+ writeln!(w, "unsafe impl Send for {} {{}}", trait_name).unwrap();
+ writeln!(w, "unsafe impl Sync for {} {{}}", trait_name).unwrap();
// Implement supertraits for the C-mapped struct.
walk_supertraits!(t, Some(&types), (
- ("Send", _) => writeln!(w, "unsafe impl Send for {} {{}}", trait_name).unwrap(),
- ("Sync", _) => writeln!(w, "unsafe impl Sync for {} {{}}", trait_name).unwrap(),
("std::cmp::Eq", _)|("core::cmp::Eq", _) => {
writeln!(w, "impl std::cmp::Eq for {} {{}}", trait_name).unwrap();
writeln!(w, "impl std::cmp::PartialEq for {} {{", trait_name).unwrap();
writeln!(w, "impl std::hash::Hash for {} {{", trait_name).unwrap();
writeln!(w, "\tfn hash<H: std::hash::Hasher>(&self, hasher: &mut H) {{ hasher.write_u64((self.hash)(self.this_arg)) }}\n}}").unwrap();
+ ("Send", _) => {}, ("Sync", _) => {},
("Clone", _) => {
writeln!(w, "#[no_mangle]").unwrap();
writeln!(w, "/// Creates a copy of a {}", trait_name).unwrap();
writeln!(w, "impl {} for {} {{", s, trait_name).unwrap();
impl_trait_for_c!(supertrait, format!(".{}", i), &resolver);
writeln!(w, "}}").unwrap();
- walk_supertraits!(supertrait, Some(&types), (
- ("Send", _) => writeln!(w, "unsafe impl Send for {} {{}}", trait_name).unwrap(),
- ("Sync", _) => writeln!(w, "unsafe impl Sync for {} {{}}", trait_name).unwrap(),
- _ => unimplemented!()
- ) );
} else {
do_write_impl_trait(w, s, i, &trait_name);