+macro_rules! process_events_body {
+ ($self: expr, $event_to_handle: expr, $handle_event: expr) => {
+ // We'll acquire our total consistency lock until the returned future completes so that
+ // we can be sure no other persists happen while processing events.
+ let _read_guard = $self.total_consistency_lock.read().unwrap();
+ let mut result = NotifyOption::SkipPersist;
+ // TODO: This behavior should be documented. It's unintuitive that we query
+ // ChannelMonitors when clearing other events.
+ if $self.process_pending_monitor_events() {
+ result = NotifyOption::DoPersist;
+ }
+ let pending_events = mem::replace(&mut *$self.pending_events.lock().unwrap(), vec![]);
+ if !pending_events.is_empty() {
+ result = NotifyOption::DoPersist;
+ }
+ for event in pending_events {
+ $event_to_handle = event;
+ $handle_event;
+ }
+ if result == NotifyOption::DoPersist {
+ $self.persistence_notifier.notify();
+ }
+ }
impl<M: Deref, T: Deref, ES: Deref, NS: Deref, SP: Deref, F: Deref, R: Deref, L: Deref> ChannelManager<M, T, ES, NS, SP, F, R, L>
M::Target: chain::Watch<<SP::Target as SignerProvider>::Signer>,
pub async fn process_pending_events_async<Future: core::future::Future, H: Fn(Event) -> Future>(
&self, handler: H
) {
- // We'll acquire our total consistency lock until the returned future completes so that
- // we can be sure no other persists happen while processing events.
- let _read_guard = self.total_consistency_lock.read().unwrap();
- let mut result = NotifyOption::SkipPersist;
- // TODO: This behavior should be documented. It's unintuitive that we query
- // ChannelMonitors when clearing other events.
- if self.process_pending_monitor_events() {
- result = NotifyOption::DoPersist;
- }
- let pending_events = mem::replace(&mut *self.pending_events.lock().unwrap(), vec![]);
- if !pending_events.is_empty() {
- result = NotifyOption::DoPersist;
- }
- for event in pending_events {
- handler(event).await;
- }
- if result == NotifyOption::DoPersist {
- self.persistence_notifier.notify();
- }
+ let mut ev;
+ process_events_body!(self, ev, { handler(ev).await });
/// An [`EventHandler`] may safely call back to the provider in order to handle an event.
/// However, it must not call [`Writeable::write`] as doing so would result in a deadlock.
fn process_pending_events<H: Deref>(&self, handler: H) where H::Target: EventHandler {
- PersistenceNotifierGuard::optionally_notify(&self.total_consistency_lock, &self.persistence_notifier, || {
- let mut result = NotifyOption::SkipPersist;
- // TODO: This behavior should be documented. It's unintuitive that we query
- // ChannelMonitors when clearing other events.
- if self.process_pending_monitor_events() {
- result = NotifyOption::DoPersist;
- }
- let pending_events = mem::replace(&mut *self.pending_events.lock().unwrap(), vec![]);
- if !pending_events.is_empty() {
- result = NotifyOption::DoPersist;
- }
- for event in pending_events {
- handler.handle_event(event);
- }
- result
- });
+ let mut ev;
+ process_events_body!(self, ev, handler.handle_event(ev));