[TS] Add a types tag in package.json to point to TS types
[ldk-java] / ts / package.json
1 {
2   "name": "lightningdevkit",
3   "version": "",
4   "description": "Lightning Development Kit",
5   "main": "index.mjs",
6   "types": "index.d.mts",
7   "type": "module",
8   "directories": {
9     "test": "test"
10   },
11   "files": [
12     "structs/*.mjs",
13     "structs/*.d.mts",
14     "enums/*.mjs",
15     "enums/*.d.mts",
16     "bindings.mjs",
17     "bindings.d.mts",
18     "version.mjs",
19     "liblightningjs.wasm",
20     "tsconfig.json",
21     "README.md",
22     "test/node.mjs",
23     "test/tests.mjs",
24     "test/tests.d.mts"
25   ],
26   "repository": {
27     "type": "git",
28     "url": "git+https://github.com/lightningdevkit/ldk-garbagecollected.git"
29   },
30   "keywords": [
31     "lightning",
32     "bitcoin"
33   ],
34   "author": "LDK Developers",
35   "license": "MIT OR Apache-2.0",
36   "bugs": {
37     "url": "https://github.com/lightningdevkit/ldk-garbagecollected/issues"
38   },
39   "homepage": "https://github.com/lightningdevkit/ldk-garbagecollected#readme",
40   "devDependencies": {
41     "@types/node": "^17.0.8"
42   }
43 }