/// `sleeper` should return a future which completes in the given amount of time and returns a
/// boolean indicating whether the background processing should exit. Once `sleeper` returns a
-/// future which outputs true, the loop will exit and this function's future will complete.
+/// future which outputs `true`, the loop will exit and this function's future will complete.
+/// The `sleeper` future is free to return early after it has triggered the exit condition.
/// See [`BackgroundProcessor::start`] for information on which actions this handles.
/// mobile device, where we may need to check for interruption of the application regularly. If you
/// are unsure, you should set the flag, as the performance impact of it is minimal unless there
/// are hundreds or thousands of simultaneous process calls running.
+/// For example, in order to process background events in a [Tokio](https://tokio.rs/) task, you
+/// could setup `process_events_async` like this:
+/// ```
+/// # struct MyPersister {}
+/// # impl lightning::util::persist::KVStorePersister for MyPersister {
+/// # fn persist<W: lightning::util::ser::Writeable>(&self, key: &str, object: &W) -> lightning::io::Result<()> { Ok(()) }
+/// # }
+/// # struct MyEventHandler {}
+/// # impl MyEventHandler {
+/// # async fn handle_event(&self, _: lightning::events::Event) {}
+/// # }
+/// # #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Clone, Hash)]
+/// # struct MySocketDescriptor {}
+/// # impl lightning::ln::peer_handler::SocketDescriptor for MySocketDescriptor {
+/// # fn send_data(&mut self, _data: &[u8], _resume_read: bool) -> usize { 0 }
+/// # fn disconnect_socket(&mut self) {}
+/// # }
+/// # use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
+/// # use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
+/// # use lightning_background_processor::{process_events_async, GossipSync};
+/// # type MyBroadcaster = dyn lightning::chain::chaininterface::BroadcasterInterface + Send + Sync;
+/// # type MyFeeEstimator = dyn lightning::chain::chaininterface::FeeEstimator + Send + Sync;
+/// # type MyNodeSigner = dyn lightning::chain::keysinterface::NodeSigner + Send + Sync;
+/// # type MyUtxoLookup = dyn lightning::routing::utxo::UtxoLookup + Send + Sync;
+/// # type MyFilter = dyn lightning::chain::Filter + Send + Sync;
+/// # type MyLogger = dyn lightning::util::logger::Logger + Send + Sync;
+/// # type MyChainMonitor = lightning::chain::chainmonitor::ChainMonitor<lightning::chain::keysinterface::InMemorySigner, Arc<MyFilter>, Arc<MyBroadcaster>, Arc<MyFeeEstimator>, Arc<MyLogger>, Arc<MyPersister>>;
+/// # type MyPeerManager = lightning::ln::peer_handler::SimpleArcPeerManager<MySocketDescriptor, MyChainMonitor, MyBroadcaster, MyFeeEstimator, MyUtxoLookup, MyLogger>;
+/// # type MyNetworkGraph = lightning::routing::gossip::NetworkGraph<Arc<MyLogger>>;
+/// # type MyGossipSync = lightning::routing::gossip::P2PGossipSync<Arc<MyNetworkGraph>, Arc<MyUtxoLookup>, Arc<MyLogger>>;
+/// # type MyChannelManager = lightning::ln::channelmanager::SimpleArcChannelManager<MyChainMonitor, MyBroadcaster, MyFeeEstimator, MyLogger>;
+/// # type MyScorer = Mutex<lightning::routing::scoring::ProbabilisticScorer<Arc<MyNetworkGraph>, Arc<MyLogger>>>;
+/// # async fn setup_background_processing(my_persister: Arc<MyPersister>, my_event_handler: Arc<MyEventHandler>, my_chain_monitor: Arc<MyChainMonitor>, my_channel_manager: Arc<MyChannelManager>, my_gossip_sync: Arc<MyGossipSync>, my_logger: Arc<MyLogger>, my_scorer: Arc<MyScorer>, my_peer_manager: Arc<MyPeerManager>) {
+/// let background_persister = Arc::clone(&my_persister);
+/// let background_event_handler = Arc::clone(&my_event_handler);
+/// let background_chain_mon = Arc::clone(&my_chain_monitor);
+/// let background_chan_man = Arc::clone(&my_channel_manager);
+/// let background_gossip_sync = GossipSync::p2p(Arc::clone(&my_gossip_sync));
+/// let background_peer_man = Arc::clone(&my_peer_manager);
+/// let background_logger = Arc::clone(&my_logger);
+/// let background_scorer = Arc::clone(&my_scorer);
+/// // Setup the sleeper.
+/// let (stop_sender, stop_receiver) = tokio::sync::watch::channel(());
+/// let sleeper = move |d| {
+/// let mut receiver = stop_receiver.clone();
+/// Box::pin(async move {
+/// tokio::select!{
+/// _ = tokio::time::sleep(d) => false,
+/// _ = receiver.changed() => true,
+/// }
+/// })
+/// };
+/// let mobile_interruptable_platform = false;
+/// let handle = tokio::spawn(async move {
+/// process_events_async(
+/// background_persister,
+/// |e| background_event_handler.handle_event(e),
+/// background_chain_mon,
+/// background_chan_man,
+/// background_gossip_sync,
+/// background_peer_man,
+/// background_logger,
+/// Some(background_scorer),
+/// sleeper,
+/// mobile_interruptable_platform,
+/// )
+/// .await
+/// .expect("Failed to process events");
+/// });
+/// // Stop the background processing.
+/// stop_sender.send(()).unwrap();
+/// handle.await.unwrap();
+/// # }
#[cfg(feature = "futures")]
pub async fn process_events_async<