use crate::chain::chaininterface::{FeeEstimator, LowerBoundedFeeEstimator};
use crate::chain::transaction::OutPoint;
+use crate::io;
use crate::ln::channel::ChannelContext;
use crate::ln::features::{ChannelTypeFeatures, InitFeatures};
+use crate::ln::msgs::DecodeError;
use crate::ln::types::{ChannelId, PaymentHash};
use crate::sign::SignerProvider;
use crate::util::config::ChannelConfig;
+use crate::util::ser::{Readable, Writeable, Writer};
use core::ops::Deref;
pub cltv_expiry_delta: u16,
+impl_writeable_tlv_based!(CounterpartyForwardingInfo, {
+ (2, fee_base_msat, required),
+ (4, fee_proportional_millionths, required),
+ (6, cltv_expiry_delta, required),
/// Channel parameters which apply to our counterparty. These are split out from [`ChannelDetails`]
/// to better separate parameters.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub outbound_htlc_maximum_msat: Option<u64>,
+impl_writeable_tlv_based!(ChannelCounterparty, {
+ (2, node_id, required),
+ (4, features, required),
+ (6, unspendable_punishment_reserve, required),
+ (8, forwarding_info, option),
+ (9, outbound_htlc_minimum_msat, option),
+ (11, outbound_htlc_maximum_msat, option),
/// Details of a channel, as returned by [`ChannelManager::list_channels`] and [`ChannelManager::list_usable_channels`]
/// [`ChannelManager::list_channels`]: crate::ln::channelmanager::ChannelManager::list_channels
+impl Writeable for ChannelDetails {
+ fn write<W: Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
+ // `user_channel_id` used to be a single u64 value. In order to remain backwards compatible with
+ // versions prior to 0.0.113, the u128 is serialized as two separate u64 values.
+ let user_channel_id_low = self.user_channel_id as u64;
+ let user_channel_id_high_opt = Some((self.user_channel_id >> 64) as u64);
+ write_tlv_fields!(writer, {
+ (1, self.inbound_scid_alias, option),
+ (2, self.channel_id, required),
+ (3, self.channel_type, option),
+ (4, self.counterparty, required),
+ (5, self.outbound_scid_alias, option),
+ (6, self.funding_txo, option),
+ (7, self.config, option),
+ (8, self.short_channel_id, option),
+ (9, self.confirmations, option),
+ (10, self.channel_value_satoshis, required),
+ (12, self.unspendable_punishment_reserve, option),
+ (14, user_channel_id_low, required),
+ (16, self.balance_msat, required),
+ (18, self.outbound_capacity_msat, required),
+ (19, self.next_outbound_htlc_limit_msat, required),
+ (20, self.inbound_capacity_msat, required),
+ (21, self.next_outbound_htlc_minimum_msat, required),
+ (22, self.confirmations_required, option),
+ (24, self.force_close_spend_delay, option),
+ (26, self.is_outbound, required),
+ (28, self.is_channel_ready, required),
+ (30, self.is_usable, required),
+ (32, self.is_public, required),
+ (33, self.inbound_htlc_minimum_msat, option),
+ (35, self.inbound_htlc_maximum_msat, option),
+ (37, user_channel_id_high_opt, option),
+ (39, self.feerate_sat_per_1000_weight, option),
+ (41, self.channel_shutdown_state, option),
+ (43, self.pending_inbound_htlcs, optional_vec),
+ (45, self.pending_outbound_htlcs, optional_vec),
+ });
+ Ok(())
+ }
+impl Readable for ChannelDetails {
+ fn read<R: io::Read>(reader: &mut R) -> Result<Self, DecodeError> {
+ _init_and_read_len_prefixed_tlv_fields!(reader, {
+ (1, inbound_scid_alias, option),
+ (2, channel_id, required),
+ (3, channel_type, option),
+ (4, counterparty, required),
+ (5, outbound_scid_alias, option),
+ (6, funding_txo, option),
+ (7, config, option),
+ (8, short_channel_id, option),
+ (9, confirmations, option),
+ (10, channel_value_satoshis, required),
+ (12, unspendable_punishment_reserve, option),
+ (14, user_channel_id_low, required),
+ (16, balance_msat, required),
+ (18, outbound_capacity_msat, required),
+ // Note that by the time we get past the required read above, outbound_capacity_msat will be
+ // filled in, so we can safely unwrap it here.
+ (19, next_outbound_htlc_limit_msat, (default_value, outbound_capacity_msat.0.unwrap() as u64)),
+ (20, inbound_capacity_msat, required),
+ (21, next_outbound_htlc_minimum_msat, (default_value, 0)),
+ (22, confirmations_required, option),
+ (24, force_close_spend_delay, option),
+ (26, is_outbound, required),
+ (28, is_channel_ready, required),
+ (30, is_usable, required),
+ (32, is_public, required),
+ (33, inbound_htlc_minimum_msat, option),
+ (35, inbound_htlc_maximum_msat, option),
+ (37, user_channel_id_high_opt, option),
+ (39, feerate_sat_per_1000_weight, option),
+ (41, channel_shutdown_state, option),
+ (43, pending_inbound_htlcs, optional_vec),
+ (45, pending_outbound_htlcs, optional_vec),
+ });
+ // `user_channel_id` used to be a single u64 value. In order to remain backwards compatible with
+ // versions prior to 0.0.113, the u128 is serialized as two separate u64 values.
+ let user_channel_id_low: u64 = user_channel_id_low.0.unwrap();
+ let user_channel_id = user_channel_id_low as u128 +
+ ((user_channel_id_high_opt.unwrap_or(0 as u64) as u128) << 64);
+ Ok(Self {
+ inbound_scid_alias,
+ channel_id: channel_id.0.unwrap(),
+ channel_type,
+ counterparty: counterparty.0.unwrap(),
+ outbound_scid_alias,
+ funding_txo,
+ config,
+ short_channel_id,
+ channel_value_satoshis: channel_value_satoshis.0.unwrap(),
+ unspendable_punishment_reserve,
+ user_channel_id,
+ balance_msat: balance_msat.0.unwrap(),
+ outbound_capacity_msat: outbound_capacity_msat.0.unwrap(),
+ next_outbound_htlc_limit_msat: next_outbound_htlc_limit_msat.0.unwrap(),
+ next_outbound_htlc_minimum_msat: next_outbound_htlc_minimum_msat.0.unwrap(),
+ inbound_capacity_msat: inbound_capacity_msat.0.unwrap(),
+ confirmations_required,
+ confirmations,
+ force_close_spend_delay,
+ is_outbound: is_outbound.0.unwrap(),
+ is_channel_ready: is_channel_ready.0.unwrap(),
+ is_usable: is_usable.0.unwrap(),
+ is_public: is_public.0.unwrap(),
+ inbound_htlc_minimum_msat,
+ inbound_htlc_maximum_msat,
+ feerate_sat_per_1000_weight,
+ channel_shutdown_state,
+ pending_inbound_htlcs: pending_inbound_htlcs.unwrap_or(Vec::new()),
+ pending_outbound_htlcs: pending_outbound_htlcs.unwrap_or(Vec::new()),
+ })
+ }
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
/// Further information on the details of the channel shutdown.
/// Upon channels being forced closed (i.e. commitment transaction confirmation detected
/// to drop the channel.
+ (0, NotShuttingDown) => {},
+ (2, ShutdownInitiated) => {},
+ (4, ResolvingHTLCs) => {},
+ (6, NegotiatingClosingFee) => {},
+ (8, ShutdownComplete) => {}, ;
use crate::ln::inbound_payment;
use crate::ln::types::{ChannelId, PaymentHash, PaymentPreimage, PaymentSecret};
use crate::ln::channel::{self, Channel, ChannelPhase, ChannelContext, ChannelError, ChannelUpdateStatus, ShutdownResult, UnfundedChannelContext, UpdateFulfillCommitFetch, OutboundV1Channel, InboundV1Channel, WithChannelContext};
-use crate::ln::channel_state::{ChannelCounterparty, ChannelDetails, ChannelShutdownState, CounterpartyForwardingInfo};
+use crate::ln::channel_state::ChannelDetails;
use crate::ln::features::{Bolt12InvoiceFeatures, ChannelFeatures, ChannelTypeFeatures, InitFeatures, NodeFeatures};
#[cfg(any(feature = "_test_utils", test))]
use crate::ln::features::Bolt11InvoiceFeatures;
-impl_writeable_tlv_based!(CounterpartyForwardingInfo, {
- (2, fee_base_msat, required),
- (4, fee_proportional_millionths, required),
- (6, cltv_expiry_delta, required),
-impl_writeable_tlv_based!(ChannelCounterparty, {
- (2, node_id, required),
- (4, features, required),
- (6, unspendable_punishment_reserve, required),
- (8, forwarding_info, option),
- (9, outbound_htlc_minimum_msat, option),
- (11, outbound_htlc_maximum_msat, option),
-impl Writeable for ChannelDetails {
- fn write<W: Writer>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
- // `user_channel_id` used to be a single u64 value. In order to remain backwards compatible with
- // versions prior to 0.0.113, the u128 is serialized as two separate u64 values.
- let user_channel_id_low = self.user_channel_id as u64;
- let user_channel_id_high_opt = Some((self.user_channel_id >> 64) as u64);
- write_tlv_fields!(writer, {
- (1, self.inbound_scid_alias, option),
- (2, self.channel_id, required),
- (3, self.channel_type, option),
- (4, self.counterparty, required),
- (5, self.outbound_scid_alias, option),
- (6, self.funding_txo, option),
- (7, self.config, option),
- (8, self.short_channel_id, option),
- (9, self.confirmations, option),
- (10, self.channel_value_satoshis, required),
- (12, self.unspendable_punishment_reserve, option),
- (14, user_channel_id_low, required),
- (16, self.balance_msat, required),
- (18, self.outbound_capacity_msat, required),
- (19, self.next_outbound_htlc_limit_msat, required),
- (20, self.inbound_capacity_msat, required),
- (21, self.next_outbound_htlc_minimum_msat, required),
- (22, self.confirmations_required, option),
- (24, self.force_close_spend_delay, option),
- (26, self.is_outbound, required),
- (28, self.is_channel_ready, required),
- (30, self.is_usable, required),
- (32, self.is_public, required),
- (33, self.inbound_htlc_minimum_msat, option),
- (35, self.inbound_htlc_maximum_msat, option),
- (37, user_channel_id_high_opt, option),
- (39, self.feerate_sat_per_1000_weight, option),
- (41, self.channel_shutdown_state, option),
- (43, self.pending_inbound_htlcs, optional_vec),
- (45, self.pending_outbound_htlcs, optional_vec),
- });
- Ok(())
- }
-impl Readable for ChannelDetails {
- fn read<R: Read>(reader: &mut R) -> Result<Self, DecodeError> {
- _init_and_read_len_prefixed_tlv_fields!(reader, {
- (1, inbound_scid_alias, option),
- (2, channel_id, required),
- (3, channel_type, option),
- (4, counterparty, required),
- (5, outbound_scid_alias, option),
- (6, funding_txo, option),
- (7, config, option),
- (8, short_channel_id, option),
- (9, confirmations, option),
- (10, channel_value_satoshis, required),
- (12, unspendable_punishment_reserve, option),
- (14, user_channel_id_low, required),
- (16, balance_msat, required),
- (18, outbound_capacity_msat, required),
- // Note that by the time we get past the required read above, outbound_capacity_msat will be
- // filled in, so we can safely unwrap it here.
- (19, next_outbound_htlc_limit_msat, (default_value, outbound_capacity_msat.0.unwrap() as u64)),
- (20, inbound_capacity_msat, required),
- (21, next_outbound_htlc_minimum_msat, (default_value, 0)),
- (22, confirmations_required, option),
- (24, force_close_spend_delay, option),
- (26, is_outbound, required),
- (28, is_channel_ready, required),
- (30, is_usable, required),
- (32, is_public, required),
- (33, inbound_htlc_minimum_msat, option),
- (35, inbound_htlc_maximum_msat, option),
- (37, user_channel_id_high_opt, option),
- (39, feerate_sat_per_1000_weight, option),
- (41, channel_shutdown_state, option),
- (43, pending_inbound_htlcs, optional_vec),
- (45, pending_outbound_htlcs, optional_vec),
- });
- // `user_channel_id` used to be a single u64 value. In order to remain backwards compatible with
- // versions prior to 0.0.113, the u128 is serialized as two separate u64 values.
- let user_channel_id_low: u64 = user_channel_id_low.0.unwrap();
- let user_channel_id = user_channel_id_low as u128 +
- ((user_channel_id_high_opt.unwrap_or(0 as u64) as u128) << 64);
- Ok(Self {
- inbound_scid_alias,
- channel_id: channel_id.0.unwrap(),
- channel_type,
- counterparty: counterparty.0.unwrap(),
- outbound_scid_alias,
- funding_txo,
- config,
- short_channel_id,
- channel_value_satoshis: channel_value_satoshis.0.unwrap(),
- unspendable_punishment_reserve,
- user_channel_id,
- balance_msat: balance_msat.0.unwrap(),
- outbound_capacity_msat: outbound_capacity_msat.0.unwrap(),
- next_outbound_htlc_limit_msat: next_outbound_htlc_limit_msat.0.unwrap(),
- next_outbound_htlc_minimum_msat: next_outbound_htlc_minimum_msat.0.unwrap(),
- inbound_capacity_msat: inbound_capacity_msat.0.unwrap(),
- confirmations_required,
- confirmations,
- force_close_spend_delay,
- is_outbound: is_outbound.0.unwrap(),
- is_channel_ready: is_channel_ready.0.unwrap(),
- is_usable: is_usable.0.unwrap(),
- is_public: is_public.0.unwrap(),
- inbound_htlc_minimum_msat,
- inbound_htlc_maximum_msat,
- feerate_sat_per_1000_weight,
- channel_shutdown_state,
- pending_inbound_htlcs: pending_inbound_htlcs.unwrap_or(Vec::new()),
- pending_outbound_htlcs: pending_outbound_htlcs.unwrap_or(Vec::new()),
- })
- }
impl_writeable_tlv_based!(PhantomRouteHints, {
(2, channels, required_vec),
(4, phantom_scid, required),
- (0, NotShuttingDown) => {},
- (2, ShutdownInitiated) => {},
- (4, ResolvingHTLCs) => {},
- (6, NegotiatingClosingFee) => {},
- (8, ShutdownComplete) => {}, ;
/// Arguments for the creation of a ChannelManager that are not deserialized.
/// At a high-level, the process for deserializing a ChannelManager and resuming normal operation