/// Sends a payment along a given route.
/// Value parameters are provided via the last hop in route, see documentation for RouteHop
/// fields for more info.
+ /// Note that if the payment_hash already exists elsewhere (eg you're sending a duplicative
+ /// payment), we don't do anything to stop you! We always try to ensure that if the provided
+ /// next hop knows the preimage to payment_hash they can claim an additional amount as
+ /// specified in the last hop in the route! Thus, you should probably do your own
+ /// payment_preimage tracking (which you should already be doing as they represent "proof of
+ /// payment") and prevent double-sends yourself.
/// See-also docs on Channel::send_htlc_and_commit.
/// May generate a SendHTLCs event on success, which should be relayed.
pub fn send_payment(&self, route: Route, payment_hash: [u8; 32]) -> Result<(), HandleError> {
let onion_packet = ChannelManager::construct_onion_packet(onion_payloads, onion_keys, &payment_hash)?;
let (first_hop_node_id, (update_add, commitment_signed, chan_monitor)) = {
- let mut channel_state = self.channel_state.lock().unwrap();
+ let mut channel_state_lock = self.channel_state.lock().unwrap();
+ let channel_state = channel_state_lock.borrow_parts();
let id = match channel_state.short_to_id.get(&route.hops.first().unwrap().short_channel_id) {
None => return Err(HandleError{err: "No channel available with first hop!", action: None}),
Some(id) => id.clone()
+ let claimable_htlc_entry = channel_state.claimable_htlcs.entry(payment_hash.clone());
+ if let hash_map::Entry::Occupied(_) = claimable_htlc_entry {
+ return Err(HandleError{err: "Already had pending HTLC with the same payment_hash", action: None});
+ }
let res = {
let chan = channel_state.by_id.get_mut(&id).unwrap();
if chan.get_their_node_id() != route.hops.first().unwrap().pubkey {
return Err(HandleError{err: "Node ID mismatch on first hop!", action: None});
- chan.send_htlc_and_commit(htlc_msat, payment_hash.clone(), htlc_cltv, onion_packet)?
+ chan.send_htlc_and_commit(htlc_msat, payment_hash, htlc_cltv, onion_packet)?
let first_hop_node_id = route.hops.first().unwrap().pubkey;
- if channel_state.claimable_htlcs.insert(payment_hash, PendingOutboundHTLC::OutboundRoute {
+ claimable_htlc_entry.or_insert(PendingOutboundHTLC::OutboundRoute {
- }).is_some() {
- // TODO: We need to track these better, we're not generating these, so a
- // third-party might make this happen:
- panic!("payment_hash was repeated! Don't let this happen");
- }
+ });
match res {
Some(msgs) => (first_hop_node_id, msgs),