+ /// Advance the blinded onion message path by one hop, making the second hop into the new
+ /// introduction node.
+ ///
+ /// Will only modify `self` when returning `Ok`.
+ pub fn advance_path_by_one<NS: Deref, NL: Deref, T>(
+ &mut self, node_signer: &NS, node_id_lookup: &NL, secp_ctx: &Secp256k1<T>
+ ) -> Result<(), ()>
+ where
+ NS::Target: NodeSigner,
+ NL::Target: NodeIdLookUp,
+ T: secp256k1::Signing + secp256k1::Verification,
+ {
+ let control_tlvs_ss = node_signer.ecdh(Recipient::Node, &self.0.blinding_point, None)?;
+ let rho = onion_utils::gen_rho_from_shared_secret(&control_tlvs_ss.secret_bytes());
+ let encrypted_control_tlvs = &self.0.blinded_hops.get(0).ok_or(())?.encrypted_payload;
+ let mut s = Cursor::new(encrypted_control_tlvs);
+ let mut reader = FixedLengthReader::new(&mut s, encrypted_control_tlvs.len() as u64);
+ match ChaChaPolyReadAdapter::read(&mut reader, rho) {
+ Ok(ChaChaPolyReadAdapter {
+ readable: ControlTlvs::Forward(ForwardTlvs { next_hop, next_blinding_override })
+ }) => {
+ let next_node_id = match next_hop {
+ NextMessageHop::NodeId(pubkey) => pubkey,
+ NextMessageHop::ShortChannelId(scid) => match node_id_lookup.next_node_id(scid) {
+ Some(pubkey) => pubkey,
+ None => return Err(()),
+ },
+ };
+ let mut new_blinding_point = match next_blinding_override {
+ Some(blinding_point) => blinding_point,
+ None => {
+ onion_utils::next_hop_pubkey(secp_ctx, self.0.blinding_point,
+ control_tlvs_ss.as_ref()).map_err(|_| ())?
+ }
+ };
+ mem::swap(&mut self.0.blinding_point, &mut new_blinding_point);
+ self.0.introduction_node = IntroductionNode::NodeId(next_node_id);
+ self.0.blinded_hops.remove(0);
+ Ok(())
+ },
+ _ => Err(())
+ }
+ }
pub(crate) fn introduction_node_mut(&mut self) -> &mut IntroductionNode {
&mut self.0.introduction_node
utils::construct_blinded_hops(secp_ctx, pks, tlvs, session_priv)
-/// Advance the blinded onion message path by one hop, making the second hop into the new
-/// introduction node.
-/// Will only modify `path` when returning `Ok`.
-pub fn advance_path_by_one<NS: Deref, NL: Deref, T>(
- path: &mut BlindedMessagePath, node_signer: &NS, node_id_lookup: &NL, secp_ctx: &Secp256k1<T>
-) -> Result<(), ()>
- NS::Target: NodeSigner,
- NL::Target: NodeIdLookUp,
- T: secp256k1::Signing + secp256k1::Verification,
- let control_tlvs_ss = node_signer.ecdh(Recipient::Node, &path.0.blinding_point, None)?;
- let rho = onion_utils::gen_rho_from_shared_secret(&control_tlvs_ss.secret_bytes());
- let encrypted_control_tlvs = &path.0.blinded_hops.get(0).ok_or(())?.encrypted_payload;
- let mut s = Cursor::new(encrypted_control_tlvs);
- let mut reader = FixedLengthReader::new(&mut s, encrypted_control_tlvs.len() as u64);
- match ChaChaPolyReadAdapter::read(&mut reader, rho) {
- Ok(ChaChaPolyReadAdapter {
- readable: ControlTlvs::Forward(ForwardTlvs { next_hop, next_blinding_override })
- }) => {
- let next_node_id = match next_hop {
- NextMessageHop::NodeId(pubkey) => pubkey,
- NextMessageHop::ShortChannelId(scid) => match node_id_lookup.next_node_id(scid) {
- Some(pubkey) => pubkey,
- None => return Err(()),
- },
- };
- let mut new_blinding_point = match next_blinding_override {
- Some(blinding_point) => blinding_point,
- None => {
- onion_utils::next_hop_pubkey(secp_ctx, path.0.blinding_point,
- control_tlvs_ss.as_ref()).map_err(|_| ())?
- }
- };
- mem::swap(&mut path.0.blinding_point, &mut new_blinding_point);
- path.0.introduction_node = IntroductionNode::NodeId(next_node_id);
- path.0.blinded_hops.remove(0);
- Ok(())
- },
- _ => Err(())
- }
+ /// Advance the blinded onion payment path by one hop, making the second hop into the new
+ /// introduction node.
+ ///
+ /// Will only modify `self` when returning `Ok`.
+ pub fn advance_path_by_one<NS: Deref, NL: Deref, T>(
+ &mut self, node_signer: &NS, node_id_lookup: &NL, secp_ctx: &Secp256k1<T>
+ ) -> Result<(), ()>
+ where
+ NS::Target: NodeSigner,
+ NL::Target: NodeIdLookUp,
+ T: secp256k1::Signing + secp256k1::Verification,
+ {
+ let control_tlvs_ss = node_signer.ecdh(Recipient::Node, &self.0.blinding_point, None)?;
+ let rho = onion_utils::gen_rho_from_shared_secret(&control_tlvs_ss.secret_bytes());
+ let encrypted_control_tlvs = &self.0.blinded_hops.get(0).ok_or(())?.encrypted_payload;
+ let mut s = Cursor::new(encrypted_control_tlvs);
+ let mut reader = FixedLengthReader::new(&mut s, encrypted_control_tlvs.len() as u64);
+ match ChaChaPolyReadAdapter::read(&mut reader, rho) {
+ Ok(ChaChaPolyReadAdapter {
+ readable: BlindedPaymentTlvs::Forward(ForwardTlvs { short_channel_id, .. })
+ }) => {
+ let next_node_id = match node_id_lookup.next_node_id(short_channel_id) {
+ Some(node_id) => node_id,
+ None => return Err(()),
+ };
+ let mut new_blinding_point = onion_utils::next_hop_pubkey(
+ secp_ctx, self.0.blinding_point, control_tlvs_ss.as_ref()
+ ).map_err(|_| ())?;
+ mem::swap(&mut self.0.blinding_point, &mut new_blinding_point);
+ self.0.introduction_node = IntroductionNode::NodeId(next_node_id);
+ self.0.blinded_hops.remove(0);
+ Ok(())
+ },
+ _ => Err(())
+ }
+ }
#[cfg(any(test, fuzzing))]
pub fn from_raw(
introduction_node_id: PublicKey, blinding_point: PublicKey, blinded_hops: Vec<BlindedHop>
utils::construct_blinded_hops(secp_ctx, pks, tlvs, session_priv)
-/// Advance the blinded onion payment path by one hop, making the second hop into the new
-/// introduction node.
-/// Will only modify `path` when returning `Ok`.
-pub fn advance_path_by_one<NS: Deref, NL: Deref, T>(
- path: &mut BlindedPaymentPath, node_signer: &NS, node_id_lookup: &NL, secp_ctx: &Secp256k1<T>
-) -> Result<(), ()>
- NS::Target: NodeSigner,
- NL::Target: NodeIdLookUp,
- T: secp256k1::Signing + secp256k1::Verification,
- let control_tlvs_ss = node_signer.ecdh(Recipient::Node, &path.0.blinding_point, None)?;
- let rho = onion_utils::gen_rho_from_shared_secret(&control_tlvs_ss.secret_bytes());
- let encrypted_control_tlvs = &path.0.blinded_hops.get(0).ok_or(())?.encrypted_payload;
- let mut s = Cursor::new(encrypted_control_tlvs);
- let mut reader = FixedLengthReader::new(&mut s, encrypted_control_tlvs.len() as u64);
- match ChaChaPolyReadAdapter::read(&mut reader, rho) {
- Ok(ChaChaPolyReadAdapter {
- readable: BlindedPaymentTlvs::Forward(ForwardTlvs { short_channel_id, .. })
- }) => {
- let next_node_id = match node_id_lookup.next_node_id(short_channel_id) {
- Some(node_id) => node_id,
- None => return Err(()),
- };
- let mut new_blinding_point = onion_utils::next_hop_pubkey(
- secp_ctx, path.0.blinding_point, control_tlvs_ss.as_ref()
- ).map_err(|_| ())?;
- mem::swap(&mut path.0.blinding_point, &mut new_blinding_point);
- path.0.introduction_node = IntroductionNode::NodeId(next_node_id);
- path.0.blinded_hops.remove(0);
- Ok(())
- },
- _ => Err(())
- }
/// `None` if underflow occurs.
pub(crate) fn amt_to_forward_msat(inbound_amt_msat: u64, payment_relay: &PaymentRelay) -> Option<u64> {
let inbound_amt = inbound_amt_msat as u128;
use bitcoin::secp256k1::{self, Secp256k1, SecretKey};
use crate::blinded_path::{IntroductionNode, NodeIdLookUp};
-use crate::blinded_path::payment::advance_path_by_one;
use crate::events::{self, PaymentFailureReason};
use crate::ln::types::{PaymentHash, PaymentPreimage, PaymentSecret};
use crate::ln::channel_state::ChannelDetails;
if introduction_node_id == our_node_id {
- let _ = advance_path_by_one(path, node_signer, node_id_lookup, secp_ctx);
+ let _ = path.advance_path_by_one(node_signer, node_id_lookup, secp_ctx);
use bitcoin::secp256k1::{self, PublicKey, Scalar, Secp256k1, SecretKey};
use crate::blinded_path::{IntroductionNode, NodeIdLookUp};
-use crate::blinded_path::message::{advance_path_by_one, BlindedMessagePath, ForwardNode, ForwardTlvs, MessageContext, NextMessageHop, ReceiveTlvs};
+use crate::blinded_path::message::{BlindedMessagePath, ForwardNode, ForwardTlvs, MessageContext, NextMessageHop, ReceiveTlvs};
use crate::blinded_path::utils;
use crate::events::{Event, EventHandler, EventsProvider, ReplayEvent};
use crate::sign::{EntropySource, NodeSigner, Recipient};
if introduction_node_id == our_node_id {
- advance_path_by_one(blinded_path, node_signer, node_id_lookup, &secp_ctx)
+ blinded_path.advance_path_by_one(node_signer, node_id_lookup, &secp_ctx)
.map_err(|()| SendError::BlindedPathAdvanceFailed)?;