#[cfg(feature = "std")]
fn test_process_events_multithreaded() {
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
- // Test that `process_events` getting called on multiple threads doesn't generate too many
- // loop iterations.
+ // `process_events` shouldn't block on another thread processing events and instead should
+ // simply signal the currently processing thread to go around the loop again.
+ // Here we test that this happens by spawning a few threads and checking that we see one go
+ // around again at least once.
+ //
// Each time `process_events` goes around the loop we call
- // `get_and_clear_pending_msg_events`, which we count using the `TestMessageHandler`.
- // Because the loop should go around once more after a call which fails to take the
- // single-threaded lock, if we write zero to the counter before calling `process_events` we
- // should never observe there having been more than 2 loop iterations.
- // Further, because the last thread to exit will call `process_events` before returning, we
- // should always have at least one count at the end.
+ // `get_and_clear_pending_msg_events`, which we count using the `TestMessageHandler`. Thus,
+ // to test we simply write zero to the counter before calling `process_events` and make
+ // sure we observe a value greater than one at least once.
let cfg = Arc::new(create_peermgr_cfgs(1));
// Until we have std::thread::scoped we have to unsafe { turn off the borrow checker }.
let peer = Arc::new(create_network(1, unsafe { &*(&*cfg as *const _) as &'static _ }).pop().unwrap());
- let exit_flag = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false));
- macro_rules! spawn_thread { () => { {
- let thread_cfg = Arc::clone(&cfg);
+ let end_time = Instant::now() + Duration::from_millis(100);
+ let observed_loop = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false));
+ let thread_fn = || {
let thread_peer = Arc::clone(&peer);
- let thread_exit = Arc::clone(&exit_flag);
- std::thread::spawn(move || {
- while !thread_exit.load(Ordering::Acquire) {
- thread_cfg[0].chan_handler.message_fetch_counter.store(0, Ordering::Release);
+ let thread_observed_loop = Arc::clone(&observed_loop);
+ move || {
+ while Instant::now() < end_time || !thread_observed_loop.load(Ordering::Acquire) {
+ test_utils::TestChannelMessageHandler::MESSAGE_FETCH_COUNTER.with(|val| val.store(0, Ordering::Relaxed));
+ if test_utils::TestChannelMessageHandler::MESSAGE_FETCH_COUNTER.with(|val| val.load(Ordering::Relaxed)) > 1 {
+ thread_observed_loop.store(true, Ordering::Release);
+ return;
+ }
- })
- } } }
- let thread_a = spawn_thread!();
- let thread_b = spawn_thread!();
- let thread_c = spawn_thread!();
- let start_time = Instant::now();
- while start_time.elapsed() < Duration::from_millis(100) {
- let val = cfg[0].chan_handler.message_fetch_counter.load(Ordering::Acquire);
- assert!(val <= 2);
- std::thread::yield_now(); // Winblowz seemingly doesn't ever interrupt threads?!
- }
+ }
+ };
- exit_flag.store(true, Ordering::Release);
+ let thread_a = std::thread::spawn(thread_fn());
+ let thread_b = std::thread::spawn(thread_fn());
+ let thread_c = std::thread::spawn(thread_fn());
+ thread_fn()();
- assert!(cfg[0].chan_handler.message_fetch_counter.load(Ordering::Acquire) >= 1);
+ assert!(observed_loop.load(Ordering::Acquire));
pub pending_events: Mutex<Vec<events::MessageSendEvent>>,
expected_recv_msgs: Mutex<Option<Vec<wire::Message<()>>>>,
connected_peers: Mutex<HashSet<PublicKey>>,
- pub message_fetch_counter: AtomicUsize,
chain_hash: ChainHash,
+impl TestChannelMessageHandler {
+ thread_local! {
+ pub static MESSAGE_FETCH_COUNTER: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
+ }
impl TestChannelMessageHandler {
pub fn new(chain_hash: ChainHash) -> Self {
TestChannelMessageHandler {
pending_events: Mutex::new(Vec::new()),
expected_recv_msgs: Mutex::new(None),
connected_peers: Mutex::new(new_hash_set()),
- message_fetch_counter: AtomicUsize::new(0),
impl events::MessageSendEventsProvider for TestChannelMessageHandler {
fn get_and_clear_pending_msg_events(&self) -> Vec<events::MessageSendEvent> {
- self.message_fetch_counter.fetch_add(1, Ordering::AcqRel);
+ Self::MESSAGE_FETCH_COUNTER.with(|val| val.fetch_add(1, Ordering::AcqRel));
let mut pending_events = self.pending_events.lock().unwrap();
let mut ret = Vec::new();
mem::swap(&mut ret, &mut *pending_events);