/// the ChannelManager re-adding the same payment entry, before the same block is replayed,
/// resulting in a duplicate PaymentSent event.
pending_monitor_updates: Mutex<Vec<MonitorUpdateId>>,
- /// When the user returns a PermanentFailure error from an update_persisted_channel call during
- /// block processing, we inform the ChannelManager that the channel should be closed
- /// asynchronously. In order to ensure no further changes happen before the ChannelManager has
- /// processed the closure event, we set this to true and return PermanentFailure for any other
- /// chain::Watch events.
- channel_perm_failed: AtomicBool,
/// The last block height at which no [`UpdateOrigin::ChainSync`] monitor updates were present
/// in `pending_monitor_updates`.
/// If it's been more than [`LATENCY_GRACE_PERIOD_BLOCKS`] since we started waiting on a chain
// `MonitorEvent`s from the monitor back to the `ChannelManager` until they
// complete.
let monitor_is_pending_updates = monitor_data.has_pending_offchain_updates(&pending_monitor_updates);
- if monitor_is_pending_updates || monitor_data.channel_perm_failed.load(Ordering::Acquire) {
- // If there are still monitor updates pending (or an old monitor update
- // finished after a later one perm-failed), we cannot yet construct an
+ if monitor_is_pending_updates {
+ // If there are still monitor updates pending, we cannot yet construct a
// Completed event.
return Ok(());
entry.insert(MonitorHolder {
pending_monitor_updates: Mutex::new(pending_monitor_updates),
- channel_perm_failed: AtomicBool::new(false),
last_chain_persist_height: AtomicUsize::new(self.highest_chain_height.load(Ordering::Acquire)),
if update_res.is_err() {
- } else if monitor_state.channel_perm_failed.load(Ordering::Acquire) {
- ChannelMonitorUpdateStatus::InProgress
} else {
log_debug!(self.logger, "A Channel Monitor sync is still in progress, refusing to provide monitor events!");
} else {
- if monitor_state.channel_perm_failed.load(Ordering::Acquire) {
- // If a `UpdateOrigin::ChainSync` persistence failed with `PermanantFailure`,
- // we don't really know if the latest `ChannelMonitor` state is on disk or not.
- // We're supposed to hold monitor updates until the latest state is on disk to
- // avoid duplicate events, but the user told us persistence is screw-y and may
- // not complete. We can't hold events forever because we may learn some payment
- // preimage, so instead we just log and hope the user complied with the
- // `PermanentFailure` requirements of having at least the local-disk copy
- // updated.
- log_info!(self.logger, "A Channel Monitor sync returned PermanentFailure. Returning monitor events but duplicate events may appear after reload!");
- }
if is_pending_monitor_update {
log_error!(self.logger, "A ChannelMonitor sync took longer than {} blocks to complete.", LATENCY_GRACE_PERIOD_BLOCKS);
log_error!(self.logger, " To avoid funds-loss, we are allowing monitor updates to be released.");