use bitcoin::blockdata::block::{Block, BlockHeader};
use bitcoin::blockdata::transaction::Transaction;
use bitcoin::blockdata::script::Script;
-use bitcoin::blockdata::constants::genesis_block;
-use bitcoin::network::constants::Network;
-use bitcoin::hash_types::{Txid, BlockHash};
+use bitcoin::hash_types::Txid;
-use std::sync::{Mutex, MutexGuard, Arc};
-use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
+use std::sync::{Mutex, Arc};
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::ptr;
-/// Used to give chain error details upstream
-pub enum ChainError {
- /// Client doesn't support UTXO lookup (but the chain hash matches our genesis block hash)
- NotSupported,
- /// Chain isn't the one watched
- NotWatched,
- /// Tx doesn't exist or is unconfirmed
- UnknownTx,
-/// An interface to request notification of certain scripts as they appear the
-/// chain.
-/// Note that all of the functions implemented here *must* be reentrant-safe (obviously - they're
-/// called from inside the library in response to ChainListener events, P2P events, or timer
-/// events).
-pub trait ChainWatchInterface: Sync + Send {
- /// Provides a txid/random-scriptPubKey-in-the-tx which much be watched for.
- fn install_watch_tx(&self, txid: &Txid, script_pub_key: &Script);
- /// Provides an outpoint which must be watched for, providing any transactions which spend the
- /// given outpoint.
- fn install_watch_outpoint(&self, outpoint: (Txid, u32), out_script: &Script);
- /// Indicates that a listener needs to see all transactions.
- fn watch_all_txn(&self);
- /// Gets the script and value in satoshis for a given unspent transaction output given a
- /// short_channel_id (aka unspent_tx_output_identier). For BTC/tBTC channels the top three
- /// bytes are the block height, the next 3 the transaction index within the block, and the
- /// final two the output within the transaction.
- fn get_chain_utxo(&self, genesis_hash: BlockHash, unspent_tx_output_identifier: u64) -> Result<(Script, u64), ChainError>;
- /// Gets the list of transaction indices within a given block that the ChainWatchInterface is
- /// watching for.
- fn filter_block(&self, header: &BlockHeader, txdata: &[(usize, &Transaction)]) -> Vec<usize>;
- /// Returns a usize that changes when the ChainWatchInterface's watched data is modified.
- /// Users of `filter_block` should pre-save a copy of `reentered`'s return value and use it to
- /// determine whether they need to re-filter a given block.
- fn reentered(&self) -> usize;
/// An interface to send a transaction to the Bitcoin network.
pub trait BroadcasterInterface: Sync + Send {
/// Sends a transaction out to (hopefully) be mined.
-/// Utility to capture some common parts of ChainWatchInterface implementors.
-/// Keeping a local copy of this in a ChainWatchInterface implementor is likely useful.
-pub struct ChainWatchInterfaceUtil {
- network: Network,
- watched: Mutex<ChainWatchedUtil>,
- reentered: AtomicUsize,
-// We only expose PartialEq in test since its somewhat unclear exactly what it should do and we're
-// only comparing a subset of fields (essentially just checking that the set of things we're
-// watching is the same).
-impl PartialEq for ChainWatchInterfaceUtil {
- fn eq(&self, o: &Self) -> bool {
- == &&
- *self.watched.lock().unwrap() == *o.watched.lock().unwrap()
- }
-/// Register listener
-impl ChainWatchInterface for ChainWatchInterfaceUtil {
- fn install_watch_tx(&self, txid: &Txid, script_pub_key: &Script) {
- let mut watched = self.watched.lock().unwrap();
- if watched.register_tx(txid, script_pub_key) {
- self.reentered.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
- }
- }
- fn install_watch_outpoint(&self, outpoint: (Txid, u32), out_script: &Script) {
- let mut watched = self.watched.lock().unwrap();
- if watched.register_outpoint(outpoint, out_script) {
- self.reentered.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
- }
- }
- fn watch_all_txn(&self) {
- let mut watched = self.watched.lock().unwrap();
- if watched.watch_all() {
- self.reentered.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
- }
- }
- fn get_chain_utxo(&self, genesis_hash: BlockHash, _unspent_tx_output_identifier: u64) -> Result<(Script, u64), ChainError> {
- if genesis_hash != genesis_block( {
- return Err(ChainError::NotWatched);
- }
- Err(ChainError::NotSupported)
- }
- fn filter_block(&self, _header: &BlockHeader, txdata: &[(usize, &Transaction)]) -> Vec<usize> {
- let mut matched_index = Vec::new();
- let mut matched_txids = HashSet::new();
- {
- let watched = self.watched.lock().unwrap();
- for (index, transaction) in txdata.iter().enumerate() {
- // A tx matches the filter if it either matches the filter directly (via
- // does_match_tx_unguarded) or if it is a descendant of another matched
- // transaction within the same block, which we check for in the loop.
- let mut matched = self.does_match_tx_unguarded(transaction.1, &watched);
- for input in transaction.1.input.iter() {
- if matched || matched_txids.contains(&input.previous_output.txid) {
- matched = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if matched {
- matched_txids.insert(transaction.1.txid());
- matched_index.push(index);
- }
- }
- }
- matched_index
- }
- fn reentered(&self) -> usize {
- self.reentered.load(Ordering::Relaxed)
- }
-impl ChainWatchInterfaceUtil {
- /// Creates a new ChainWatchInterfaceUtil for the given network
- pub fn new(network: Network) -> ChainWatchInterfaceUtil {
- ChainWatchInterfaceUtil {
- network,
- watched: Mutex::new(ChainWatchedUtil::new()),
- reentered: AtomicUsize::new(1),
- }
- }
- /// Checks if a given transaction matches the current filter.
- pub fn does_match_tx(&self, tx: &Transaction) -> bool {
- let watched = self.watched.lock().unwrap();
- self.does_match_tx_unguarded (tx, &watched)
- }
- fn does_match_tx_unguarded(&self, tx: &Transaction, watched: &MutexGuard<ChainWatchedUtil>) -> bool {
- watched.does_match_tx(tx)
- }
mod tests {
use bitcoin::blockdata::block::BlockHeader;