-macro_rules! handle_chan_restoration_locked {
- ($self: ident, $channel_state: expr, $channel_entry: expr,
- $raa: expr, $commitment_update: expr, $order: expr,
- $pending_forwards: expr, $funding_broadcastable: expr, $channel_ready: expr, $announcement_sigs: expr) => { {
- let mut htlc_forwards = None;
- let counterparty_node_id = $channel_entry.get().get_counterparty_node_id();
- let res = loop {
- let forwards: Vec<(PendingHTLCInfo, u64)> = $pending_forwards; // Force type-checking to resolve
- if !forwards.is_empty() {
- htlc_forwards = Some(($channel_entry.get().get_short_channel_id().unwrap_or($channel_entry.get().outbound_scid_alias()),
- $channel_entry.get().get_funding_txo().unwrap(), forwards));
- }
- if let Some(msg) = $channel_ready {
- send_channel_ready!($self, $channel_state.pending_msg_events, $channel_entry.get(), msg);
- }
- if let Some(msg) = $announcement_sigs {
- $channel_state.pending_msg_events.push(events::MessageSendEvent::SendAnnouncementSignatures {
- node_id: counterparty_node_id,
- msg,
- });
- }
- emit_channel_ready_event!($self, $channel_entry.get_mut());
- macro_rules! handle_cs { () => {
- if let Some(update) = $commitment_update {
- $channel_state.pending_msg_events.push(events::MessageSendEvent::UpdateHTLCs {
- node_id: counterparty_node_id,
- updates: update,
- });
- }
- } }
- macro_rules! handle_raa { () => {
- if let Some(revoke_and_ack) = $raa {
- $channel_state.pending_msg_events.push(events::MessageSendEvent::SendRevokeAndACK {
- node_id: counterparty_node_id,
- msg: revoke_and_ack,
- });
- }
- } }
- match $order {
- RAACommitmentOrder::CommitmentFirst => {
- handle_cs!();
- handle_raa!();
- },
- RAACommitmentOrder::RevokeAndACKFirst => {
- handle_raa!();
- handle_cs!();
- },
- }
- let funding_broadcastable: Option<Transaction> = $funding_broadcastable; // Force type-checking to resolve
- if let Some(tx) = funding_broadcastable {
- log_info!($self.logger, "Broadcasting funding transaction with txid {}", tx.txid());
- $self.tx_broadcaster.broadcast_transaction(&tx);
- }
- break Ok(());
- };
- (htlc_forwards, res, counterparty_node_id)
- } }
macro_rules! post_handle_chan_restoration {
- ($self: ident, $locked_res: expr) => { {
- let (htlc_forwards, res, counterparty_node_id) = $locked_res;
+ ($self: ident, $locked_res: expr, $counterparty_node_id: expr) => { {
+ let (htlc_forwards, res) = $locked_res;
- let _ = handle_error!($self, res, counterparty_node_id);
+ let _ = handle_error!($self, res, *$counterparty_node_id);
if let Some(forwards) = htlc_forwards {
$self.forward_htlcs(&mut [forwards][..]);
+ /// Handles a channel reentering a functional state, either due to reconnect or a monitor
+ /// update completion.
+ fn handle_channel_resumption(&self, pending_msg_events: &mut Vec<MessageSendEvent>,
+ channel: &mut Channel<<K::Target as KeysInterface>::Signer>, raa: Option<msgs::RevokeAndACK>,
+ commitment_update: Option<msgs::CommitmentUpdate>, order: RAACommitmentOrder,
+ pending_forwards: Vec<(PendingHTLCInfo, u64)>, funding_broadcastable: Option<Transaction>,
+ channel_ready: Option<msgs::ChannelReady>, announcement_sigs: Option<msgs::AnnouncementSignatures>)
+ -> (Option<(u64, OutPoint, Vec<(PendingHTLCInfo, u64)>)>, Result<(), MsgHandleErrInternal>) {
+ let mut htlc_forwards = None;
+ let counterparty_node_id = channel.get_counterparty_node_id();
+ let res = loop {
+ if !pending_forwards.is_empty() {
+ htlc_forwards = Some((channel.get_short_channel_id().unwrap_or(channel.outbound_scid_alias()),
+ channel.get_funding_txo().unwrap(), pending_forwards));
+ }
+ if let Some(msg) = channel_ready {
+ send_channel_ready!(self, pending_msg_events, channel, msg);
+ }
+ if let Some(msg) = announcement_sigs {
+ pending_msg_events.push(events::MessageSendEvent::SendAnnouncementSignatures {
+ node_id: counterparty_node_id,
+ msg,
+ });
+ }
+ emit_channel_ready_event!(self, channel);
+ macro_rules! handle_cs { () => {
+ if let Some(update) = commitment_update {
+ pending_msg_events.push(events::MessageSendEvent::UpdateHTLCs {
+ node_id: counterparty_node_id,
+ updates: update,
+ });
+ }
+ } }
+ macro_rules! handle_raa { () => {
+ if let Some(revoke_and_ack) = raa {
+ pending_msg_events.push(events::MessageSendEvent::SendRevokeAndACK {
+ node_id: counterparty_node_id,
+ msg: revoke_and_ack,
+ });
+ }
+ } }
+ match order {
+ RAACommitmentOrder::CommitmentFirst => {
+ handle_cs!();
+ handle_raa!();
+ },
+ RAACommitmentOrder::RevokeAndACKFirst => {
+ handle_raa!();
+ handle_cs!();
+ },
+ }
+ if let Some(tx) = funding_broadcastable {
+ log_info!(self.logger, "Broadcasting funding transaction with txid {}", tx.txid());
+ self.tx_broadcaster.broadcast_transaction(&tx);
+ }
+ break Ok(());
+ };
+ (htlc_forwards, res)
+ }
fn channel_monitor_updated(&self, funding_txo: &OutPoint, highest_applied_update_id: u64) {
let _persistence_guard = PersistenceNotifierGuard::notify_on_drop(&self.total_consistency_lock, &self.persistence_notifier);
} else { None }
} else { None };
- chan_restoration_res = handle_chan_restoration_locked!(self, channel_state, channel, updates.raa, updates.commitment_update, updates.order, updates.accepted_htlcs, updates.funding_broadcastable, updates.channel_ready, updates.announcement_sigs);
+ chan_restoration_res = self.handle_channel_resumption(&mut channel_state.pending_msg_events, channel.get_mut(), updates.raa, updates.commitment_update, updates.order, updates.accepted_htlcs, updates.funding_broadcastable, updates.channel_ready, updates.announcement_sigs);
if let Some(upd) = channel_update {
(updates.failed_htlcs, updates.finalized_claimed_htlcs, counterparty_node_id)
- post_handle_chan_restoration!(self, chan_restoration_res);
+ post_handle_chan_restoration!(self, chan_restoration_res, &counterparty_node_id);
for failure in pending_failures.drain(..) {
let receiver = HTLCDestination::NextHopChannel { node_id: Some(counterparty_node_id), channel_id: funding_txo.to_channel_id() };
let need_lnd_workaround = chan.get_mut().workaround_lnd_bug_4006.take();
- chan_restoration_res = handle_chan_restoration_locked!(
- self, channel_state, chan, responses.raa, responses.commitment_update, responses.order,
+ chan_restoration_res = self.handle_channel_resumption(
+ &mut channel_state.pending_msg_events, chan.get_mut(), responses.raa, responses.commitment_update, responses.order,
Vec::new(), None, responses.channel_ready, responses.announcement_sigs);
if let Some(upd) = channel_update {
hash_map::Entry::Vacant(_) => return Err(MsgHandleErrInternal::send_err_msg_no_close("Failed to find corresponding channel".to_owned(), msg.channel_id))
- post_handle_chan_restoration!(self, chan_restoration_res);
+ post_handle_chan_restoration!(self, chan_restoration_res, counterparty_node_id);
if let Some(channel_ready_msg) = need_lnd_workaround {
self.internal_channel_ready(counterparty_node_id, &channel_ready_msg)?;