pub(super) fn verify<L: Deref>(payment_hash: PaymentHash, payment_data: msgs::FinalOnionHopData, highest_seen_timestamp: u64, keys: &ExpandedKey, logger: &L) -> Result<Option<PaymentPreimage>, ()>
where L::Target: Logger
- let mut iv_bytes = [0; IV_LEN];
- let (iv_slice, encrypted_metadata_bytes) = payment_data.payment_secret.0.split_at(IV_LEN);
- iv_bytes.copy_from_slice(iv_slice);
- let chacha_block = ChaCha20::get_single_block(&keys.metadata_key, &iv_bytes);
- let mut metadata_bytes: [u8; METADATA_LEN] = [0; METADATA_LEN];
- for i in 0..METADATA_LEN {
- metadata_bytes[i] = chacha_block[i] ^ encrypted_metadata_bytes[i];
- }
+ let (iv_bytes, metadata_bytes) = decrypt_metadata(payment_data.payment_secret, keys);
let payment_type_res = Method::from_bits((metadata_bytes[0] & 0b1110_0000) >> METHOD_TYPE_OFFSET);
let mut amt_msat_bytes = [0; AMT_MSAT_LEN];
Ok(Method::LdkPaymentHash) => {
- let mut hmac = HmacEngine::<Sha256>::new(&keys.ldk_pmt_hash_key);
- hmac.input(&iv_bytes);
- hmac.input(&metadata_bytes);
- let decoded_payment_preimage = Hmac::from_engine(hmac).into_inner();
- if !fixed_time_eq(&payment_hash.0, &Sha256::hash(&decoded_payment_preimage).into_inner()) {
- log_trace!(logger, "Failing HTLC with payment_hash {}: payment preimage {} did not match", log_bytes!(payment_hash.0), log_bytes!(decoded_payment_preimage));
- return Err(())
+ match derive_ldk_payment_preimage(payment_hash, &iv_bytes, &metadata_bytes, keys) {
+ Ok(preimage) => payment_preimage = Some(preimage),
+ Err(bad_preimage_bytes) => {
+ log_trace!(logger, "Failing HTLC with payment_hash {} due to mismatching preimage {}", log_bytes!(payment_hash.0), log_bytes!(bad_preimage_bytes));
+ return Err(())
+ }
- payment_preimage = Some(PaymentPreimage(decoded_payment_preimage));
Err(unknown_bits) => {
log_trace!(logger, "Failing HTLC with payment hash {} due to unknown payment type {}", log_bytes!(payment_hash.0), unknown_bits);
+ fn decrypt_metadata(payment_secret: PaymentSecret, keys: &ExpandedKey) -> ([u8; IV_LEN], [u8; METADATA_LEN]) {
+ let mut iv_bytes = [0; IV_LEN];
+ let (iv_slice, encrypted_metadata_bytes) = payment_secret.0.split_at(IV_LEN);
+ iv_bytes.copy_from_slice(iv_slice);
+ let chacha_block = ChaCha20::get_single_block(&keys.metadata_key, &iv_bytes);
+ let mut metadata_bytes: [u8; METADATA_LEN] = [0; METADATA_LEN];
+ for i in 0..METADATA_LEN {
+ metadata_bytes[i] = chacha_block[i] ^ encrypted_metadata_bytes[i];
+ }
+ (iv_bytes, metadata_bytes)
+ }
+ // Errors if the payment preimage doesn't match `payment_hash`. Returns the bad preimage bytes in
+ // this case.
+ fn derive_ldk_payment_preimage(payment_hash: PaymentHash, iv_bytes: &[u8; IV_LEN], metadata_bytes: &[u8; METADATA_LEN], keys: &ExpandedKey) -> Result<PaymentPreimage, [u8; 32]> {
+ let mut hmac = HmacEngine::<Sha256>::new(&keys.ldk_pmt_hash_key);
+ hmac.input(iv_bytes);
+ hmac.input(metadata_bytes);
+ let decoded_payment_preimage = Hmac::from_engine(hmac).into_inner();
+ if !fixed_time_eq(&payment_hash.0, &Sha256::hash(&decoded_payment_preimage).into_inner()) {
+ return Err(decoded_payment_preimage);
+ }
+ return Ok(PaymentPreimage(decoded_payment_preimage))
+ }
fn hkdf_extract_expand(salt: &[u8], ikm: &KeyMaterial) -> ExpandedKey {
let mut hmac = HmacEngine::<Sha256>::new(salt);