased_impl = syn::ItemImpl {
+ attrs: i.attrs.clone(),
+ brace_token: syn::token::Brace(Span::call_site()),
+ defaultness: None,
+ generics: syn::Generics {
+ lt_token: None,
+ params: syn::punctuated::Punctuated::new(),
+ gt_token: None,
+ where_clause: None,
+ },
+ impl_token: syn::Token![impl](Span::call_site()),
+ items: i.items.clone(),
+ self_ty: Box::new(syn::Type::Path(syn::TypePath { qself: None, path: alias.clone() })),
+ trait_: i.trait_.clone(),
+ unsafety: None,
+ };
+ writeln_impl(w, &aliased_impl, types);
+ }
+ } else {
+ eprintln!("Not implementing anything for {} due to it being marked not exported", ident);
+ }
} else {
- eprintln!("Not implementing anything for {} due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub or its marked not exported)", ident);
+ eprintln!("Not implementing anything for {} due to no-resolve (probably the type isn't pub)", ident);
if process_alias {
match &*t.ty {
- syn::Type::Path(_) => {
+ syn::Type::Path(p) => {
// If its a path with no generics, assume we don't map the aliased type and map it opaque
- crate_types.opaques.insert(type_path, &t.ident);
+ let mut segments = syn::punctuated::Punctuated::new();
+ segments.push(syn::PathSegment {
+ ident: t.ident.clone(),
+ arguments: syn::PathArguments::None,
+ });
+ let path_obj = syn::Path { leading_colon: None, segments };
+ let args_obj = p.path.segments.last().unwrap().arguments.clone();
+ match crate_types.reverse_alias_map.entry(import_resolver.maybe_resolve_path(&p.path, None).unwrap()) {
+ hash_map::Entry::Occupied(mut e) => { e.get_mut().push((path_obj, args_obj)); },
+ hash_map::Entry::Vacant(e) => { e.insert(vec![(path_obj, args_obj)]); },
+ }
+ crate_types.opaques.insert(type_path.clone(), &t.ident);
_ => {
crate_types.type_aliases.insert(type_path, import_resolver.resolve_imported_refs((*t.ty).clone()));
// ...then walk the ASTs tracking what types we will map, and how, so that we can resolve them
// when parsing other file ASTs...
let mut libtypes = CrateTypes { traits: HashMap::new(), opaques: HashMap::new(), mirrored_enums: HashMap::new(),
- type_aliases: HashMap::new(), templates_defined: HashMap::default(), template_file: &mut derived_templates,
+ type_aliases: HashMap::new(), reverse_alias_map: HashMap::new(), templates_defined: HashMap::default(),
+ template_file: &mut derived_templates,
clonable_types: HashSet::new(), trait_impls: HashMap::new() };
walk_ast(&libast, &mut libtypes);