--- /dev/null
+//#![cfg_attr(not(test), no_std)]
+#![cfg_attr(not(test), deny(missing_docs))]
+//! A simple mutual-authentication protocol which allows two parties to maintain a set of public
+//! keys which they're willing to exchange messages with and exchange a message with an extra
+//! half-round-trip.
+//! The protocol contains one party wishing to send a message to another. The message recipient is
+//! the `initiator` in the protocol, and speaks first. Most of the CPU cost is born by the message
+//! sender.
+//! Both parties first create a [`TrustedSet`] listing the public keys which they are willing to
+//! exchange messages with.
+//! In order to exchange a message, the message recipient calls [`get_init_bytes`] and sends the
+//! resulting message bytes to the message sender. That message sender then uses
+//! [`respond_with_message`] to determine if both sides are mutually in each others' [`TrustedSet`]
+//! and encrypt the message if so. Finally, the initiator uses [`decode_msg`]
+//! If the message sender is in the initiator's trusted set and the message sender has the public
+//! key for the initiator, the message sender will learn who the initiator is upon receipt of the
+//! init message (without any response). The initiator will only learn who the message sender is
+//! (and the message sender will only respond) if both sides are mutually-trusting.
+//! In any other case, neither party learns anything about the other, apart from a rough estimate
+//! of the trusted set size of the initiator.
+extern crate alloc;
+use bitcoin_hashes::cmp::fixed_time_eq;
+mod chacha20;
+mod chacha20poly1305rfc;
+mod poly1305;
+use alloc::vec;
+use alloc::vec::Vec;
+use secp256k1::ecdh::SharedSecret;
+use secp256k1::{PublicKey, SecretKey};
+use bitcoin_hashes::sha256::Hash as Sha256;
+use bitcoin_hashes::{Hash, HashEngine};
+use chacha20::ChaCha20;
+use chacha20poly1305rfc::ChaCha20Poly1305RFC;
+/// The maximum number of trusted counterparties which is allowed to be in a single [`TrustedSet`].
+pub const MAX_TRUSTED_KEYS: usize = 1024;
+/// A `TrustedSet` stores the set of peers which we are willing to talk to.
+pub struct TrustedSet {
+ trusted_ecdhs: Vec<[u8; 32]>,
+ state_key: [u8; 32],
+impl TrustedSet {
+ /// Constructs a new [`TrustedSet`] given a list of trusted counterparties. The keys are not
+ /// stored, only ECDH results are.
+ ///
+ /// `trusted_counterparties` must not exceed [`MAX_TRUSTED_KEYS`] entries or the construction
+ /// will fail. In all other cases construction succeeds.
+ pub fn new(our_key: &SecretKey, trusted_counterparties: &[PublicKey]) -> Result<Self, ()> {
+ if trusted_counterparties.len() > MAX_TRUSTED_KEYS {
+ return Err(());
+ }
+ let mut trusted_ecdhs = Vec::with_capacity(trusted_counterparties.len());
+ for counterparty in trusted_counterparties.iter() {
+ let mut ecdh_hash = Sha256::engine();
+ ecdh_hash.input(b"Mutual Message Exchange ECDH Result");
+ ecdh_hash.input(&SharedSecret::new(counterparty, &our_key).secret_bytes());
+ trusted_ecdhs.push(Sha256::from_engine(ecdh_hash).to_byte_array());
+ }
+ let mut state_key_hash = Sha256::engine();
+ state_key_hash.input(b"Mutual Private Auth State Key Generation");
+ state_key_hash.input(&Sha256::hash(&our_key[..]).to_byte_array());
+ let state_key = Sha256::from_engine(state_key_hash).to_byte_array();
+ Ok(Self { trusted_ecdhs, state_key })
+ }
+ fn get_cover_trusted_count(&self) -> usize {
+ // In order to avoid giving away exactly how many keys we trust, we include some fake
+ // entries in our message. To avoid too much overhead we only round the trusted set up a
+ // bit.
+ debug_assert!(self.trusted_ecdhs.len() <= MAX_TRUSTED_KEYS);
+ match self.trusted_ecdhs.len() {
+ 0..=16 => 16,
+ 17..=32 => 32,
+ 33..=128 => 128,
+ 129..=512 => 512,
+ }
+ }
+/// The per-trusted-peer length in the intitial bytes.
+/// Fixed by the protocol.
+const PER_PEER_LEN: usize = 32 + 16;
+/// The length of the repeated data we sent in the init bytes and expect to be repeated in the
+/// response. This is floating in the protocol, but we fix it for ourselves.
+const OUR_REPEATED_DATA_LEN: usize = 64 + 32 + 8 + 16;
+/// In order to avoid a message recipient having any guess as to the size our trusted set is, we
+/// shuffle the entries in our init deterministically, using the permutation calculated here.
+fn get_idx_permutation(cover_trusted_set_len: usize, rng_seed: &[u8]) -> [u16; MAX_TRUSTED_KEYS] {
+ debug_assert!(cover_trusted_set_len <= MAX_TRUSTED_KEYS);
+ debug_assert!(MAX_TRUSTED_KEYS <= u16::MAX.into());
+ debug_assert_eq!(rng_seed.len(), 32);
+ let mut perm = [0; MAX_TRUSTED_KEYS];
+ for i in 0..MAX_TRUSTED_KEYS {
+ perm[i] = i as u16;
+ }
+ let mut rng = ChaCha20::new(rng_seed, b"MPA PERM RNG");
+ for i in 0..cover_trusted_set_len {
+ let mut pos;
+ let max_pos = (cover_trusted_set_len - i) as u64;
+ loop {
+ let mut rand = [0; 8];
+ rng.process_in_place(&mut rand);
+ pos = u64::from_le_bytes(rand);
+ if pos < u64::MAX / max_pos * max_pos {
+ pos %= max_pos;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ perm.swap(i, pos as usize);
+ }
+ perm
+/// Gets the initial bytes this initiator should send to a (potential) message sender.
+/// It requires 64 secure random bytes, a reference to a [`TrustedSet`], and a `salt` and `aad`.
+/// The `salt` should uniquely describe this protocol the protocol being built using this mutual
+/// authentication handshake. The `aad` should describe the particular message type being sent
+/// (which the sender expects).
+pub fn get_init_bytes(
+ secure_random_nonce: [u8; 64], trusted_set: &TrustedSet, salt: [u8; 8], aad: &[u8],
+) -> Vec<u8> {
+ let mut local_nonce = [0; 32];
+ local_nonce.copy_from_slice(&secure_random_nonce[..32]);
+ let mut chacha_salt = [0; 12];
+ chacha_salt[4..].copy_from_slice(&salt);
+ let mut rng = ChaCha20::new(&secure_random_nonce[32..], b"MPA INIT RNG");
+ // Init message format is
+ // 2 byte handshake count
+ // PER_PEER_LEN * handshake count:
+ // 32-byte encrypted initiator nonce
+ // 16-byte poly1305 tag
+ // 2 byte repeated data len
+ // repeated data len bytes of data to be repeated
+ // any further bytes uninterpreted (for extensibility)
+ //
+ // Our repeated data is a 40 byte IV (XOR'd into `state_key` and "NONCE KY" to form the ChaCha
+ // key and nonce to encrypt remaining bytes), followed by 64 bytes containing the
+ // ChaCha-encrypted `secure_random_nonce` and the 16 byte Poly1305 MAC tag for the same.
+ let vec_cnt = trusted_set.get_cover_trusted_count();
+ let repeated_data_offs = 2 + vec_cnt * PER_PEER_LEN;
+ let mut res = Vec::with_capacity(repeated_data_offs + 2 + OUR_REPEATED_DATA_LEN);
+ res.resize(2 + vec_cnt * PER_PEER_LEN + 2 + OUR_REPEATED_DATA_LEN, 0);
+ res[..2].copy_from_slice(&(vec_cnt as u16).to_be_bytes());
+ // First fill in the encrypted slots for our trusted peers and fill remaining slots with noise.
+ let idx_permutation = get_idx_permutation(vec_cnt, &secure_random_nonce[32..]);
+ for (pos, idx) in idx_permutation.iter().take(vec_cnt).enumerate() {
+ let idx_slice = &mut res[2 + pos * PER_PEER_LEN..8 + (pos + 1) * PER_PEER_LEN];
+ if *idx as usize >= trusted_set.trusted_ecdhs.len() {
+ rng.process_in_place(idx_slice);
+ } else {
+ let ecdh = &trusted_set.trusted_ecdhs[*idx as usize];
+ let mut cryptoor = ChaCha20Poly1305RFC::new(ecdh, &chacha_salt, aad);
+ let (crypted, tag) = idx_slice.split_at_mut(32);
+ cryptoor.encrypt(&local_nonce, crypted, tag);
+ }
+ }
+ // Pick a random nonce to XOR into the ChaCha key and nonce. Note that we reuse the `state_key`
+ // here repeatedly, so need the IV here to make the ChaCha pad unique.
+ let mut repeated_data_key_mask = [0; 32 + 8];
+ rng.process_in_place(&mut repeated_data_key_mask);
+ let mut repeated_data_key = [0; 32];
+ for i in 0..32 {
+ repeated_data_key[i] = trusted_set.state_key[i] ^ repeated_data_key_mask[i];
+ }
+ let mut repeated_data_nonce = [0; 12];
+ for i in 0..8 {
+ repeated_data_nonce[4 + i] = b"NONCE KY"[i] ^ repeated_data_key_mask[32 + i];
+ }
+ res[repeated_data_offs..repeated_data_offs + 2]
+ .copy_from_slice(&(OUR_REPEATED_DATA_LEN as u16).to_be_bytes());
+ res[repeated_data_offs + 2..repeated_data_offs + 2 + 32 + 8]
+ .copy_from_slice(&repeated_data_key_mask);
+ let (crypted_nonce, tag) = res[repeated_data_offs + 2 + 32 + 8..].split_at_mut(64);
+ let mut state_store = ChaCha20Poly1305RFC::new(&repeated_data_key, &repeated_data_nonce, &[]);
+ state_store.encrypt(&secure_random_nonce, crypted_nonce, tag);
+ res
+/// Decode the message our counterparty sent us. The `salt` and `aad` provided must match the one
+/// set in [`get_init_bytes`] and the one used by the message sender in [`respond_with_message`].
+/// Returns both the message sent to us by the counterparty (if any) and a shared key which can be
+/// used to en/decrypt future messages with the message-sender.
+pub fn decode_msg(
+ trusted_set: &TrustedSet, salt: [u8; 8], aad: &[u8], wire_msg: &[u8],
+) -> Result<(Vec<u8>, [u8; 32]), ()> {
+ // Message format is:
+ // 2 byte selected challenge index
+ // 32 + 16 byte encrypted + MAC'd nonce
+ // 2 byte repeated data len
+ // repeated data len bytes of repeated data
+ // 2 byte message length (not counting mac)
+ // message length of encrypted message data
+ // 16 byte poly1305 message MAC
+ //
+ // Our repeated data is a 40 byte IV (XOR'd into `state_key` and "NONCE KY" to form the ChaCha
+ // key and nonce to encrypt remaining bytes), followed by 64 bytes containing the
+ // ChaCha-encrypted `secure_random_nonce` and the 16 byte Poly1305 MAC tag for the same.
+ const REPEATED_DATA_OFFS: usize = 2 + 32 + 16;
+ const CONST_OVERHEAD: usize = 2 + 32 + 16 + 2 + 2 + 16;
+ let mut chacha_salt = [0; 12];
+ chacha_salt[4..].copy_from_slice(&salt);
+ for b in chacha_salt.iter_mut().skip(4) {
+ *b ^= 0xff;
+ }
+ if wire_msg.len() < CONST_OVERHEAD {
+ return Err(());
+ }
+ // Read our state storage (i.e. the "secure_random_nonce" parameter from `get_init_bytes`.
+ let mut secure_random_nonce = [0; 64];
+ let repeated_part_len;
+ let msg_offs: usize;
+ {
+ let mut repeated_part_len_bytes = [0; 2];
+ repeated_part_len_bytes
+ .copy_from_slice(&wire_msg[REPEATED_DATA_OFFS..REPEATED_DATA_OFFS + 2]);
+ repeated_part_len = u16::from_be_bytes(repeated_part_len_bytes);
+ if repeated_part_len as usize != OUR_REPEATED_DATA_LEN {
+ return Err(());
+ }
+ if wire_msg.len() < CONST_OVERHEAD + OUR_REPEATED_DATA_LEN {
+ return Err(());
+ }
+ let mut repeated_data_key = [0; 32];
+ for i in 0..32 {
+ repeated_data_key[i] = trusted_set.state_key[i] ^ wire_msg[REPEATED_DATA_OFFS + 2 + i];
+ }
+ let mut repeated_data_nonce = [0; 12];
+ for i in 0..8 {
+ repeated_data_nonce[4 + i] = b"NONCE KY"[i] ^ wire_msg[REPEATED_DATA_OFFS + 2 + 32 + i];
+ }
+ let mut state_store =
+ ChaCha20Poly1305RFC::new(&repeated_data_key, &repeated_data_nonce, &[]);
+ let ciphertext = &wire_msg
+ let mac = &wire_msg[REPEATED_DATA_OFFS + 2 + OUR_REPEATED_DATA_LEN - 16
+ // The message sender (presumably) knows if they modified the repeated data, so there's no
+ // need to be constant-time wrt failures here (and thus we also return early).
+ state_store.variable_time_decrypt(ciphertext, &mut secure_random_nonce, mac)?;
+ }
+ let mut local_nonce = [0; 32];
+ local_nonce.copy_from_slice(&secure_random_nonce[..32]);
+ let mut remote_nonce = [0; 32];
+ // Decrypt and validate the remote nonce
+ {
+ let mut peer_idx_bytes = [0; 2];
+ peer_idx_bytes.copy_from_slice(&wire_msg[..2]);
+ let peer_idx = u16::from_be_bytes(peer_idx_bytes);
+ let idx_permutation =
+ get_idx_permutation(trusted_set.get_cover_trusted_count(), &secure_random_nonce[32..]);
+ // The message sender has already learned if they're in our trusted peer list and if we're
+ // in theirs. Same goes for any third-party observers who would detect the same by the fact
+ // that some response was made. Thus, there's no need to worry about timing differences
+ // giving that away here - if the idx is bogus we can simply return and we can do a
+ // variable time decryption (and early return if it fails).
+ let ecdh_idx = idx_permutation.get(peer_idx as usize).ok_or(())?;
+ let ecdh = trusted_set.trusted_ecdhs.get(*ecdh_idx as usize).ok_or(())?;
+ let mut remote_nonce_key = Sha256::engine();
+ remote_nonce_key.input(ecdh);
+ remote_nonce_key.input(&local_nonce);
+ let mut cryptoor =
+ ChaCha20Poly1305RFC::new(&Sha256::from_engine(remote_nonce_key)[..], &chacha_salt, aad);
+ let ciphertext = &wire_msg[2..2 + 32];
+ let tag = &wire_msg[2 + 32..2 + 32 + 16];
+ cryptoor.variable_time_decrypt(ciphertext, &mut remote_nonce, tag)?;
+ }
+ for b in chacha_salt.iter_mut().skip(4) {
+ *b ^= 0x0f;
+ }
+ let mut msg_key = local_nonce;
+ for (out, remote) in msg_key.iter_mut().zip(remote_nonce.iter()) {
+ *out ^= *remote;
+ }
+ let separated_msg_keys = ChaCha20::get_single_block(&msg_key, b"INLINE KEY STRCH");
+ let mut oob_msg_key = [0; 32];
+ oob_msg_key.copy_from_slice(&separated_msg_keys[32..]);
+ let mut msg_len_bytes = [0; 2];
+ msg_len_bytes.copy_from_slice(&wire_msg[msg_offs..msg_offs + 2]);
+ let msg_len = u16::from_be_bytes(msg_len_bytes);
+ let mut res = Vec::new();
+ if msg_len != 0 {
+ if msg_len < 16 {
+ return Err(());
+ }
+ if wire_msg.len() < msg_offs + msg_len as usize {
+ return Err(());
+ }
+ res = vec![0; msg_len as usize - 16];
+ let ciphertext = &wire_msg[msg_offs + 2..msg_offs + 2 + msg_len as usize - 16];
+ let mac = &wire_msg[msg_offs + 2 + msg_len as usize - 16..msg_offs + 2 + msg_len as usize];
+ let mut msg_cryptoor =
+ ChaCha20Poly1305RFC::new(&separated_msg_keys[..32], &chacha_salt, aad);
+ if msg_cryptoor.variable_time_decrypt(ciphertext, &mut res, mac).is_err() {
+ return Err(());
+ }
+ }
+ Ok((res, oob_msg_key))
+/// Processes the initial message sent by the initiator and generates an encrypted response,
+/// containing the given `msg`. Also returns a negotiated shared key which can be used to encrypt
+/// further messages to the initiator.
+/// Requires a random 64 bytes, a [`TrustedSet`] of peers, the `peer_init` message sent to us by
+/// the initiator (via [`get_init_bytes`]), and a `salt` and `aad` which match those used by the
+/// initiator.
+/// The `salt` should uniquely describe this protocol the protocol being built using this mutual
+/// authentication handshake. The `aad` should describe the particular message type being sent
+/// (which the recipient expects).
+pub fn respond_with_message(
+ secure_random_nonce: [u8; 64], trusted_set: &TrustedSet, peer_init: &[u8], salt: &[u8; 8],
+ aad: &[u8], msg: &[u8],
+) -> Result<(Vec<u8>, [u8; 32]), ()> {
+ // Init message format is
+ // 2 byte handshake count
+ // PER_PEER_LEN * handshake count:
+ // 32-byte encrypted initiator nonce
+ // 16-byte poly1305 tag
+ // 2 byte repeated data len
+ // repeated data len bytes of data to be repeated
+ // any further bytes uninterpreted (for extensibility)
+ if peer_init.len() < 4 {
+ return Err(());
+ }
+ let mut handshake_count_bytes = [0; 2];
+ handshake_count_bytes.copy_from_slice(&peer_init[..2]);
+ let handshake_count = u16::from_be_bytes(handshake_count_bytes);
+ if peer_init.len() < 4 + handshake_count as usize * PER_PEER_LEN {
+ return Err(());
+ }
+ let mut repeated_data_len_bytes = [0; 2];
+ repeated_data_len_bytes.copy_from_slice(
+ &peer_init[2 + handshake_count as usize * PER_PEER_LEN
+ ..2 + handshake_count as usize * PER_PEER_LEN + 2],
+ );
+ let repeated_data_len = u16::from_be_bytes(repeated_data_len_bytes);
+ if peer_init.len() < 4 + handshake_count as usize * PER_PEER_LEN + repeated_data_len as usize {
+ return Err(());
+ }
+ let mut chacha_salt = [0; 12];
+ chacha_salt[4..].copy_from_slice(salt);
+ let mut local_nonce = [0; 32];
+ local_nonce.copy_from_slice(&secure_random_nonce[..32]);
+ let mut rng = ChaCha20::new(&secure_random_nonce[32..], b"MPA Key Salt");
+ let mut default_peer_bytes = [0; 8];
+ rng.process_in_place(&mut default_peer_bytes);
+ let mut peer_match_idx = (u64::from_le_bytes(default_peer_bytes) as usize)
+ % core::cmp::max(trusted_set.trusted_ecdhs.len(), 1);
+ let mut remote_nonce = [0; 32];
+ rng.process_in_place(&mut remote_nonce);
+ let mut peer_ecdh = &remote_nonce;
+ let enc_bytes = &peer_init[2..2 + handshake_count as usize * PER_PEER_LEN];
+ 'match_search: for (idx, peer_enc) in enc_bytes.chunks(PER_PEER_LEN).enumerate() {
+ for ecdh in trusted_set.trusted_ecdhs.iter() {
+ let mut cryptoor = ChaCha20Poly1305RFC::new(ecdh, &chacha_salt, aad);
+ let mut peer_nonce = [0; 32];
+ // Because the sender (should have) randomized the order of their trusted-peers list,
+ // the time taken to find a matching ECDH entry shouldn't give away who they were to a
+ // third-party observer. Thus, variable-time decryption (and an early return) should be
+ // fine.
+ let decrypt_res =
+ cryptoor.variable_time_decrypt(&peer_enc[..32], &mut peer_nonce, &peer_enc[32..]);
+ if decrypt_res.is_ok() {
+ peer_ecdh = ecdh;
+ remote_nonce = peer_nonce;
+ peer_match_idx = idx;
+ break 'match_search;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for b in chacha_salt.iter_mut().skip(4) {
+ *b ^= 0xff;
+ }
+ // Message format is:
+ // 2 byte selected challenge index
+ // 32 + 16 byte encrypted + MAC'd nonce
+ // 2 byte repeated data len
+ // repeated data len bytes of repeated data
+ // 2 byte message length (not counting mac)
+ // message length of encrypted message data
+ // 16 byte poly1305 message MAC
+ let mut res =
+ Vec::with_capacity(2 + 32 + 16 + 2 + repeated_data_len as usize + 2 + msg.len() + 16);
+ res.resize(2 + 32 + 16 + 2 + repeated_data_len as usize + 2 + msg.len() + 16, 0);
+ res[0..2].copy_from_slice(&(peer_match_idx as u16).to_be_bytes());
+ let mut res_write_pos = 2;
+ let mut noise = [0; 32];
+ rng.process_in_place(&mut noise);
+ let mut local_nonce_key = Sha256::engine();
+ local_nonce_key.input(peer_ecdh);
+ local_nonce_key.input(&remote_nonce);
+ {
+ let mut cryptoor =
+ ChaCha20Poly1305RFC::new(&Sha256::from_engine(local_nonce_key)[..], &chacha_salt, aad);
+ let (crypted, tag) = res.split_at_mut(res_write_pos + 32);
+ cryptoor.encrypt(&local_nonce, &mut crypted[res_write_pos..], &mut tag[..16]);
+ res_write_pos += 32 + 16;
+ }
+ res[res_write_pos..res_write_pos + 2].copy_from_slice(&repeated_data_len_bytes);
+ res_write_pos += 2;
+ res[res_write_pos..res_write_pos + repeated_data_len as usize].copy_from_slice(
+ &peer_init[2 + handshake_count as usize * PER_PEER_LEN + 2
+ ..2 + handshake_count as usize * PER_PEER_LEN + 2 + repeated_data_len as usize],
+ );
+ res_write_pos += repeated_data_len as usize;
+ for b in chacha_salt.iter_mut().skip(4) {
+ *b ^= 0x0f;
+ }
+ let mut msg_key = local_nonce;
+ for (out, remote) in msg_key.iter_mut().zip(remote_nonce.iter()) {
+ *out ^= *remote;
+ }
+ let separated_msg_keys = ChaCha20::get_single_block(&msg_key, b"INLINE KEY STRCH");
+ let mut oob_msg_key = [0; 32];
+ oob_msg_key.copy_from_slice(&separated_msg_keys[32..]);
+ let proto_msg_len = if msg.is_empty() { 0 } else { msg.len() as u16 + 16 };
+ res[res_write_pos..res_write_pos + 2].copy_from_slice(&proto_msg_len.to_be_bytes());
+ res_write_pos += 2;
+ let mut msg_cryptoor = ChaCha20Poly1305RFC::new(&separated_msg_keys[0..32], &chacha_salt, aad);
+ let (crypted, tag) = res.split_at_mut(res_write_pos + msg.len());
+ debug_assert_eq!(tag.len(), 16);
+ msg_cryptoor.encrypt(msg, &mut crypted[res_write_pos..], tag);
+ res_write_pos += msg.len() + 16;
+ debug_assert_eq!(res_write_pos, res.len());
+ Ok((res, oob_msg_key))
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ use secp256k1::{PublicKey, Secp256k1, SecretKey};
+ use std::hash::{BuildHasher, Hasher};
+ fn rand_bytes() -> [u8; 32] {
+ let random_number = std::collections::hash_map::RandomState::new().build_hasher().finish();
+ [random_number as u8; 32]
+ }
+ fn rand_64_bytes() -> [u8; 64] {
+ let mut res = [0; 64];
+ res[..32].copy_from_slice(&rand_bytes());
+ res[32..].copy_from_slice(&rand_bytes());
+ res
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn simple_test() {
+ let secp_ctx = Secp256k1::new();
+ let initiator_key = SecretKey::from_slice(&rand_bytes()).unwrap();
+ let initiator_pk = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &initiator_key);
+ let receiver_key = SecretKey::from_slice(&rand_bytes()).unwrap();
+ let receiver_pk = PublicKey::from_secret_key(&secp_ctx, &receiver_key);
+ let initiator_state = TrustedSet::new(&initiator_key, &[receiver_pk]).unwrap();
+ const SALT: &[u8; 8] = b"SALTSALT";
+ let init_msg = get_init_bytes(rand_64_bytes(), &initiator_state, *SALT, b"42");
+ let receiver_state = TrustedSet::new(&receiver_key, &[initiator_pk]).unwrap();
+ let msg = b"Hello Initiator!";
+ let (receiver_wire, receiver_shared_key) =
+ respond_with_message(rand_64_bytes(), &receiver_state, &init_msg, SALT, b"42", msg)
+ .unwrap();
+ let (initiator_msg, initiator_shared_key) =
+ decode_msg(&initiator_state, *b"SALTSALT", b"42", &receiver_wire).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(&initiator_msg[..], msg);
+ assert_eq!(receiver_shared_key, initiator_shared_key);
+ }