+ fn process_pending_update_add_htlcs(&self) {
+ let mut decode_update_add_htlcs = new_hash_map();
+ mem::swap(&mut decode_update_add_htlcs, &mut self.decode_update_add_htlcs.lock().unwrap());
+ let get_failed_htlc_destination = |outgoing_scid_opt: Option<u64>, payment_hash: PaymentHash| {
+ if let Some(outgoing_scid) = outgoing_scid_opt {
+ match self.short_to_chan_info.read().unwrap().get(&outgoing_scid) {
+ Some((outgoing_counterparty_node_id, outgoing_channel_id)) =>
+ HTLCDestination::NextHopChannel {
+ node_id: Some(*outgoing_counterparty_node_id),
+ channel_id: *outgoing_channel_id,
+ },
+ None => HTLCDestination::UnknownNextHop {
+ requested_forward_scid: outgoing_scid,
+ },
+ }
+ } else {
+ HTLCDestination::FailedPayment { payment_hash }
+ }
+ };
+ 'outer_loop: for (incoming_scid, update_add_htlcs) in decode_update_add_htlcs {
+ let incoming_channel_details_opt = self.do_funded_channel_callback(incoming_scid, |chan: &mut Channel<SP>| {
+ let counterparty_node_id = chan.context.get_counterparty_node_id();
+ let channel_id = chan.context.channel_id();
+ let funding_txo = chan.context.get_funding_txo().unwrap();
+ let user_channel_id = chan.context.get_user_id();
+ let accept_underpaying_htlcs = chan.context.config().accept_underpaying_htlcs;
+ (counterparty_node_id, channel_id, funding_txo, user_channel_id, accept_underpaying_htlcs)
+ });
+ let (
+ incoming_counterparty_node_id, incoming_channel_id, incoming_funding_txo,
+ incoming_user_channel_id, incoming_accept_underpaying_htlcs
+ ) = if let Some(incoming_channel_details) = incoming_channel_details_opt {
+ incoming_channel_details
+ } else {
+ // The incoming channel no longer exists, HTLCs should be resolved onchain instead.
+ continue;
+ };
+ let mut htlc_forwards = Vec::new();
+ let mut htlc_fails = Vec::new();
+ for update_add_htlc in &update_add_htlcs {
+ let (next_hop, shared_secret, next_packet_details_opt) = match decode_incoming_update_add_htlc_onion(
+ &update_add_htlc, &self.node_signer, &self.logger, &self.secp_ctx
+ ) {
+ Ok(decoded_onion) => decoded_onion,
+ Err(htlc_fail) => {
+ htlc_fails.push((htlc_fail, HTLCDestination::InvalidOnion));
+ continue;
+ },
+ };
+ let is_intro_node_blinded_forward = next_hop.is_intro_node_blinded_forward();
+ let outgoing_scid_opt = next_packet_details_opt.as_ref().map(|d| d.outgoing_scid);
+ // Process the HTLC on the incoming channel.
+ match self.do_funded_channel_callback(incoming_scid, |chan: &mut Channel<SP>| {
+ let logger = WithChannelContext::from(&self.logger, &chan.context);
+ chan.can_accept_incoming_htlc(
+ update_add_htlc, &self.fee_estimator, &logger,
+ )
+ }) {
+ Some(Ok(_)) => {},
+ Some(Err((err, code))) => {
+ let outgoing_chan_update_opt = if let Some(outgoing_scid) = outgoing_scid_opt.as_ref() {
+ self.do_funded_channel_callback(*outgoing_scid, |chan: &mut Channel<SP>| {
+ self.get_channel_update_for_onion(*outgoing_scid, chan).ok()
+ }).flatten()
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ let htlc_fail = self.htlc_failure_from_update_add_err(
+ &update_add_htlc, &incoming_counterparty_node_id, err, code,
+ outgoing_chan_update_opt, is_intro_node_blinded_forward, &shared_secret,
+ );
+ let htlc_destination = get_failed_htlc_destination(outgoing_scid_opt, update_add_htlc.payment_hash);
+ htlc_fails.push((htlc_fail, htlc_destination));
+ continue;
+ },
+ // The incoming channel no longer exists, HTLCs should be resolved onchain instead.
+ None => continue 'outer_loop,
+ }
+ // Now process the HTLC on the outgoing channel if it's a forward.
+ if let Some(next_packet_details) = next_packet_details_opt.as_ref() {
+ if let Err((err, code, chan_update_opt)) = self.can_forward_htlc(
+ &update_add_htlc, next_packet_details
+ ) {
+ let htlc_fail = self.htlc_failure_from_update_add_err(
+ &update_add_htlc, &incoming_counterparty_node_id, err, code,
+ chan_update_opt, is_intro_node_blinded_forward, &shared_secret,
+ );
+ let htlc_destination = get_failed_htlc_destination(outgoing_scid_opt, update_add_htlc.payment_hash);
+ htlc_fails.push((htlc_fail, htlc_destination));
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ match self.construct_pending_htlc_status(
+ &update_add_htlc, &incoming_counterparty_node_id, shared_secret, next_hop,
+ incoming_accept_underpaying_htlcs, next_packet_details_opt.map(|d| d.next_packet_pubkey),
+ ) {
+ PendingHTLCStatus::Forward(htlc_forward) => {
+ htlc_forwards.push((htlc_forward, update_add_htlc.htlc_id));
+ },
+ PendingHTLCStatus::Fail(htlc_fail) => {
+ let htlc_destination = get_failed_htlc_destination(outgoing_scid_opt, update_add_htlc.payment_hash);
+ htlc_fails.push((htlc_fail, htlc_destination));
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ // Process all of the forwards and failures for the channel in which the HTLCs were
+ // proposed to as a batch.
+ let pending_forwards = (incoming_scid, incoming_funding_txo, incoming_channel_id,
+ incoming_user_channel_id, htlc_forwards.drain(..).collect());
+ self.forward_htlcs_without_forward_event(&mut [pending_forwards]);
+ for (htlc_fail, htlc_destination) in htlc_fails.drain(..) {
+ let failure = match htlc_fail {
+ HTLCFailureMsg::Relay(fail_htlc) => HTLCForwardInfo::FailHTLC {
+ htlc_id: fail_htlc.htlc_id,
+ err_packet: fail_htlc.reason,
+ },
+ HTLCFailureMsg::Malformed(fail_malformed_htlc) => HTLCForwardInfo::FailMalformedHTLC {
+ htlc_id: fail_malformed_htlc.htlc_id,
+ sha256_of_onion: fail_malformed_htlc.sha256_of_onion,
+ failure_code: fail_malformed_htlc.failure_code,
+ },
+ };
+ self.forward_htlcs.lock().unwrap().entry(incoming_scid).or_insert(vec![]).push(failure);
+ self.pending_events.lock().unwrap().push_back((events::Event::HTLCHandlingFailed {
+ prev_channel_id: incoming_channel_id,
+ failed_next_destination: htlc_destination,
+ }, None));
+ }
+ }
+ }
/// Processes HTLCs which are pending waiting on random forward delay.
/// Should only really ever be called in response to a PendingHTLCsForwardable event.
pub fn process_pending_htlc_forwards(&self) {
let _persistence_guard = PersistenceNotifierGuard::notify_on_drop(self);
+ self.process_pending_update_add_htlcs();
let mut new_events = VecDeque::new();
let mut failed_forwards = Vec::new();
let mut phantom_receives: Vec<(u64, OutPoint, ChannelId, u128, Vec<(PendingHTLCInfo, u64)>)> = Vec::new();