--- /dev/null
+// This file is Copyright its original authors, visible in version control
+// history.
+// This file is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE
+// or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
+// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your option.
+// You may not use this file except in accordance with one or both of these
+// licenses.
+use crate::io_extras::sink;
+use crate::prelude::*;
+use core::ops::Deref;
+use bitcoin::blockdata::constants::WITNESS_SCALE_FACTOR;
+use bitcoin::consensus::Encodable;
+use bitcoin::policy::MAX_STANDARD_TX_WEIGHT;
+use bitcoin::{
+ absolute::LockTime as AbsoluteLockTime, OutPoint, Sequence, Transaction, TxIn, TxOut,
+use crate::chain::chaininterface::fee_for_weight;
+use crate::events::bump_transaction::{BASE_INPUT_WEIGHT, EMPTY_SCRIPT_SIG_WEIGHT};
+use crate::ln::channel::TOTAL_BITCOIN_SUPPLY_SATOSHIS;
+use crate::ln::msgs::SerialId;
+use crate::ln::{msgs, ChannelId};
+use crate::sign::EntropySource;
+use crate::util::ser::TransactionU16LenLimited;
+/// The number of received `tx_add_input` messages during a negotiation at which point the
+/// negotiation MUST be failed.
+/// The number of received `tx_add_output` messages during a negotiation at which point the
+/// negotiation MUST be failed.
+/// The number of inputs or outputs that the state machine can have, before it MUST fail the
+/// negotiation.
+const MAX_INPUTS_OUTPUTS_COUNT: usize = 252;
+trait SerialIdExt {
+ fn is_for_initiator(&self) -> bool;
+ fn is_for_non_initiator(&self) -> bool;
+impl SerialIdExt for SerialId {
+ fn is_for_initiator(&self) -> bool {
+ self % 2 == 0
+ }
+ fn is_for_non_initiator(&self) -> bool {
+ !self.is_for_initiator()
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
+pub enum AbortReason {
+ InvalidStateTransition,
+ UnexpectedCounterpartyMessage,
+ ReceivedTooManyTxAddInputs,
+ ReceivedTooManyTxAddOutputs,
+ IncorrectInputSequenceValue,
+ IncorrectSerialIdParity,
+ SerialIdUnknown,
+ DuplicateSerialId,
+ PrevTxOutInvalid,
+ ExceededMaximumSatsAllowed,
+ ExceededNumberOfInputsOrOutputs,
+ TransactionTooLarge,
+ BelowDustLimit,
+ InvalidOutputScript,
+ InsufficientFees,
+ OutputsValueExceedsInputsValue,
+ InvalidTx,
+pub struct TxInputWithPrevOutput {
+ input: TxIn,
+ prev_output: TxOut,
+struct NegotiationContext {
+ holder_is_initiator: bool,
+ received_tx_add_input_count: u16,
+ received_tx_add_output_count: u16,
+ inputs: HashMap<SerialId, TxInputWithPrevOutput>,
+ prevtx_outpoints: HashSet<OutPoint>,
+ outputs: HashMap<SerialId, TxOut>,
+ tx_locktime: AbsoluteLockTime,
+ feerate_sat_per_kw: u32,
+ to_remote_value_satoshis: u64,
+impl NegotiationContext {
+ fn is_serial_id_valid_for_counterparty(&self, serial_id: &SerialId) -> bool {
+ // A received `SerialId`'s parity must match the role of the counterparty.
+ self.holder_is_initiator == serial_id.is_for_non_initiator()
+ }
+ fn total_input_and_output_count(&self) -> usize {
+ self.inputs.len().saturating_add(self.outputs.len())
+ }
+ fn counterparty_inputs_contributed(
+ &self,
+ ) -> impl Iterator<Item = &TxInputWithPrevOutput> + Clone {
+ self.inputs
+ .iter()
+ .filter(move |(serial_id, _)| self.is_serial_id_valid_for_counterparty(serial_id))
+ .map(|(_, input_with_prevout)| input_with_prevout)
+ }
+ fn counterparty_outputs_contributed(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &TxOut> + Clone {
+ self.outputs
+ .iter()
+ .filter(move |(serial_id, _)| self.is_serial_id_valid_for_counterparty(serial_id))
+ .map(|(_, output)| output)
+ }
+ fn received_tx_add_input(&mut self, msg: &msgs::TxAddInput) -> Result<(), AbortReason> {
+ // The interactive-txs spec calls for us to fail negotiation if the `prevtx` we receive is
+ // invalid. However, we would not need to account for this explicit negotiation failure
+ // mode here since `PeerManager` would already disconnect the peer if the `prevtx` is
+ // invalid; implicitly ending the negotiation.
+ if !self.is_serial_id_valid_for_counterparty(&msg.serial_id) {
+ // The receiving node:
+ // - MUST fail the negotiation if:
+ // - the `serial_id` has the wrong parity
+ return Err(AbortReason::IncorrectSerialIdParity);
+ }
+ self.received_tx_add_input_count += 1;
+ if self.received_tx_add_input_count > MAX_RECEIVED_TX_ADD_INPUT_COUNT {
+ // The receiving node:
+ // - MUST fail the negotiation if:
+ // - if has received 4096 `tx_add_input` messages during this negotiation
+ return Err(AbortReason::ReceivedTooManyTxAddInputs);
+ }
+ if msg.sequence >= 0xFFFFFFFE {
+ // The receiving node:
+ // - MUST fail the negotiation if:
+ // - `sequence` is set to `0xFFFFFFFE` or `0xFFFFFFFF`
+ return Err(AbortReason::IncorrectInputSequenceValue);
+ }
+ let transaction = msg.prevtx.as_transaction();
+ let txid = transaction.txid();
+ if let Some(tx_out) = transaction.output.get(msg.prevtx_out as usize) {
+ if !tx_out.script_pubkey.is_witness_program() {
+ // The receiving node:
+ // - MUST fail the negotiation if:
+ // - the `scriptPubKey` is not a witness program
+ return Err(AbortReason::PrevTxOutInvalid);
+ }
+ if !self.prevtx_outpoints.insert(OutPoint { txid, vout: msg.prevtx_out }) {
+ // The receiving node:
+ // - MUST fail the negotiation if:
+ // - the `prevtx` and `prevtx_vout` are identical to a previously added
+ // (and not removed) input's
+ return Err(AbortReason::PrevTxOutInvalid);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // The receiving node:
+ // - MUST fail the negotiation if:
+ // - `prevtx_vout` is greater or equal to the number of outputs on `prevtx`
+ return Err(AbortReason::PrevTxOutInvalid);
+ }
+ let prev_out = if let Some(prev_out) = transaction.output.get(msg.prevtx_out as usize) {
+ prev_out.clone()
+ } else {
+ return Err(AbortReason::PrevTxOutInvalid);
+ };
+ if self.inputs.iter().any(|(serial_id, _)| *serial_id == msg.serial_id) {
+ // The receiving node:
+ // - MUST fail the negotiation if:
+ // - the `serial_id` is already included in the transaction
+ return Err(AbortReason::DuplicateSerialId);
+ }
+ let prev_outpoint = OutPoint { txid, vout: msg.prevtx_out };
+ self.inputs.entry(msg.serial_id).or_insert_with(|| TxInputWithPrevOutput {
+ input: TxIn {
+ previous_output: prev_outpoint.clone(),
+ sequence: Sequence(msg.sequence),
+ ..Default::default()
+ },
+ prev_output: prev_out,
+ });
+ self.prevtx_outpoints.insert(prev_outpoint);
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn received_tx_remove_input(&mut self, msg: &msgs::TxRemoveInput) -> Result<(), AbortReason> {
+ if !self.is_serial_id_valid_for_counterparty(&msg.serial_id) {
+ return Err(AbortReason::IncorrectSerialIdParity);
+ }
+ self.inputs
+ .remove(&msg.serial_id)
+ // The receiving node:
+ // - MUST fail the negotiation if:
+ // - the input or output identified by the `serial_id` was not added by the sender
+ // - the `serial_id` does not correspond to a currently added input
+ .ok_or(AbortReason::SerialIdUnknown)
+ .map(|_| ())
+ }
+ fn received_tx_add_output(&mut self, msg: &msgs::TxAddOutput) -> Result<(), AbortReason> {
+ // The receiving node:
+ // - MUST fail the negotiation if:
+ // - the serial_id has the wrong parity
+ if !self.is_serial_id_valid_for_counterparty(&msg.serial_id) {
+ return Err(AbortReason::IncorrectSerialIdParity);
+ }
+ self.received_tx_add_output_count += 1;
+ if self.received_tx_add_output_count > MAX_RECEIVED_TX_ADD_OUTPUT_COUNT {
+ // The receiving node:
+ // - MUST fail the negotiation if:
+ // - if has received 4096 `tx_add_output` messages during this negotiation
+ return Err(AbortReason::ReceivedTooManyTxAddOutputs);
+ }
+ if msg.sats < msg.script.dust_value().to_sat() {
+ // The receiving node:
+ // - MUST fail the negotiation if:
+ // - the sats amount is less than the dust_limit
+ return Err(AbortReason::BelowDustLimit);
+ }
+ // Check that adding this output would not cause the total output value to exceed the total
+ // bitcoin supply.
+ let mut outputs_value: u64 = 0;
+ for output in self.outputs.iter() {
+ outputs_value = outputs_value.saturating_add(output.1.value);
+ }
+ if outputs_value.saturating_add(msg.sats) > TOTAL_BITCOIN_SUPPLY_SATOSHIS {
+ // The receiving node:
+ // - MUST fail the negotiation if:
+ // - the sats amount is greater than 2,100,000,000,000,000 (TOTAL_BITCOIN_SUPPLY_SATOSHIS)
+ return Err(AbortReason::ExceededMaximumSatsAllowed);
+ }
+ // The receiving node:
+ // - MUST accept P2WSH, P2WPKH, P2TR scripts
+ // - MAY fail the negotiation if script is non-standard
+ //
+ // We can actually be a bit looser than the above as only witness version 0 has special
+ // length-based standardness constraints to match similar consensus rules. All witness scripts
+ // with witness versions V1 and up are always considered standard. Yes, the scripts can be
+ // anyone-can-spend-able, but if our counterparty wants to add an output like that then it's none
+ // of our concern really ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
+ if !msg.script.is_v0_p2wpkh()
+ && !msg.script.is_v0_p2wsh()
+ && msg.script.witness_version().map(|v| v.to_num() < 1).unwrap_or(true)
+ {
+ return Err(AbortReason::InvalidOutputScript);
+ }
+ if self.outputs.iter().any(|(serial_id, _)| *serial_id == msg.serial_id) {
+ // The receiving node:
+ // - MUST fail the negotiation if:
+ // - the `serial_id` is already included in the transaction
+ return Err(AbortReason::DuplicateSerialId);
+ }
+ let output = TxOut { value: msg.sats, script_pubkey: msg.script.clone() };
+ self.outputs.entry(msg.serial_id).or_insert(output);
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn received_tx_remove_output(&mut self, msg: &msgs::TxRemoveOutput) -> Result<(), AbortReason> {
+ if !self.is_serial_id_valid_for_counterparty(&msg.serial_id) {
+ return Err(AbortReason::IncorrectSerialIdParity);
+ }
+ if let Some(_) = self.outputs.remove(&msg.serial_id) {
+ Ok(())
+ } else {
+ // The receiving node:
+ // - MUST fail the negotiation if:
+ // - the input or output identified by the `serial_id` was not added by the sender
+ // - the `serial_id` does not correspond to a currently added input
+ Err(AbortReason::SerialIdUnknown)
+ }
+ }
+ fn sent_tx_add_input(&mut self, msg: &msgs::TxAddInput) {
+ let tx = msg.prevtx.as_transaction();
+ let input = TxIn {
+ previous_output: OutPoint { txid: tx.txid(), vout: msg.prevtx_out },
+ sequence: Sequence(msg.sequence),
+ ..Default::default()
+ };
+ debug_assert!((msg.prevtx_out as usize) < tx.output.len());
+ let prev_output = &tx.output[msg.prevtx_out as usize];
+ self.prevtx_outpoints.insert(input.previous_output.clone());
+ self.inputs.insert(
+ msg.serial_id,
+ TxInputWithPrevOutput { input, prev_output: prev_output.clone() },
+ );
+ }
+ fn sent_tx_add_output(&mut self, msg: &msgs::TxAddOutput) {
+ self.outputs
+ .insert(msg.serial_id, TxOut { value: msg.sats, script_pubkey: msg.script.clone() });
+ }
+ fn sent_tx_remove_input(&mut self, msg: &msgs::TxRemoveInput) {
+ self.inputs.remove(&msg.serial_id);
+ }
+ fn sent_tx_remove_output(&mut self, msg: &msgs::TxRemoveOutput) {
+ self.outputs.remove(&msg.serial_id);
+ }
+ fn build_transaction(self) -> Result<Transaction, AbortReason> {
+ // The receiving node:
+ // MUST fail the negotiation if:
+ // - the peer's total input satoshis is less than their outputs
+ let mut counterparty_inputs_value: u64 = 0;
+ let mut counterparty_outputs_value: u64 = 0;
+ for input in self.counterparty_inputs_contributed() {
+ counterparty_inputs_value =
+ counterparty_inputs_value.saturating_add(input.prev_output.value);
+ }
+ for output in self.counterparty_outputs_contributed() {
+ counterparty_outputs_value = counterparty_outputs_value.saturating_add(output.value);
+ }
+ // ...actually the counterparty might be splicing out, so that their balance also contributes
+ // to the total input value.
+ if counterparty_inputs_value.saturating_add(self.to_remote_value_satoshis)
+ < counterparty_outputs_value
+ {
+ return Err(AbortReason::OutputsValueExceedsInputsValue);
+ }
+ // - there are more than 252 inputs
+ // - there are more than 252 outputs
+ if self.inputs.len() > MAX_INPUTS_OUTPUTS_COUNT
+ || self.outputs.len() > MAX_INPUTS_OUTPUTS_COUNT
+ {
+ return Err(AbortReason::ExceededNumberOfInputsOrOutputs);
+ }
+ // TODO: How do we enforce their fees cover the witness without knowing its expected length?
+ // - the peer's paid feerate does not meet or exceed the agreed feerate (based on the minimum fee).
+ let counterparty_output_weight_contributed: u64 = self
+ .counterparty_outputs_contributed()
+ .map(|output| {
+ (8 /* value */ + output.script_pubkey.consensus_encode(&mut sink()).unwrap() as u64)
+ })
+ .sum();
+ let counterparty_weight_contributed = counterparty_output_weight_contributed
+ + self.counterparty_inputs_contributed().count() as u64 * INPUT_WEIGHT;
+ let counterparty_fees_contributed =
+ counterparty_inputs_value.saturating_sub(counterparty_outputs_value);
+ let mut required_counterparty_contribution_fee =
+ fee_for_weight(self.feerate_sat_per_kw, counterparty_weight_contributed);
+ if !self.holder_is_initiator {
+ // if is the non-initiator:
+ // - the initiator's fees do not cover the common fields (version, segwit marker + flag,
+ // input count, output count, locktime)
+ let tx_common_fields_weight =
+ (4 /* version */ + 4 /* locktime */ + 1 /* input count */ + 1 /* output count */) *
+ WITNESS_SCALE_FACTOR as u64 + 2 /* segwit marker + flag */;
+ let tx_common_fields_fee =
+ fee_for_weight(self.feerate_sat_per_kw, tx_common_fields_weight);
+ required_counterparty_contribution_fee += tx_common_fields_fee;
+ }
+ if counterparty_fees_contributed < required_counterparty_contribution_fee {
+ return Err(AbortReason::InsufficientFees);
+ }
+ // Inputs and outputs must be sorted by serial_id
+ let mut inputs = self.inputs.into_iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ let mut outputs = self.outputs.into_iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ inputs.sort_unstable_by_key(|(serial_id, _)| *serial_id);
+ outputs.sort_unstable_by_key(|(serial_id, _)| *serial_id);
+ let tx_to_validate = Transaction {
+ version: 2,
+ lock_time: self.tx_locktime,
+ input: inputs.into_iter().map(|(_, input)| input.input).collect(),
+ output: outputs.into_iter().map(|(_, output)| output).collect(),
+ };
+ if tx_to_validate.weight().to_wu() > MAX_STANDARD_TX_WEIGHT as u64 {
+ return Err(AbortReason::TransactionTooLarge);
+ }
+ Ok(tx_to_validate)
+ }
+// The interactive transaction construction protocol allows two peers to collaboratively build a
+// transaction for broadcast.
+// The protocol is turn-based, so we define different states here that we store depending on whose
+// turn it is to send the next message. The states are defined so that their types ensure we only
+// perform actions (only send messages) via defined state transitions that do not violate the
+// protocol.
+// An example of a full negotiation and associated states follows:
+// +------------+ +------------------+---- Holder state after message sent/received ----+
+// | |--(1)- tx_add_input ---->| | SentChangeMsg +
+// | |<-(2)- tx_complete ------| | ReceivedTxComplete +
+// | |--(3)- tx_add_output --->| | SentChangeMsg +
+// | |<-(4)- tx_complete ------| | ReceivedTxComplete +
+// | |--(5)- tx_add_input ---->| | SentChangeMsg +
+// | Holder |<-(6)- tx_add_input -----| Counterparty | ReceivedChangeMsg +
+// | |--(7)- tx_remove_output >| | SentChangeMsg +
+// | |<-(8)- tx_add_output ----| | ReceivedChangeMsg +
+// | |--(9)- tx_complete ----->| | SentTxComplete +
+// | |<-(10) tx_complete ------| | NegotiationComplete +
+// +------------+ +------------------+--------------------------------------------------+
+/// Negotiation states that can send & receive `tx_(add|remove)_(input|output)` and `tx_complete`
+trait State {}
+/// Category of states where we have sent some message to the counterparty, and we are waiting for
+/// a response.
+trait SentMsgState: State {
+ fn into_negotiation_context(self) -> NegotiationContext;
+/// Category of states that our counterparty has put us in after we receive a message from them.
+trait ReceivedMsgState: State {
+ fn into_negotiation_context(self) -> NegotiationContext;
+// This macro is a helper for implementing the above state traits for various states subsequently
+// defined below the macro.
+macro_rules! define_state {
+ (SENT_MSG_STATE, $state: ident, $doc: expr) => {
+ define_state!($state, NegotiationContext, $doc);
+ impl SentMsgState for $state {
+ fn into_negotiation_context(self) -> NegotiationContext {
+ self.0
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ (RECEIVED_MSG_STATE, $state: ident, $doc: expr) => {
+ define_state!($state, NegotiationContext, $doc);
+ impl ReceivedMsgState for $state {
+ fn into_negotiation_context(self) -> NegotiationContext {
+ self.0
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ ($state: ident, $inner: ident, $doc: expr) => {
+ #[doc = $doc]
+ #[derive(Debug)]
+ struct $state($inner);
+ impl State for $state {}
+ };
+ SentChangeMsg,
+ "We have sent a message to the counterparty that has affected our negotiation state."
+ SentTxComplete,
+ "We have sent a `tx_complete` message and are awaiting the counterparty's."
+ ReceivedChangeMsg,
+ "We have received a message from the counterparty that has affected our negotiation state."
+ ReceivedTxComplete,
+ "We have received a `tx_complete` message and the counterparty is awaiting ours."
+define_state!(NegotiationComplete, Transaction, "We have exchanged consecutive `tx_complete` messages with the counterparty and the transaction negotiation is complete.");
+ NegotiationAborted,
+ AbortReason,
+ "The negotiation has failed and cannot be continued."
+type StateTransitionResult<S> = Result<S, AbortReason>;
+trait StateTransition<NewState: State, TransitionData> {
+ fn transition(self, data: TransitionData) -> StateTransitionResult<NewState>;
+// This macro helps define the legal transitions between the states above by implementing
+// the `StateTransition` trait for each of the states that follow this declaration.
+macro_rules! define_state_transitions {
+ (SENT_MSG_STATE, [$(DATA $data: ty, TRANSITION $transition: ident),+]) => {
+ $(
+ impl<S: SentMsgState> StateTransition<ReceivedChangeMsg, $data> for S {
+ fn transition(self, data: $data) -> StateTransitionResult<ReceivedChangeMsg> {
+ let mut context = self.into_negotiation_context();
+ context.$transition(data)?;
+ Ok(ReceivedChangeMsg(context))
+ }
+ }
+ )*
+ };
+ (RECEIVED_MSG_STATE, [$(DATA $data: ty, TRANSITION $transition: ident),+]) => {
+ $(
+ impl<S: ReceivedMsgState> StateTransition<SentChangeMsg, $data> for S {
+ fn transition(self, data: $data) -> StateTransitionResult<SentChangeMsg> {
+ let mut context = self.into_negotiation_context();
+ context.$transition(data);
+ Ok(SentChangeMsg(context))
+ }
+ }
+ )*
+ };
+ (TX_COMPLETE, $from_state: ident, $tx_complete_state: ident) => {
+ impl StateTransition<NegotiationComplete, &msgs::TxComplete> for $tx_complete_state {
+ fn transition(self, _data: &msgs::TxComplete) -> StateTransitionResult<NegotiationComplete> {
+ let context = self.into_negotiation_context();
+ let tx = context.build_transaction()?;
+ Ok(NegotiationComplete(tx))
+ }
+ }
+ impl StateTransition<$tx_complete_state, &msgs::TxComplete> for $from_state {
+ fn transition(self, _data: &msgs::TxComplete) -> StateTransitionResult<$tx_complete_state> {
+ Ok($tx_complete_state(self.into_negotiation_context()))
+ }
+ }
+ };
+// State transitions when we have sent our counterparty some messages and are waiting for them
+// to respond.
+define_state_transitions!(SENT_MSG_STATE, [
+ DATA &msgs::TxAddInput, TRANSITION received_tx_add_input,
+ DATA &msgs::TxRemoveInput, TRANSITION received_tx_remove_input,
+ DATA &msgs::TxAddOutput, TRANSITION received_tx_add_output,
+ DATA &msgs::TxRemoveOutput, TRANSITION received_tx_remove_output
+// State transitions when we have received some messages from our counterparty and we should
+// respond.
+define_state_transitions!(RECEIVED_MSG_STATE, [
+ DATA &msgs::TxAddInput, TRANSITION sent_tx_add_input,
+ DATA &msgs::TxRemoveInput, TRANSITION sent_tx_remove_input,
+ DATA &msgs::TxAddOutput, TRANSITION sent_tx_add_output,
+ DATA &msgs::TxRemoveOutput, TRANSITION sent_tx_remove_output
+define_state_transitions!(TX_COMPLETE, SentChangeMsg, ReceivedTxComplete);
+define_state_transitions!(TX_COMPLETE, ReceivedChangeMsg, SentTxComplete);
+enum StateMachine {
+ Indeterminate,
+ SentChangeMsg(SentChangeMsg),
+ ReceivedChangeMsg(ReceivedChangeMsg),
+ SentTxComplete(SentTxComplete),
+ ReceivedTxComplete(ReceivedTxComplete),
+ NegotiationComplete(NegotiationComplete),
+ NegotiationAborted(NegotiationAborted),
+impl Default for StateMachine {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ Self::Indeterminate
+ }
+// The `StateMachine` internally executes the actual transition between two states and keeps
+// track of the current state. This macro defines _how_ those state transitions happen to
+// update the internal state.
+macro_rules! define_state_machine_transitions {
+ ($transition: ident, $msg: ty, [$(FROM $from_state: ident, TO $to_state: ident),+]) => {
+ fn $transition(self, msg: $msg) -> StateMachine {
+ match self {
+ $(
+ Self::$from_state(s) => match s.transition(msg) {
+ Ok(new_state) => StateMachine::$to_state(new_state),
+ Err(abort_reason) => StateMachine::NegotiationAborted(NegotiationAborted(abort_reason)),
+ }
+ )*
+ _ => StateMachine::NegotiationAborted(NegotiationAborted(AbortReason::UnexpectedCounterpartyMessage)),
+ }
+ }
+ };
+impl StateMachine {
+ fn new(
+ feerate_sat_per_kw: u32, is_initiator: bool, tx_locktime: AbsoluteLockTime,
+ to_remote_value_satoshis: u64,
+ ) -> Self {
+ let context = NegotiationContext {
+ tx_locktime,
+ holder_is_initiator: is_initiator,
+ received_tx_add_input_count: 0,
+ received_tx_add_output_count: 0,
+ inputs: new_hash_map(),
+ prevtx_outpoints: new_hash_set(),
+ outputs: new_hash_map(),
+ feerate_sat_per_kw,
+ to_remote_value_satoshis,
+ };
+ if is_initiator {
+ Self::ReceivedChangeMsg(ReceivedChangeMsg(context))
+ } else {
+ Self::SentChangeMsg(SentChangeMsg(context))
+ }
+ }
+ // TxAddInput
+ define_state_machine_transitions!(sent_tx_add_input, &msgs::TxAddInput, [
+ FROM ReceivedChangeMsg, TO SentChangeMsg,
+ FROM ReceivedTxComplete, TO SentChangeMsg
+ ]);
+ define_state_machine_transitions!(received_tx_add_input, &msgs::TxAddInput, [
+ FROM SentChangeMsg, TO ReceivedChangeMsg,
+ FROM SentTxComplete, TO ReceivedChangeMsg
+ ]);
+ // TxAddOutput
+ define_state_machine_transitions!(sent_tx_add_output, &msgs::TxAddOutput, [
+ FROM ReceivedChangeMsg, TO SentChangeMsg,
+ FROM ReceivedTxComplete, TO SentChangeMsg
+ ]);
+ define_state_machine_transitions!(received_tx_add_output, &msgs::TxAddOutput, [
+ FROM SentChangeMsg, TO ReceivedChangeMsg,
+ FROM SentTxComplete, TO ReceivedChangeMsg
+ ]);
+ // TxRemoveInput
+ define_state_machine_transitions!(sent_tx_remove_input, &msgs::TxRemoveInput, [
+ FROM ReceivedChangeMsg, TO SentChangeMsg,
+ FROM ReceivedTxComplete, TO SentChangeMsg
+ ]);
+ define_state_machine_transitions!(received_tx_remove_input, &msgs::TxRemoveInput, [
+ FROM SentChangeMsg, TO ReceivedChangeMsg,
+ FROM SentTxComplete, TO ReceivedChangeMsg
+ ]);
+ // TxRemoveOutput
+ define_state_machine_transitions!(sent_tx_remove_output, &msgs::TxRemoveOutput, [
+ FROM ReceivedChangeMsg, TO SentChangeMsg,
+ FROM ReceivedTxComplete, TO SentChangeMsg
+ ]);
+ define_state_machine_transitions!(received_tx_remove_output, &msgs::TxRemoveOutput, [
+ FROM SentChangeMsg, TO ReceivedChangeMsg,
+ FROM SentTxComplete, TO ReceivedChangeMsg
+ ]);
+ // TxComplete
+ define_state_machine_transitions!(sent_tx_complete, &msgs::TxComplete, [
+ FROM ReceivedChangeMsg, TO SentTxComplete,
+ FROM ReceivedTxComplete, TO NegotiationComplete
+ ]);
+ define_state_machine_transitions!(received_tx_complete, &msgs::TxComplete, [
+ FROM SentChangeMsg, TO ReceivedTxComplete,
+ FROM SentTxComplete, TO NegotiationComplete
+ ]);
+pub struct InteractiveTxConstructor {
+ state_machine: StateMachine,
+ channel_id: ChannelId,
+ inputs_to_contribute: Vec<(SerialId, TxIn, TransactionU16LenLimited)>,
+ outputs_to_contribute: Vec<(SerialId, TxOut)>,
+pub enum InteractiveTxMessageSend {
+ TxAddInput(msgs::TxAddInput),
+ TxAddOutput(msgs::TxAddOutput),
+ TxComplete(msgs::TxComplete),
+// This macro executes a state machine transition based on a provided action.
+macro_rules! do_state_transition {
+ ($self: ident, $transition: ident, $msg: expr) => {{
+ let state_machine = core::mem::take(&mut $self.state_machine);
+ $self.state_machine = state_machine.$transition($msg);
+ match &$self.state_machine {
+ StateMachine::NegotiationAborted(state) => Err(state.0.clone()),
+ _ => Ok(()),
+ }
+ }};
+fn generate_holder_serial_id<ES: Deref>(entropy_source: &ES, is_initiator: bool) -> SerialId
+ ES::Target: EntropySource,
+ let rand_bytes = entropy_source.get_secure_random_bytes();
+ let mut serial_id_bytes = [0u8; 8];
+ serial_id_bytes.copy_from_slice(&rand_bytes[..8]);
+ let mut serial_id = u64::from_be_bytes(serial_id_bytes);
+ if serial_id.is_for_initiator() != is_initiator {
+ serial_id ^= 1;
+ }
+ serial_id
+pub enum HandleTxCompleteValue {
+ SendTxMessage(InteractiveTxMessageSend),
+ SendTxComplete(InteractiveTxMessageSend, Transaction),
+ NegotiationComplete(Transaction),
+impl InteractiveTxConstructor {
+ /// Instantiates a new `InteractiveTxConstructor`.
+ ///
+ /// If this is for a dual_funded channel then the `to_remote_value_satoshis` parameter should be set
+ /// to zero.
+ ///
+ /// A tuple is returned containing the newly instantiate `InteractiveTxConstructor` and optionally
+ /// an initial wrapped `Tx_` message which the holder needs to send to the counterparty.
+ pub fn new<ES: Deref>(
+ entropy_source: &ES, channel_id: ChannelId, feerate_sat_per_kw: u32, is_initiator: bool,
+ funding_tx_locktime: AbsoluteLockTime,
+ inputs_to_contribute: Vec<(TxIn, TransactionU16LenLimited)>,
+ outputs_to_contribute: Vec<TxOut>, to_remote_value_satoshis: u64,
+ ) -> (Self, Option<InteractiveTxMessageSend>)
+ where
+ ES::Target: EntropySource,
+ {
+ let state_machine = StateMachine::new(
+ feerate_sat_per_kw,
+ is_initiator,
+ funding_tx_locktime,
+ to_remote_value_satoshis,
+ );
+ let mut inputs_to_contribute: Vec<(SerialId, TxIn, TransactionU16LenLimited)> =
+ inputs_to_contribute
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|(input, tx)| {
+ let serial_id = generate_holder_serial_id(entropy_source, is_initiator);
+ (serial_id, input, tx)
+ })
+ .collect();
+ // We'll sort by the randomly generated serial IDs, effectively shuffling the order of the inputs
+ // as the user passed them to us to avoid leaking any potential categorization of transactions
+ // before we pass any of the inputs to the counterparty.
+ inputs_to_contribute.sort_unstable_by_key(|(serial_id, _, _)| *serial_id);
+ let mut outputs_to_contribute: Vec<(SerialId, TxOut)> = outputs_to_contribute
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|output| {
+ let serial_id = generate_holder_serial_id(entropy_source, is_initiator);
+ (serial_id, output)
+ })
+ .collect();
+ // In the same manner and for the same rationale as the inputs above, we'll shuffle the outputs.
+ outputs_to_contribute.sort_unstable_by_key(|(serial_id, _)| *serial_id);
+ let mut constructor =
+ Self { state_machine, channel_id, inputs_to_contribute, outputs_to_contribute };
+ let message_send = if is_initiator {
+ match constructor.maybe_send_message() {
+ Ok(msg_send) => Some(msg_send),
+ Err(_) => {
+ debug_assert!(
+ false,
+ "We should always be able to start our state machine successfully"
+ );
+ None
+ },
+ }
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ (constructor, message_send)
+ }
+ fn maybe_send_message(&mut self) -> Result<InteractiveTxMessageSend, AbortReason> {
+ // We first attempt to send inputs we want to add, then outputs. Once we are done sending
+ // them both, then we always send tx_complete.
+ if let Some((serial_id, input, prevtx)) = self.inputs_to_contribute.pop() {
+ let msg = msgs::TxAddInput {
+ channel_id: self.channel_id,
+ serial_id,
+ prevtx,
+ prevtx_out: input.previous_output.vout,
+ sequence: input.sequence.to_consensus_u32(),
+ };
+ do_state_transition!(self, sent_tx_add_input, &msg)?;
+ Ok(InteractiveTxMessageSend::TxAddInput(msg))
+ } else if let Some((serial_id, output)) = self.outputs_to_contribute.pop() {
+ let msg = msgs::TxAddOutput {
+ channel_id: self.channel_id,
+ serial_id,
+ sats: output.value,
+ script: output.script_pubkey,
+ };
+ do_state_transition!(self, sent_tx_add_output, &msg)?;
+ Ok(InteractiveTxMessageSend::TxAddOutput(msg))
+ } else {
+ let msg = msgs::TxComplete { channel_id: self.channel_id };
+ do_state_transition!(self, sent_tx_complete, &msg)?;
+ Ok(InteractiveTxMessageSend::TxComplete(msg))
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn handle_tx_add_input(
+ &mut self, msg: &msgs::TxAddInput,
+ ) -> Result<InteractiveTxMessageSend, AbortReason> {
+ do_state_transition!(self, received_tx_add_input, msg)?;
+ self.maybe_send_message()
+ }
+ pub fn handle_tx_remove_input(
+ &mut self, msg: &msgs::TxRemoveInput,
+ ) -> Result<InteractiveTxMessageSend, AbortReason> {
+ do_state_transition!(self, received_tx_remove_input, msg)?;
+ self.maybe_send_message()
+ }
+ pub fn handle_tx_add_output(
+ &mut self, msg: &msgs::TxAddOutput,
+ ) -> Result<InteractiveTxMessageSend, AbortReason> {
+ do_state_transition!(self, received_tx_add_output, msg)?;
+ self.maybe_send_message()
+ }
+ pub fn handle_tx_remove_output(
+ &mut self, msg: &msgs::TxRemoveOutput,
+ ) -> Result<InteractiveTxMessageSend, AbortReason> {
+ do_state_transition!(self, received_tx_remove_output, msg)?;
+ self.maybe_send_message()
+ }
+ pub fn handle_tx_complete(
+ &mut self, msg: &msgs::TxComplete,
+ ) -> Result<HandleTxCompleteValue, AbortReason> {
+ do_state_transition!(self, received_tx_complete, msg)?;
+ match &self.state_machine {
+ StateMachine::ReceivedTxComplete(_) => {
+ let msg_send = self.maybe_send_message()?;
+ return match &self.state_machine {
+ StateMachine::NegotiationComplete(s) => {
+ Ok(HandleTxCompleteValue::SendTxComplete(msg_send, s.0.clone()))
+ },
+ StateMachine::SentChangeMsg(_) => {
+ Ok(HandleTxCompleteValue::SendTxMessage(msg_send))
+ }, // We either had an input or output to contribute.
+ _ => {
+ debug_assert!(false, "We cannot transition to any other states after receiving `tx_complete` and responding");
+ return Err(AbortReason::InvalidStateTransition);
+ },
+ };
+ },
+ StateMachine::NegotiationComplete(s) => {
+ Ok(HandleTxCompleteValue::NegotiationComplete(s.0.clone()))
+ },
+ _ => {
+ debug_assert!(
+ false,
+ "We cannot transition to any other states after receiving `tx_complete`"
+ );
+ Err(AbortReason::InvalidStateTransition)
+ },
+ }
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use crate::chain::chaininterface::FEERATE_FLOOR_SATS_PER_KW;
+ use crate::ln::channel::TOTAL_BITCOIN_SUPPLY_SATOSHIS;
+ use crate::ln::interactivetxs::{
+ generate_holder_serial_id, AbortReason, HandleTxCompleteValue, InteractiveTxConstructor,
+ };
+ use crate::ln::ChannelId;
+ use crate::sign::EntropySource;
+ use crate::util::atomic_counter::AtomicCounter;
+ use crate::util::ser::TransactionU16LenLimited;
+ use bitcoin::blockdata::opcodes;
+ use bitcoin::blockdata::script::Builder;
+ use bitcoin::{
+ absolute::LockTime as AbsoluteLockTime, OutPoint, Sequence, Transaction, TxIn, TxOut,
+ };
+ use core::ops::Deref;
+ // A simple entropy source that works based on an atomic counter.
+ struct TestEntropySource(AtomicCounter);
+ impl EntropySource for TestEntropySource {
+ fn get_secure_random_bytes(&self) -> [u8; 32] {
+ let mut res = [0u8; 32];
+ let increment = self.0.get_increment();
+ for i in 0..32 {
+ // Rotate the increment value by 'i' bits to the right, to avoid clashes
+ // when `generate_local_serial_id` does a parity flip on consecutive calls for the
+ // same party.
+ let rotated_increment = increment.rotate_right(i as u32);
+ res[i] = (rotated_increment & 0xff) as u8;
+ }
+ res
+ }
+ }
+ // An entropy source that deliberately returns you the same seed every time. We use this
+ // to test if the constructor would catch inputs/outputs that are attempting to be added
+ // with duplicate serial ids.
+ struct DuplicateEntropySource;
+ impl EntropySource for DuplicateEntropySource {
+ fn get_secure_random_bytes(&self) -> [u8; 32] {
+ let mut res = [0u8; 32];
+ let count = 1u64;
+ res[0..8].copy_from_slice(&count.to_be_bytes());
+ res
+ }
+ }
+ #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+ enum ErrorCulprit {
+ NodeA,
+ NodeB,
+ // Some error values are only checked at the end of the negotiation and are not easy to attribute
+ // to a particular party. Both parties would indicate an `AbortReason` in this case.
+ // e.g. Exceeded max inputs and outputs after negotiation.
+ Indeterminate,
+ }
+ struct TestSession {
+ inputs_a: Vec<(TxIn, TransactionU16LenLimited)>,
+ outputs_a: Vec<TxOut>,
+ inputs_b: Vec<(TxIn, TransactionU16LenLimited)>,
+ outputs_b: Vec<TxOut>,
+ expect_error: Option<(AbortReason, ErrorCulprit)>,
+ }
+ fn do_test_interactive_tx_constructor(session: TestSession) {
+ let entropy_source = TestEntropySource(AtomicCounter::new());
+ do_test_interactive_tx_constructor_internal(session, &&entropy_source);
+ }
+ fn do_test_interactive_tx_constructor_with_entropy_source<ES: Deref>(
+ session: TestSession, entropy_source: ES,
+ ) where
+ ES::Target: EntropySource,
+ {
+ do_test_interactive_tx_constructor_internal(session, &entropy_source);
+ }
+ fn do_test_interactive_tx_constructor_internal<ES: Deref>(
+ session: TestSession, entropy_source: &ES,
+ ) where
+ ES::Target: EntropySource,
+ {
+ let channel_id = ChannelId(entropy_source.get_secure_random_bytes());
+ let tx_locktime = AbsoluteLockTime::from_height(1337).unwrap();
+ let (mut constructor_a, first_message_a) = InteractiveTxConstructor::new(
+ entropy_source,
+ channel_id,
+ true,
+ tx_locktime,
+ session.inputs_a,
+ session.outputs_a,
+ 0,
+ );
+ let (mut constructor_b, first_message_b) = InteractiveTxConstructor::new(
+ entropy_source,
+ channel_id,
+ false,
+ tx_locktime,
+ session.inputs_b,
+ session.outputs_b,
+ 0,
+ );
+ let handle_message_send =
+ |msg: InteractiveTxMessageSend, for_constructor: &mut InteractiveTxConstructor| {
+ match msg {
+ InteractiveTxMessageSend::TxAddInput(msg) => for_constructor
+ .handle_tx_add_input(&msg)
+ .map(|msg_send| (Some(msg_send), None)),
+ InteractiveTxMessageSend::TxAddOutput(msg) => for_constructor
+ .handle_tx_add_output(&msg)
+ .map(|msg_send| (Some(msg_send), None)),
+ InteractiveTxMessageSend::TxComplete(msg) => {
+ for_constructor.handle_tx_complete(&msg).map(|value| match value {
+ HandleTxCompleteValue::SendTxMessage(msg_send) => {
+ (Some(msg_send), None)
+ },
+ HandleTxCompleteValue::SendTxComplete(msg_send, tx) => {
+ (Some(msg_send), Some(tx))
+ },
+ HandleTxCompleteValue::NegotiationComplete(tx) => (None, Some(tx)),
+ })
+ },
+ }
+ };
+ assert!(first_message_b.is_none());
+ let mut message_send_a = first_message_a;
+ let mut message_send_b = None;
+ let mut final_tx_a = None;
+ let mut final_tx_b = None;
+ while final_tx_a.is_none() || final_tx_b.is_none() {
+ if let Some(message_send_a) = message_send_a.take() {
+ match handle_message_send(message_send_a, &mut constructor_b) {
+ Ok((msg_send, final_tx)) => {
+ message_send_b = msg_send;
+ final_tx_b = final_tx;
+ },
+ Err(abort_reason) => {
+ let error_culprit = match abort_reason {
+ AbortReason::ExceededNumberOfInputsOrOutputs => {
+ ErrorCulprit::Indeterminate
+ },
+ _ => ErrorCulprit::NodeA,
+ };
+ assert_eq!(Some((abort_reason, error_culprit)), session.expect_error);
+ assert!(message_send_b.is_none());
+ return;
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some(message_send_b) = message_send_b.take() {
+ match handle_message_send(message_send_b, &mut constructor_a) {
+ Ok((msg_send, final_tx)) => {
+ message_send_a = msg_send;
+ final_tx_a = final_tx;
+ },
+ Err(abort_reason) => {
+ let error_culprit = match abort_reason {
+ AbortReason::ExceededNumberOfInputsOrOutputs => {
+ ErrorCulprit::Indeterminate
+ },
+ _ => ErrorCulprit::NodeB,
+ };
+ assert_eq!(Some((abort_reason, error_culprit)), session.expect_error);
+ assert!(message_send_a.is_none());
+ return;
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ assert!(message_send_a.is_none());
+ assert!(message_send_b.is_none());
+ assert_eq!(final_tx_a, final_tx_b);
+ assert!(session.expect_error.is_none());
+ }
+ fn generate_tx(values: &[u64]) -> Transaction {
+ generate_tx_with_locktime(values, 1337)
+ }
+ fn generate_tx_with_locktime(values: &[u64], locktime: u32) -> Transaction {
+ Transaction {
+ version: 2,
+ lock_time: AbsoluteLockTime::from_height(locktime).unwrap(),
+ input: vec![TxIn { ..Default::default() }],
+ output: values
+ .iter()
+ .map(|value| TxOut {
+ value: *value,
+ script_pubkey: Builder::new()
+ .push_opcode(opcodes::OP_TRUE)
+ .into_script()
+ .to_v0_p2wsh(),
+ })
+ .collect(),
+ }
+ }
+ fn generate_inputs(values: &[u64]) -> Vec<(TxIn, TransactionU16LenLimited)> {
+ let tx = generate_tx(values);
+ let txid = tx.txid();
+ tx.output
+ .iter()
+ .enumerate()
+ .map(|(idx, _)| {
+ let input = TxIn {
+ previous_output: OutPoint { txid, vout: idx as u32 },
+ script_sig: Default::default(),
+ sequence: Sequence::ENABLE_RBF_NO_LOCKTIME,
+ witness: Default::default(),
+ };
+ (input, TransactionU16LenLimited::new(tx.clone()).unwrap())
+ })
+ .collect()
+ }
+ fn generate_outputs(values: &[u64]) -> Vec<TxOut> {
+ values
+ .iter()
+ .map(|value| TxOut {
+ value: *value,
+ script_pubkey: Builder::new()
+ .push_opcode(opcodes::OP_TRUE)
+ .into_script()
+ .to_v0_p2wsh(),
+ })
+ .collect()
+ }
+ fn generate_fixed_number_of_inputs(count: u16) -> Vec<(TxIn, TransactionU16LenLimited)> {
+ // Generate transactions with a total `count` number of outputs such that no transaction has a
+ // serialized length greater than u16::MAX.
+ let max_outputs_per_prevtx = 1_500;
+ let mut remaining = count;
+ let mut inputs: Vec<(TxIn, TransactionU16LenLimited)> = Vec::with_capacity(count as usize);
+ while remaining > 0 {
+ let tx_output_count = remaining.min(max_outputs_per_prevtx);
+ remaining -= tx_output_count;
+ // Use unique locktime for each tx so outpoints are different across transactions
+ let tx = generate_tx_with_locktime(
+ &vec![1_000_000; tx_output_count as usize],
+ (1337 + remaining).into(),
+ );
+ let txid = tx.txid();
+ let mut temp: Vec<(TxIn, TransactionU16LenLimited)> = tx
+ .output
+ .iter()
+ .enumerate()
+ .map(|(idx, _)| {
+ let input = TxIn {
+ previous_output: OutPoint { txid, vout: idx as u32 },
+ script_sig: Default::default(),
+ sequence: Sequence::ENABLE_RBF_NO_LOCKTIME,
+ witness: Default::default(),
+ };
+ (input, TransactionU16LenLimited::new(tx.clone()).unwrap())
+ })
+ .collect();
+ inputs.append(&mut temp);
+ }
+ inputs
+ }
+ fn generate_fixed_number_of_outputs(count: u16) -> Vec<TxOut> {
+ // Set a constant value for each TxOut
+ generate_outputs(&vec![1_000_000; count as usize])
+ }
+ fn generate_non_witness_output(value: u64) -> TxOut {
+ TxOut {
+ value,
+ script_pubkey: Builder::new().push_opcode(opcodes::OP_TRUE).into_script().to_p2sh(),
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_interactive_tx_constructor() {
+ // No contributions.
+ do_test_interactive_tx_constructor(TestSession {
+ inputs_a: vec![],
+ outputs_a: vec![],
+ inputs_b: vec![],
+ outputs_b: vec![],
+ expect_error: Some((AbortReason::InsufficientFees, ErrorCulprit::NodeA)),
+ });
+ // Single contribution, no initiator inputs.
+ do_test_interactive_tx_constructor(TestSession {
+ inputs_a: vec![],
+ outputs_a: generate_outputs(&[1_000_000]),
+ inputs_b: vec![],
+ outputs_b: vec![],
+ expect_error: Some((AbortReason::OutputsValueExceedsInputsValue, ErrorCulprit::NodeA)),
+ });
+ // Single contribution, no initiator outputs.
+ do_test_interactive_tx_constructor(TestSession {
+ inputs_a: generate_inputs(&[1_000_000]),
+ outputs_a: vec![],
+ inputs_b: vec![],
+ outputs_b: vec![],
+ expect_error: None,
+ });
+ // Single contribution, insufficient fees.
+ do_test_interactive_tx_constructor(TestSession {
+ inputs_a: generate_inputs(&[1_000_000]),
+ outputs_a: generate_outputs(&[1_000_000]),
+ inputs_b: vec![],
+ outputs_b: vec![],
+ expect_error: Some((AbortReason::InsufficientFees, ErrorCulprit::NodeA)),
+ });
+ // Initiator contributes sufficient fees, but non-initiator does not.
+ do_test_interactive_tx_constructor(TestSession {
+ inputs_a: generate_inputs(&[1_000_000]),
+ outputs_a: vec![],
+ inputs_b: generate_inputs(&[100_000]),
+ outputs_b: generate_outputs(&[100_000]),
+ expect_error: Some((AbortReason::InsufficientFees, ErrorCulprit::NodeB)),
+ });
+ // Multi-input-output contributions from both sides.
+ do_test_interactive_tx_constructor(TestSession {
+ inputs_a: generate_inputs(&[1_000_000, 1_000_000]),
+ outputs_a: generate_outputs(&[1_000_000, 200_000]),
+ inputs_b: generate_inputs(&[1_000_000, 500_000]),
+ outputs_b: generate_outputs(&[1_000_000, 400_000]),
+ expect_error: None,
+ });
+ // Prevout from initiator is not a witness program
+ let non_segwit_output_tx = {
+ let mut tx = generate_tx(&[1_000_000]);
+ tx.output.push(TxOut {
+ script_pubkey: Builder::new()
+ .push_opcode(opcodes::all::OP_RETURN)
+ .into_script()
+ .to_p2sh(),
+ ..Default::default()
+ });
+ TransactionU16LenLimited::new(tx).unwrap()
+ };
+ let non_segwit_input = TxIn {
+ previous_output: OutPoint {
+ txid: non_segwit_output_tx.as_transaction().txid(),
+ vout: 1,
+ },
+ sequence: Sequence::ENABLE_RBF_NO_LOCKTIME,
+ ..Default::default()
+ };
+ do_test_interactive_tx_constructor(TestSession {
+ inputs_a: vec![(non_segwit_input, non_segwit_output_tx)],
+ outputs_a: vec![],
+ inputs_b: vec![],
+ outputs_b: vec![],
+ expect_error: Some((AbortReason::PrevTxOutInvalid, ErrorCulprit::NodeA)),
+ });
+ // Invalid input sequence from initiator.
+ let tx = TransactionU16LenLimited::new(generate_tx(&[1_000_000])).unwrap();
+ let invalid_sequence_input = TxIn {
+ previous_output: OutPoint { txid: tx.as_transaction().txid(), vout: 0 },
+ ..Default::default()
+ };
+ do_test_interactive_tx_constructor(TestSession {
+ inputs_a: vec![(invalid_sequence_input, tx.clone())],
+ outputs_a: generate_outputs(&[1_000_000]),
+ inputs_b: vec![],
+ outputs_b: vec![],
+ expect_error: Some((AbortReason::IncorrectInputSequenceValue, ErrorCulprit::NodeA)),
+ });
+ // Duplicate prevout from initiator.
+ let duplicate_input = TxIn {
+ previous_output: OutPoint { txid: tx.as_transaction().txid(), vout: 0 },
+ sequence: Sequence::ENABLE_RBF_NO_LOCKTIME,
+ ..Default::default()
+ };
+ do_test_interactive_tx_constructor(TestSession {
+ inputs_a: vec![(duplicate_input.clone(), tx.clone()), (duplicate_input, tx.clone())],
+ outputs_a: generate_outputs(&[1_000_000]),
+ inputs_b: vec![],
+ outputs_b: vec![],
+ expect_error: Some((AbortReason::PrevTxOutInvalid, ErrorCulprit::NodeA)),
+ });
+ // Non-initiator uses same prevout as initiator.
+ let duplicate_input = TxIn {
+ previous_output: OutPoint { txid: tx.as_transaction().txid(), vout: 0 },
+ sequence: Sequence::ENABLE_RBF_NO_LOCKTIME,
+ ..Default::default()
+ };
+ do_test_interactive_tx_constructor(TestSession {
+ inputs_a: vec![(duplicate_input.clone(), tx.clone())],
+ outputs_a: generate_outputs(&[1_000_000]),
+ inputs_b: vec![(duplicate_input.clone(), tx.clone())],
+ outputs_b: vec![],
+ expect_error: Some((AbortReason::PrevTxOutInvalid, ErrorCulprit::NodeB)),
+ });
+ // Initiator sends too many TxAddInputs
+ do_test_interactive_tx_constructor(TestSession {
+ inputs_a: generate_fixed_number_of_inputs(MAX_RECEIVED_TX_ADD_INPUT_COUNT + 1),
+ outputs_a: vec![],
+ inputs_b: vec![],
+ outputs_b: vec![],
+ expect_error: Some((AbortReason::ReceivedTooManyTxAddInputs, ErrorCulprit::NodeA)),
+ });
+ // Attempt to queue up two inputs with duplicate serial ids. We use a deliberately bad
+ // entropy source, `DuplicateEntropySource` to simulate this.
+ do_test_interactive_tx_constructor_with_entropy_source(
+ TestSession {
+ inputs_a: generate_fixed_number_of_inputs(2),
+ outputs_a: vec![],
+ inputs_b: vec![],
+ outputs_b: vec![],
+ expect_error: Some((AbortReason::DuplicateSerialId, ErrorCulprit::NodeA)),
+ },
+ &DuplicateEntropySource,
+ );
+ // Initiator sends too many TxAddOutputs.
+ do_test_interactive_tx_constructor(TestSession {
+ inputs_a: vec![],
+ outputs_a: generate_fixed_number_of_outputs(MAX_RECEIVED_TX_ADD_OUTPUT_COUNT + 1),
+ inputs_b: vec![],
+ outputs_b: vec![],
+ expect_error: Some((AbortReason::ReceivedTooManyTxAddOutputs, ErrorCulprit::NodeA)),
+ });
+ // Initiator sends an output below dust value.
+ do_test_interactive_tx_constructor(TestSession {
+ inputs_a: vec![],
+ outputs_a: generate_outputs(&[1]),
+ inputs_b: vec![],
+ outputs_b: vec![],
+ expect_error: Some((AbortReason::BelowDustLimit, ErrorCulprit::NodeA)),
+ });
+ // Initiator sends an output above maximum sats allowed.
+ do_test_interactive_tx_constructor(TestSession {
+ inputs_a: vec![],
+ outputs_a: generate_outputs(&[TOTAL_BITCOIN_SUPPLY_SATOSHIS + 1]),
+ inputs_b: vec![],
+ outputs_b: vec![],
+ expect_error: Some((AbortReason::ExceededMaximumSatsAllowed, ErrorCulprit::NodeA)),
+ });
+ // Initiator sends an output without a witness program.
+ do_test_interactive_tx_constructor(TestSession {
+ inputs_a: vec![],
+ outputs_a: vec![generate_non_witness_output(1_000_000)],
+ inputs_b: vec![],
+ outputs_b: vec![],
+ expect_error: Some((AbortReason::InvalidOutputScript, ErrorCulprit::NodeA)),
+ });
+ // Attempt to queue up two outputs with duplicate serial ids. We use a deliberately bad
+ // entropy source, `DuplicateEntropySource` to simulate this.
+ do_test_interactive_tx_constructor_with_entropy_source(
+ TestSession {
+ inputs_a: vec![],
+ outputs_a: generate_fixed_number_of_outputs(2),
+ inputs_b: vec![],
+ outputs_b: vec![],
+ expect_error: Some((AbortReason::DuplicateSerialId, ErrorCulprit::NodeA)),
+ },
+ &DuplicateEntropySource,
+ );
+ // Peer contributed more output value than inputs
+ do_test_interactive_tx_constructor(TestSession {
+ inputs_a: generate_inputs(&[100_000]),
+ outputs_a: generate_outputs(&[1_000_000]),
+ inputs_b: vec![],
+ outputs_b: vec![],
+ expect_error: Some((AbortReason::OutputsValueExceedsInputsValue, ErrorCulprit::NodeA)),
+ });
+ // Peer contributed more than allowed number of inputs.
+ do_test_interactive_tx_constructor(TestSession {
+ inputs_a: generate_fixed_number_of_inputs(MAX_INPUTS_OUTPUTS_COUNT as u16 + 1),
+ outputs_a: vec![],
+ inputs_b: vec![],
+ outputs_b: vec![],
+ expect_error: Some((
+ AbortReason::ExceededNumberOfInputsOrOutputs,
+ ErrorCulprit::Indeterminate,
+ )),
+ });
+ // Peer contributed more than allowed number of outputs.
+ do_test_interactive_tx_constructor(TestSession {
+ inputs_a: generate_inputs(&[TOTAL_BITCOIN_SUPPLY_SATOSHIS]),
+ outputs_a: generate_fixed_number_of_outputs(MAX_INPUTS_OUTPUTS_COUNT as u16 + 1),
+ inputs_b: vec![],
+ outputs_b: vec![],
+ expect_error: Some((
+ AbortReason::ExceededNumberOfInputsOrOutputs,
+ ErrorCulprit::Indeterminate,
+ )),
+ });
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_generate_local_serial_id() {
+ let entropy_source = TestEntropySource(AtomicCounter::new());
+ // Initiators should have even serial id, non-initiators should have odd serial id.
+ assert_eq!(generate_holder_serial_id(&&entropy_source, true) % 2, 0);
+ assert_eq!(generate_holder_serial_id(&&entropy_source, false) % 2, 1)
+ }