writeln!(w, "\t/// An opaque pointer which is passed to your function implementations as an argument.").unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\t/// This has no meaning in the LDK, and can be NULL or any other value.").unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\tpub this_arg: *mut c_void,").unwrap();
- let mut generated_fields = Vec::new(); // Every field's name except this_arg, used in Clone generation
+ let mut generated_fields = Vec::new(); // Every field's (name, is_clonable) except this_arg, used in Clone generation
for item in t.items.iter() {
match item {
&syn::TraitItem::Method(ref m) => {
// happen) as well as provide an Option<>al function pointer which is
// called when the trait method is called which allows updating on the fly.
write!(w, "\tpub {}: ", m.sig.ident).unwrap();
- generated_fields.push(format!("{}", m.sig.ident));
+ generated_fields.push((format!("{}", m.sig.ident), true));
types.write_c_type(w, &*r.elem, Some(&gen_types), false);
writeln!(w, ",").unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\t/// Fill in the {} field as a reference to it will be given to Rust after this returns", m.sig.ident).unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\t/// Note that this takes a pointer to this object, not the this_ptr like other methods do").unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\t/// This function pointer may be NULL if {} is filled in when this object is created and never needs updating.", m.sig.ident).unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\tpub set_{}: Option<extern \"C\" fn(&{})>,", m.sig.ident, trait_name).unwrap();
- generated_fields.push(format!("set_{}", m.sig.ident));
+ generated_fields.push((format!("set_{}", m.sig.ident), true));
// Note that cbindgen will now generate
// typedef struct Thing {..., set_thing: (const Thing*), ...} Thing;
// which does not compile since Thing is not defined before it is used.
write!(w, "\tpub {}: extern \"C\" fn (", m.sig.ident).unwrap();
- generated_fields.push(format!("{}", m.sig.ident));
+ generated_fields.push((format!("{}", m.sig.ident), true));
write_method_params(w, &m.sig, "c_void", types, Some(&gen_types), true, false);
writeln!(w, ",").unwrap();
// Add functions which may be required for supertrait implementations.
+ let mut requires_clone = false;
+ walk_supertraits!(t, Some(&types), (
+ ("Clone", _) => requires_clone = true,
+ (_, _) => {}
+ ) );
walk_supertraits!(t, Some(&types), (
("Clone", _) => {
writeln!(w, "\t/// Creates a copy of the object pointed to by this_arg, for a copy of this {}.", trait_name).unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\t/// Note that the ultimate copy of the {} will have all function pointers the same as the original.", trait_name).unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\t/// May be NULL if no action needs to be taken, the this_arg pointer will be copied into the new {}.", trait_name).unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\tpub clone: Option<extern \"C\" fn (this_arg: *const c_void) -> *mut c_void>,").unwrap();
- generated_fields.push("clone".to_owned());
+ generated_fields.push(("clone".to_owned(), true));
("std::cmp::Eq", _) => {
writeln!(w, "\t/// Checks if two objects are equal given this object's this_arg pointer and another object.").unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\tpub eq: extern \"C\" fn (this_arg: *const c_void, other_arg: &{}) -> bool,", trait_name).unwrap();
writeln!(extra_headers, "typedef struct LDK{} LDK{};", trait_name, trait_name).unwrap();
- generated_fields.push("eq".to_owned());
+ generated_fields.push(("eq".to_owned(), true));
("std::hash::Hash", _) => {
writeln!(w, "\t/// Calculate a succinct non-cryptographic hash for an object given its this_arg pointer.").unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\t/// This is used, for example, for inclusion of this object in a hash map.").unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\tpub hash: extern \"C\" fn (this_arg: *const c_void) -> u64,").unwrap();
- generated_fields.push("hash".to_owned());
+ generated_fields.push(("hash".to_owned(), true));
("Send", _) => {}, ("Sync", _) => {},
(s, i) => {
let (docs, name, ret) = convert_trait_impl_field(s);
writeln!(w, "\t/// {}", docs).unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\tpub {}: extern \"C\" fn (this_arg: *const c_void) -> {},", name, ret).unwrap();
- name
+ (name, true) // Assume clonable
} else {
// For in-crate supertraits, just store a C-mapped copy of the supertrait as a member.
- writeln!(w, "/// Implementation of {} for this object.", i).unwrap();
+ writeln!(w, "\t/// Implementation of {} for this object.", i).unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\tpub {}: crate::{},", i, s).unwrap();
- format!("{}", i)
+ let is_clonable = types.is_clonable(s);
+ if !is_clonable && requires_clone {
+ writeln!(w, "\t/// Creates a copy of the {}, for a copy of this {}.", i, trait_name).unwrap();
+ writeln!(w, "\t/// Because {} doesn't natively support copying itself, you have to provide a full copy implementation here.", i).unwrap();
+ writeln!(w, "\tpub {}_clone: extern \"C\" fn (orig_{}: &{}) -> {},", i, i, i, i).unwrap();
+ }
+ (format!("{}", i), is_clonable)
) );
writeln!(w, "\t/// Frees any resources associated with this object given its this_arg pointer.").unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\t/// Does not need to free the outer struct containing function pointers and may be NULL is no resources need to be freed.").unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\tpub free: Option<extern \"C\" fn(this_arg: *mut c_void)>,").unwrap();
- generated_fields.push("free".to_owned());
+ generated_fields.push(("free".to_owned(), true));
writeln!(w, "}}").unwrap();
+ macro_rules! impl_trait_for_c {
+ ($t: expr, $impl_accessor: expr) => {
+ for item in $t.items.iter() {
+ match item {
+ syn::TraitItem::Method(m) => {
+ if let ExportStatus::TestOnly = export_status(&m.attrs) { continue; }
+ if m.default.is_some() { unimplemented!(); }
+ if m.sig.constness.is_some() || m.sig.asyncness.is_some() || m.sig.unsafety.is_some() ||
+ m.sig.abi.is_some() || m.sig.variadic.is_some() {
+ unimplemented!();
+ }
+ gen_types.push_ctx();
+ assert!(gen_types.learn_generics(&m.sig.generics, types));
+ write!(w, "\tfn {}", m.sig.ident).unwrap();
+ types.write_rust_generic_param(w, Some(&gen_types), m.sig.generics.params.iter());
+ write!(w, "(").unwrap();
+ for inp in m.sig.inputs.iter() {
+ match inp {
+ syn::FnArg::Receiver(recv) => {
+ if !recv.attrs.is_empty() || recv.reference.is_none() { unimplemented!(); }
+ write!(w, "&").unwrap();
+ if let Some(lft) = &recv.reference.as_ref().unwrap().1 {
+ write!(w, "'{} ", lft.ident).unwrap();
+ }
+ if recv.mutability.is_some() {
+ write!(w, "mut self").unwrap();
+ } else {
+ write!(w, "self").unwrap();
+ }
+ },
+ syn::FnArg::Typed(arg) => {
+ if !arg.attrs.is_empty() { unimplemented!(); }
+ match &*arg.pat {
+ syn::Pat::Ident(ident) => {
+ if !ident.attrs.is_empty() || ident.by_ref.is_some() ||
+ ident.mutability.is_some() || ident.subpat.is_some() {
+ unimplemented!();
+ }
+ write!(w, ", {}{}: ", if types.skip_arg(&*arg.ty, Some(&gen_types)) { "_" } else { "" }, ident.ident).unwrap();
+ }
+ _ => unimplemented!(),
+ }
+ types.write_rust_type(w, Some(&gen_types), &*arg.ty);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ write!(w, ")").unwrap();
+ match &m.sig.output {
+ syn::ReturnType::Type(_, rtype) => {
+ write!(w, " -> ").unwrap();
+ types.write_rust_type(w, Some(&gen_types), &*rtype)
+ },
+ _ => {},
+ }
+ write!(w, " {{\n\t\t").unwrap();
+ match export_status(&m.attrs) {
+ ExportStatus::NoExport => {
+ unimplemented!();
+ },
+ _ => {},
+ }
+ if let syn::ReturnType::Type(_, rtype) = &m.sig.output {
+ if let syn::Type::Reference(r) = &**rtype {
+ assert_eq!(m.sig.inputs.len(), 1); // Must only take self!
+ writeln!(w, "if let Some(f) = self{}.set_{} {{", $impl_accessor, m.sig.ident).unwrap();
+ writeln!(w, "\t\t\t(f)(&self{});", $impl_accessor).unwrap();
+ write!(w, "\t\t}}\n\t\t").unwrap();
+ types.write_from_c_conversion_to_ref_prefix(w, &*r.elem, Some(&gen_types));
+ write!(w, "self{}.{}", $impl_accessor, m.sig.ident).unwrap();
+ types.write_from_c_conversion_to_ref_suffix(w, &*r.elem, Some(&gen_types));
+ writeln!(w, "\n\t}}").unwrap();
+ gen_types.pop_ctx();
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ write_method_var_decl_body(w, &m.sig, "\t", types, Some(&gen_types), true);
+ write!(w, "(self{}.{})(", $impl_accessor, m.sig.ident).unwrap();
+ write_method_call_params(w, &m.sig, "\t", types, Some(&gen_types), "", true);
+ writeln!(w, "\n\t}}").unwrap();
+ gen_types.pop_ctx();
+ },
+ &syn::TraitItem::Type(ref t) => {
+ if t.default.is_some() || t.generics.lt_token.is_some() { unimplemented!(); }
+ let mut bounds_iter = t.bounds.iter();
+ match bounds_iter.next().unwrap() {
+ syn::TypeParamBound::Trait(tr) => {
+ writeln!(w, "\ttype {} = crate::{};", t.ident, types.resolve_path(&tr.path, Some(&gen_types))).unwrap();
+ },
+ _ => unimplemented!(),
+ }
+ if bounds_iter.next().is_some() { unimplemented!(); }
+ },
+ _ => unimplemented!(),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
// Implement supertraits for the C-mapped struct.
walk_supertraits!(t, Some(&types), (
("Send", _) => writeln!(w, "unsafe impl Send for {} {{}}", trait_name).unwrap(),
writeln!(w, "pub extern \"C\" fn {}_clone(orig: &{}) -> {} {{", trait_name, trait_name, trait_name).unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\t{} {{", trait_name).unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\t\tthis_arg: if let Some(f) = orig.clone {{ (f)(orig.this_arg) }} else {{ orig.this_arg }},").unwrap();
- for field in generated_fields.iter() {
- writeln!(w, "\t\t{}: orig.{}.clone(),", field, field).unwrap();
+ for (field, clonable) in generated_fields.iter() {
+ if *clonable {
+ writeln!(w, "\t\t{}: Clone::clone(&orig.{}),", field, field).unwrap();
+ } else {
+ writeln!(w, "\t\t{}: (orig.{}_clone)(&orig.{}),", field, field, field).unwrap();
+ writeln!(w, "\t\t{}_clone: orig.{}_clone,", field, field).unwrap();
+ }
writeln!(w, "\t}}\n}}").unwrap();
writeln!(w, "impl Clone for {} {{", trait_name).unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\t}}\n}}").unwrap();
(s, i) => {
- do_write_impl_trait(w, s, i, &trait_name);
+ if let Some(supertrait) = types.crate_types.traits.get(s) {
+ writeln!(w, "impl lightning::{} for {} {{", s, trait_name).unwrap(); // TODO: Drop hard-coded crate name here
+ impl_trait_for_c!(supertrait, format!(".{}", i));
+ writeln!(w, "}}").unwrap();
+ walk_supertraits!(supertrait, Some(&types), (
+ ("Send", _) => writeln!(w, "unsafe impl Send for {} {{}}", trait_name).unwrap(),
+ ("Sync", _) => writeln!(w, "unsafe impl Sync for {} {{}}", trait_name).unwrap(),
+ _ => unimplemented!()
+ ) );
+ } else {
+ do_write_impl_trait(w, s, i, &trait_name);
+ }
) );
write!(w, "impl rust{}", t.ident).unwrap();
maybe_write_generics(w, &t.generics, types, false);
writeln!(w, " for {} {{", trait_name).unwrap();
- for item in t.items.iter() {
- match item {
- syn::TraitItem::Method(m) => {
- if let ExportStatus::TestOnly = export_status(&m.attrs) { continue; }
- if m.default.is_some() { unimplemented!(); }
- if m.sig.constness.is_some() || m.sig.asyncness.is_some() || m.sig.unsafety.is_some() ||
- m.sig.abi.is_some() || m.sig.variadic.is_some() {
- unimplemented!();
- }
- gen_types.push_ctx();
- assert!(gen_types.learn_generics(&m.sig.generics, types));
- write!(w, "\tfn {}", m.sig.ident).unwrap();
- types.write_rust_generic_param(w, Some(&gen_types), m.sig.generics.params.iter());
- write!(w, "(").unwrap();
- for inp in m.sig.inputs.iter() {
- match inp {
- syn::FnArg::Receiver(recv) => {
- if !recv.attrs.is_empty() || recv.reference.is_none() { unimplemented!(); }
- write!(w, "&").unwrap();
- if let Some(lft) = &recv.reference.as_ref().unwrap().1 {
- write!(w, "'{} ", lft.ident).unwrap();
- }
- if recv.mutability.is_some() {
- write!(w, "mut self").unwrap();
- } else {
- write!(w, "self").unwrap();
- }
- },
- syn::FnArg::Typed(arg) => {
- if !arg.attrs.is_empty() { unimplemented!(); }
- match &*arg.pat {
- syn::Pat::Ident(ident) => {
- if !ident.attrs.is_empty() || ident.by_ref.is_some() ||
- ident.mutability.is_some() || ident.subpat.is_some() {
- unimplemented!();
- }
- write!(w, ", {}{}: ", if types.skip_arg(&*arg.ty, Some(&gen_types)) { "_" } else { "" }, ident.ident).unwrap();
- }
- _ => unimplemented!(),
- }
- types.write_rust_type(w, Some(&gen_types), &*arg.ty);
- }
- }
- }
- write!(w, ")").unwrap();
- match &m.sig.output {
- syn::ReturnType::Type(_, rtype) => {
- write!(w, " -> ").unwrap();
- types.write_rust_type(w, Some(&gen_types), &*rtype)
- },
- _ => {},
- }
- write!(w, " {{\n\t\t").unwrap();
- match export_status(&m.attrs) {
- ExportStatus::NoExport => {
- unimplemented!();
- },
- _ => {},
- }
- if let syn::ReturnType::Type(_, rtype) = &m.sig.output {
- if let syn::Type::Reference(r) = &**rtype {
- assert_eq!(m.sig.inputs.len(), 1); // Must only take self!
- writeln!(w, "if let Some(f) = self.set_{} {{", m.sig.ident).unwrap();
- writeln!(w, "\t\t\t(f)(self);").unwrap();
- write!(w, "\t\t}}\n\t\t").unwrap();
- types.write_from_c_conversion_to_ref_prefix(w, &*r.elem, Some(&gen_types));
- write!(w, "self.{}", m.sig.ident).unwrap();
- types.write_from_c_conversion_to_ref_suffix(w, &*r.elem, Some(&gen_types));
- writeln!(w, "\n\t}}").unwrap();
- gen_types.pop_ctx();
- continue;
- }
- }
- write_method_var_decl_body(w, &m.sig, "\t", types, Some(&gen_types), true);
- write!(w, "(self.{})(", m.sig.ident).unwrap();
- write_method_call_params(w, &m.sig, "\t", types, Some(&gen_types), "", true);
- writeln!(w, "\n\t}}").unwrap();
- gen_types.pop_ctx();
- },
- &syn::TraitItem::Type(ref t) => {
- if t.default.is_some() || t.generics.lt_token.is_some() { unimplemented!(); }
- let mut bounds_iter = t.bounds.iter();
- match bounds_iter.next().unwrap() {
- syn::TypeParamBound::Trait(tr) => {
- writeln!(w, "\ttype {} = crate::{};", t.ident, types.resolve_path(&tr.path, Some(&gen_types))).unwrap();
- },
- _ => unimplemented!(),
- }
- if bounds_iter.next().is_some() { unimplemented!(); }
- },
- _ => unimplemented!(),
- }
- }
+ impl_trait_for_c!(t, "");
writeln!(w, "}}\n").unwrap();
writeln!(w, "// We're essentially a pointer already, or at least a set of pointers, so allow us to be used").unwrap();
writeln!(w, "// directly as a Deref trait in higher-level structs:").unwrap();
_ => {},
+ let mut requires_clone = false;
+ walk_supertraits!(trait_obj, Some(&types), (
+ ("Clone", _) => requires_clone = true,
+ (_, _) => {}
+ ) );
walk_supertraits!(trait_obj, Some(&types), (
("Clone", _) => {
writeln!(w, "\t\tclone: Some({}_clone_void),", ident).unwrap();
write!(w, "\t\t}},\n").unwrap();
+ if !types.is_clonable(s) && requires_clone {
+ writeln!(w, "\t\t{}_clone: {}_{}_clone,", t, ident, t).unwrap();
+ }
} else {
write_trait_impl_field_assign(w, s, ident);
walk_supertraits!(trait_obj, Some(&types), (
- (s, _) => {
- if let Some(supertrait_obj) = types.crate_types.traits.get(s).cloned() {
- for item in supertrait_obj.items.iter() {
- match item {
- syn::TraitItem::Method(m) => {
- impl_meth!(m, s, supertrait_obj, "\t");
- },
- _ => {},
+ (s, t) => {
+ if let Some(supertrait_obj) = types.crate_types.traits.get(s) {
+ if !types.is_clonable(s) && requires_clone {
+ writeln!(w, "extern \"C\" fn {}_{}_clone(orig: &crate::{}) -> crate::{} {{", ident, t, s, s).unwrap();
+ writeln!(w, "\tcrate::{} {{", s).unwrap();
+ writeln!(w, "\t\tthis_arg: orig.this_arg,").unwrap();
+ writeln!(w, "\t\tfree: None,").unwrap();
+ for item in supertrait_obj.items.iter() {
+ match item {
+ syn::TraitItem::Method(m) => {
+ write_meth!(m, supertrait_obj, "");
+ },
+ _ => {},
+ }
+ write!(w, "\t}}\n}}\n").unwrap();