&self, payment_id: PaymentId, payment_release_secret: [u8; 32]
) -> Result<(), Bolt12PaymentError> {
let best_block_height = self.best_block.read().unwrap().height;
- let _persistence_guard = PersistenceNotifierGuard::notify_on_drop(self);
- self.pending_outbound_payments
- .send_payment_for_static_invoice(
+ let mut res = Ok(());
+ PersistenceNotifierGuard::optionally_notify(self, || {
+ let outbound_pmts_res = self.pending_outbound_payments.send_payment_for_static_invoice(
payment_id, payment_release_secret, &self.router, self.list_usable_channels(),
|| self.compute_inflight_htlcs(), &self.entropy_source, &self.node_signer, &self,
&self.secp_ctx, best_block_height, &self.logger, &self.pending_events,
|args| self.send_payment_along_path(args)
- )
+ );
+ match outbound_pmts_res {
+ Err(Bolt12PaymentError::UnexpectedInvoice) | Err(Bolt12PaymentError::DuplicateInvoice) => {
+ res = outbound_pmts_res.map(|_| ());
+ NotifyOption::SkipPersistNoEvents
+ },
+ other_res => {
+ res = other_res;
+ NotifyOption::DoPersist
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ res
/// Signals that no further attempts for the given payment should occur. Useful if you have a