/// Keys and namespaces are required to be valid ASCII strings that do not contain control
/// characters, and the empty namespace (`""`) is assumed to be a valid namespace.
pub trait KVStore {
- /// A reader as returned by [`Self::read`].
- type Reader: io::Read;
- /// Returns an [`io::Read`] for the given `namespace` and `key` from which [`Readable`]s may be
- /// read.
+ /// Returns the data stored for the given `namespace` and `key`.
/// Returns an [`ErrorKind::NotFound`] if the given `key` could not be found in the given `namespace`.
- /// [`Readable`]: crate::util::ser::Readable
/// [`ErrorKind::NotFound`]: io::ErrorKind::NotFound
- fn read(&self, namespace: &str, key: &str) -> io::Result<Self::Reader>;
+ fn read(&self, namespace: &str, key: &str) -> io::Result<Vec<u8>>;
/// Persists the given data under the given `key`.
/// Will create the given `namespace` if not already present in the store.