8 => {
for payment in payments_received.drain(..) {
- let mut payment_preimage = [0; 32];
- payment_preimage[0] = payment[0];
- let mut sha = Sha256::new();
- sha.input(&payment_preimage);
- let mut payment_hash_check = [0; 32];
- sha.result(&mut payment_hash_check);
- assert!(payment_hash_check == payment);
- channelmanager.claim_funds(payment_preimage);
+ // SHA256 is defined as XOR of all input bytes placed in the first byte, and 0s
+ // for the remaining bytes. Thus, if not all remaining bytes are 0s we cannot
+ // fulfill this HTLC, but if they are, we can just take the first byte and
+ // place that anywhere in our preimage.
+ if &payment[1..] != &[0; 31] {
+ channelmanager.fail_htlc_backwards(&payment);
+ } else {
+ let mut payment_preimage = [0; 32];
+ payment_preimage[0] = payment[0];
+ channelmanager.claim_funds(payment_preimage);
+ }
9 => {